4 Messages


100 Points

Friday, May 24th, 2024 12:21 AM


How do I remove videos on my page I didn't post?

This is my IMDb video page: https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm0722290/videos

I have an IMDb Pro account and the following 6 videos were not added by me and I would like to remove them from my page:







Is there anything that can be done to remove these videos from my page? If so, please let me know.

Thanks in advance!



1.3K Messages


13.5K Points

1 month ago

Hi @RobertRhine,

Please can you confirm whether you are able to delete these videos via the "Edit videos" button in the Videos tab of your IMDbPro profile page? If so, please follow the guidance in our Help article. If not, please let us know and we can assist further.


4 Messages


100 Points

Hi Ozzy -

Thank you for responding. When I go to my videos tab on IMDB pro there is no edit button for the videos. If you can help delete those 6 videos I mentioned I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks Ozzy!

Robert Rhine

4 Messages


100 Points

HI Ozzy -

I responded to you a few days ago but I don't see my message to you here. Anyhow, I tried to do this myself but there is no edit button available on my IMDB pro page. If you could possibly help remove the 6 mentioned videos on my IMDB page I would greatly aprpeciate.

Thank you Ozzy!


Robert Rhine



1.3K Messages


13.5K Points

Hi @RobertRhine,

Apologies for the delayed response and thank you for your patience!

I have now removed your tags from the above referenced videos on your IMDb page. These updates should appear live across all IMDb platforms shortly.

I hope this helps!

4 Messages


100 Points

27 days ago

Awesome! Thank you so much Ozzy!  I truly appreciate it! Have a great day!