8 Messages
330 Points
How to add an EP for a TV show in development
Hi there,
I want to add an Executive Producer to a TV Show but it keeps coming up with this 'rejection' error:
There is no date to the TV show yet as it is in early development. Even when I put '(2022)' into the Attribute section, it then comes up to remove it as per below:
Can you please advise how to fix this so I can just add my EP on?
Thanks Tsu Shan
Accepted Solution
7.6K Messages
277.5K Points
3 years ago
Tsu: For clarity, does this show have no episodes listed in IMDb yet?
If it doesn't have any episodes listed yet, then you can go ahead and put (2022) in the Attribute box as you did in the second example above. You will notice that in that example, you get a yellow warning rather than a red warning. Consequently, you can check the two boxes marked "Warning understood, go ahead anyway" and proceed with this data submission.
However, if the show does have any episodes listed in the database already, please add Franco Sama's executive producer credit to each episode, rather than trying to add it to the series page with a (2022) attribute.
I hope this helps. Good luck!