5 Messages


116 Points

Thursday, October 13th, 2022 12:09 AM



How do I make my rating appear in a review so that the review is searchable by the rating?

I rated a movie 10 out of 10 then reviewed it, but the 10 out of 10 rating did not appear in the review or attached to it, so when someone reads the review it says nothing about the rating up top, and the review itself is not searchable by a 10 out of 10 rating.

I went back and edited the title of the review to include a 10/10, but still I want my review to have the rating built-in like all the other reviews I read. I don't understand this at all… It seems like it would be so easy, in other words I thought the rating was automatically attached when you had already rated the movie!



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi sprinklerpete-


Can we have a link to the review to check on this?



5 Messages


116 Points


thank you so much! I don't know how well I explained it, so just to reiterate, the "10/10" you in the title of my review is just something I wrote into the title, not something that was put there automatically because I had already rated the film. If you look at 99.9% of the reviews on IMDb, in the title there is actually the reviewers rating somehow embedded into that title, and IMDB lets you search by rating according to that rating. I had already rated the movie but for some reason the rating did not show up in the title… As it is now, my review is not searchable by rating because "10/10" you see there in my title is not really a rating, just numbers I put in manually. I'm sure there's probably a simple fix that I am just not understanding

Thank you again so much! here is the link




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@sprinklerpete​ Hey!

First we would need you to check if your ratings are public, for instructions on how to do this please follow our help guide on the point "How can I share my ratings"

If that doesn't work I would encourage you to try editing your Review and try re-rating the stars, if the review is still not displaying the rating after that change please let us know and our staff will investigate further.

For details on how to edit your existing review, please see the following Help guide: https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/contribution-information/how-do-i-edit-or-remove-a-review...

Let me know if any of this works :)

5 Messages


116 Points

@Bethanny​ thank you so much for your help, time, and kindness !!!- i'll let you know!!

5 Messages


116 Points

@Bethanny​ thanks again, you hit the nail right on the head. my settings were set for always private (even on reviews). this possibility did not even occur to me because i just assumed ratings would be public on a review that i wrote automatically - when i changed my settings i probably wasn't even paying attention to what the choices were. thanks so much!!



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@sprinklerpete​ I am glad to hear this solved the issue, always a pleasure to help.
