124 Messages
2K Points
How to see your own statistics?
I've been on IMDb forever, and have contributed a lot of info...yet I have no clue how one goes about viewing their own statistics, e.g., how many submissions you've made (by category: trivia, goofs, etc.), percentage of up/down votes on your submissions, how many submissions were approved or rejected, etc. Where does this data live?!
7.2K Messages
177.8K Points
1 year ago
@SoCalGrace You can see badges you have earned for contributions via your activity page (link in the menu in the upper right of every IMDb page) -> https://www.imdb.com/profile
Your position in the annual rankings is available in the Contributor Zone at https://contribute.imdb.com/czone/hall_of_fame
Monthly contributor rankings are posted here, for example, for August https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/top-contributor-leaderboard-for-august-2023/64f739aff78b88060a46b120 or see other leaderboard posts via https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/topics/data-issues-policy-discussions/5f4951c662e5fc53cfeb9557?cType=ANNOUNCEMENT&page=1
As for detailed stats on approved / rejected submissions or up/down votes then these are not specifically available due to the complexities of the submissions systems and the shared collaborative nature of live IMDb data.
Hope this helps.