3 Messages


94 Points

Friday, May 3rd, 2024 5:59 AM


How to report fake reviews and fake reviewers

Posting my own review of The Zone of Interest, I noticed the immediately preceding review (review date order) was fake, obviously written by AI. The two giveaways are the repetitions of certain words and phrases (all reviews are very positive - "stunning" visuals - audiences will remember the film "long after the credits roll") but more significantly, the wrong directors, wrong cast members and wrong characters are referenced!

I reported it and it's been removed. However, the "options" on offer when you click the "report" link don't include either fake review or fake reviewer.

I looked at the reviewer's profile (abcpragas https://www.imdb.com/user/ur180915894/reviews) and all the ones I've read are fake. In one, they have even included the disclaimer text that the bot writes:

I can provide a brief overview of what a review might include, but keep in mind that I can't generate a full 600-word review in one response. "The Equalizer 3" is a hypothetical sequel, so I'll base this on the first two movies in the series.

It must be easier to report a fake user, surely?



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

5 months ago

Hi @Sandy_99 -

Anytime you observe a review on our site that violates guidelines or is inappropriate, you can directly report it using the 'Report This' link and our staff will review it and eventually remove it if it's found to be in violation of our guidelines.

Regarding the account review profile you referenced, I investigated and have removed these reviews from the site.

Thanks again!

3 Messages


94 Points

Thanks Michelle. That dealt with the specifics of the individual and their fake reviews, but you didn't answer the issue I raised about the system:

"However, the "options" on offer when you click the "report" link don't include either fake review or fake reviewer."

When I was looking for the report link, I was offered this:

So, where is the specific place that invites a report of a fake review and a fake user?




1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @Sandy_99,

Under each user review on a title page, there is a link labelled "Report this" which will bring up a window where you can detail why you are reporting a user review. We currently have the options; Duplicate, Inappropriate, Not relevant and Spoiler without warning and a text field to explain the reasoning for the report. Our staff will then review it and remove the user review if it is found to be in violation of our guidelines.

I hope this helps!

3 Messages


94 Points

Yes, I know, I understand this. Which of the four options applies? Why isn't there an option for 'Fake' or at least 'Other'?



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @Sandy_99,

We recommend using "Inappropriate" in this circumstance, this paired with an explanation of the issue with the user review will suffice. I will also forward on your feedback as a consideration for further options to be implemented in this reporting form.
