328 Messages


6.3K Points

Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 2:43 AM


I been trying to add the genres to the video game "The Tuttles: Madcap Misadventures", but it's not letting me.

Hey! I have been trying the genres to the video game "The Tuttles: Madcap Misadventures" when there is proof of it, but it's not allowing me. Here is the current submission at https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/update?load=250322-020932-776000 and the old one at https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/update?load=250321-020525-008000. Finally here is the full gameplay of the game at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e94eBaMsYNM&pp=ygUhdGhlIHR1dHRsZXM6IG1hZGNhcCBtaXNhZHZlbnR1cmVz. I need to know why I can't add this game's genres to it's page and what is blocking it.

Accepted Solution



2.8K Messages


28.6K Points

2 days ago

Hello alex_hartsell, I have re submitted the updates and accepted, the changes will be live on the site shortly!

328 Messages


6.3K Points

Thank you so much, I just saw that and really appreciate it.