talentest's profile

41 Messages


918 Points

Saturday, April 27th, 2024 10:00 AM


How do you correct movies mislabeled as TV series?

I've only encountered this a few times and the titles are SO low budget and little seen that I'm mostly just asking out of curiosity (as I couldn't find any way to make the edit myself).  I've done the labor of actually watching these films so I can say with certainty that none of these are TV shows.  For context the titles in question are Deadly Attraction (2014), Strange Events (2014), and Very Frightening Tales (actual year of release unclear).  *quick aside, except for Strange Events these films are pretty terrible.

- Deadly Attraction doesn't even pretend to list any episodes; it's only the 1h 48m movie. 

- Strange Events (an anthology film) lists 18 episodes, except it is only the 8 story segments listed under "season 1/ 2014" included in the film.  The other 10 episodes labeled "season 2/ 2017" are the story segments included in the film Strange Events 2.  And a third list of episodes hidden away under "3 years/ 2019" are the story segments included in Strange Events 3.  It is also generous to even call some of these story segments "episodes" as one episode from the supposed "1st season" is only 18 SECONDS long.  Far too short for TV, not even long enough to work as a webisode.

- Very Frightening Tales (another anthology film) that has it's story segments messily arranged as "episodes" like whoever added them just quit halfway through.  The film itself is only 57 minutes long -- consisting of 7 very short story segments plus a short intro -- though the IMDb page only mentions 5 of the 7 as "episodes".

Anyway, that's just what I've come across and thought I'd pose the question as I could not find any other post on the subject through the search bar.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

5 months ago

Hi @talentest -

- Deadly Attraction doesn't even pretend to list any episodes; it's only the 1h 48m movie. 

For the above you can submit a title correction, when you go to edit page, select title correction, add correction you will get instructions to change the title type.

- Strange Events (an anthology film) lists 18 episodes, except it is only the 8 story segments listed under "season 1/ 2014" included in the film.  The other 10 episodes labeled "season 2/ 2017" are the story segments included in the film Strange Events 2.  And a third list of episodes hidden away under "3 years/ 2019" are the story segments included in Strange Events 3.  It is also generous to even call some of these story segments "episodes" as one episode from the supposed "1st season" is only 18 SECONDS long.  Far too short for TV, not even long enough to work as a webisode.

For this one you can merge the episodes that don't belong there to the correct episodes so no information is lost. Here is our help guide for title merges.

- Very Frightening Tales (another anthology film) that has it's story segments messily arranged as "episodes" like whoever added them just quit halfway through.  The film itself is only 57 minutes long -- consisting of 7 very short story segments plus a short intro -- though the IMDb page only mentions 5 of the 7 as "episodes".

For this one I think it's better if staff fixes it so nothing is lost. Can you provide any evidence link that it is not a series?


41 Messages


918 Points

@Bethanny​ Sorry for the delayed follow up, but deadline work got in the way.  The only thing I could supply as proof to any of the above (Very Frightening Tales included) would be links to watch/stream them for free on TUBI, but then you'd have to suffer the pain of watching Very Frightening Tales yourself.

Here's a link to "Very Frightening Tales" on TUBI.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @talentest​ -

My apologies for the late reply. The title has now been modified to a film title type and the change should be live on the site shortly.  Cheers!

41 Messages


918 Points

@Michelle​ Hi, that's so awesome that y'all followed through on this.  Thank you.  However the page seems to be locked as it is impossible to interact with it (rate it, review it, ect.).



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @talentest,

In order to rate or review a title, it needs to have been released. If the title has had a release date in the past, and it needs adding, we encourage you to do so by following the instructions in our Help guide
