2 Messages


82 Points

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 12:01 PM


I am credited in a movie I appear in, but the link is to someone else with the same name

I appear in the movie The Miracle Morning (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9097616/) and although my name is credited, the credit links to a different 'Chandler Bolt'.

I would like to know how to divert this link to the correct Chandler Bolt (me). 

thank you!



7.5K Messages


277K Points

5 months ago

Chandler: Go to the page for that film and click "Edit page".

On the next screen, on the Cast line, select "Correct/Delete". Scroll down and click "Continue".

On the next screen, you will see the names of the cast members. On the line for Bolt, Chandler, select "Correct" to the left of the name. Click "Check these updates".

On the next screen, you will see that the name is editable. Add the roman numeral (II) after the name so it will now read as:

Bolt, Chandler (II)

Don't select any of the names that may pop up as options below the name, since they aren't you.

Check the box marked "Provide an explanation to assist in processing this submission". An explanation box will appear. In that box, enter something like this: "My name is Chandler Bolt and I am in this film, but I am a different Chandler Bolt from the person by that name already listed in IMDb. Since I am a different person and new to IMDb, I should be listed with a different roman numeral as Chandler Bolt (II)." If you have any links or other evidence to help prove that you are a different person, please include them in your explanation as well. Click "Check these updates".

On the next screen, you will get a warning that says, "This credit has warnings, you must acknowledge each one before this credit will be accepted. The name 'Bolt, Chandler (II)' is not currently in the database. We have these suggestions ...." followed by a list of names. Select the second-to-last option in the list which will say, "This is a different person not currently listed - create 'Bolt, Chandler (II)'." Click "Re-check these updates".

On the next screen, your data should appear with a green background and you should be able to click "Submit these updates".

Allow a few days for the correction to be processed. Good luck!


2 Messages


82 Points

That's super helpful, thank you.