9 Messages


154 Points

Friday, April 30th, 2021 8:53 PM



How to change Title of the film on IMDB.

I want to change the title of my film that is on IMDb back to the original title. I am the producer and director of the film. The distributor which I chose changed the title of my film and the box art. My agent told me they were just going to change one word. Foolishly I said OK without asking what word. I assumed it was ‘he’ or ‘a’. The original title is “The Irish Vampire Goes West” which they changed to “An Irish Vampire in Hollywood”. It is a misleading title as a vampire never is in Hollywood and brings disappointment to those who thought when they bought the DVD that they were going to see a young vampire prancing around Hollywood. The box art was changed to using bad stock photos. I know have full control of the film and that distributor is out of the picture. I have the copyright and in the Director and Producer. I was also the first to put the film on IMDb. The distributor just went in and changed it.

I have tried to change it on IMDb, but they will not do it and I cannot find anyone to contact to see how I can change it. they leave the title “An Irish Vampire in Hollywood” also known as “The Irish Vampire Goes West” placed underneath. Someone said if I changed the film title that it could work so I tried my original title and added “Redux”. That didn’t work.

All of this has brought me great sadness and anger and interferes with all the good reviews the film reviewed and all the social media work that I have done.I would appreciate any advice that could possibly help.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

3 years ago

Which title is displayed on screen in the original release?

9 Messages


154 Points

Thanks for replying, Peter. In the original release the title displayed on the screen was “The Irish Vampire Goes West”. 



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

Then you can try a title correction where you provide evidence of that release including a screen grab/photo of the title screen.

You can also post the reference number of the contribution here for additional assistance from IMDb staff.

9 Messages


154 Points

Hi Peter,

I went to title correction and they won’t even let me open up the change button. I checked other buttons and they would open to replace. I think they’ve locked me out of that particular space because they just won’t do it. I have tried before with letter etc. It really is frustrating dealing with something that is so important for the film and the biz and you can’t communicate with anybody. No customer support. Or is there in drastic cases and I just don’t know or can’t find them?




17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi Pegarty -

I reviewed the title and can see that "The Irish Vampire Goes West" is currently listed as a 'working title'.

You mentioned that the original release displayed the title on-screen as "The Irish Vampire Goes West", do you have any online evidence or screen grabs to help verify this as being the original title?

9 Messages


154 Points

2 years ago

Hello Michelle,

Believe it or not this is the first I have seen of this response from IMDb. I am so grateful. Thank you so much for responding.

Yes, I do have a screenshot with my title The Irish Vampire Goes West”. The distributor who named it “An Irish Vampire in Hollywood” did not even change the title in the film. Of course I am glad they didn’t.  I also have an ending title saying that the film was screened 2010. I have photos galore that show that the vampire and the main characters are not what is pictured on the box and that they are not the real characters, entirely different people. I can send you photos of the lead Vampire, Vanquo and the sister Manananaan Who don’t look anything like the two pictured. How do I send them to you? I don’t see where I can attach a photo.

Finally, I am sending you a review that I just came across which you can see that Hollywood isn’t even mentioned. The film takes place almost entirely in Ireland. Not one shot in Hollywood. 

The magic of poetry
The magic of poetry is portrayed in this film. The magic of poetry and the magic of Ireland, which in certain instances can mean the same thing. "The Irish Vampire Goes West" has the feel of an Irish fable. An old-world feel. An old-world feel which is almost old-fashioned in the days of i-Pads and Twitter, but necessary, more necessary than ever. We need the woods and the green marshlands of this film, we need the tombs and the underground chambers, we need the magic of believing that anything is possible, that vampires can show up out of nowhere to transport us to faraway places and suck out the poetry and love from us, only to return us from our journey more invigorated and inspired as ever; we need the innocence and fantasy of feeling that on any dark night a group of merry troubadours may lead us to unforeseen places. The Long sisters –Philomene and Pegarty- give an enchanting performance as Mara and Manananaan, supported by a spectacular background -Ireland, no less- lovely music and quirky well-written prose. All in all I found this film captivating, a metaphor representing the fleeting inspiration of poetry.”
I look forward to hearing from you. I hope you get this message.
Pegarty Long
Raven Productions TM



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Pegarty​ Hi!

You can attach a document by clicking on the image icon below
, if it's now showing at first you may try clicking the "..." which will open the option to attach images. Let us know if you have any trouble attaching them so we can help you further.


9 Messages


154 Points

Thank you so much, Bethany. From what I understand from the literature what you need first is screen shot of the title appearing at the beginning of the film and here it is. For some reason it’s upside down but that’s not the way it is in the film. 

Pegarty Long

Raven Productions TM

9 Messages


154 Points

Here it is. Please let me know if you get it. Having tech troubles a bit on the side.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

At the moment I can't see any images attached so it looks like they didn't come through.

9 Messages


154 Points

Thanks for responding, Bethany. I’m still trying. The image was uploaded but then when I tried to send it it said it needed five words or some thing and I didn’t know where to put it so I’m trying again.

9 Messages


154 Points

9 Messages


154 Points


I think I got it. The thing is I needed to click right below on your reply if I didn’t I had to post and it wouldn’t let me post.

Thank you so much for your attention. I have oodles of evidence that I can send you including photos of the Cecil . DeMille Premier at Culver Studios. A copy of a review. Anything to get my film title back!

Pegarty Long

Raven Productions TM



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

Hi again Pegarty-

Based on the uploaded evidence the title of the film was changed.
