ryan_bogdewic's profile

11 Messages


200 Points

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 12:33 AM

How do I delete my actor's page?

Someone hacked my account and listed a whole bunch of roles I did not earn, and even listed me as a female. It's hard enough making it in this industry as an actor and a filmmaker, let alone someone hacking your account and listing roles that could ruin your career that you've worked so hard to create.

I just want to delete my actor's profile and nip it in the bud now so whoever is this set on trying to ruin me, doesn't have anything to work with.

Can anyone help me, please? I've worked way too hard to get to where I'm at now, and I don't want someone screwing with me and trying to present me as a dishonest person.

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7.4K Messages


275.3K Points

9 years ago

Ryan: Rather than trying to delete all the information about you, it would be preferable to identify what information on the page is correct, and then get the incorrect information deleted. IMDb would be very reluctant to delete the correct information.

11 Messages


200 Points

But how long does that take? I know adding credits takes a few days to a few weeks to appear, and I am working on a major full length feature film project now. And if anyone wants to research me, on IMDb, they will see that my account is linked to falsified information and can ruin my chances of getting ahead.

I thought about getting a cyber crime division of a law enforcement agency involved on some level. Can IMDb investigate and cooperate with law enforcement in supplying a name of whoever did this?



4.6K Messages


236.3K Points

Submissions take 1-7 days to process.  "Deletion" of a page takes many times longer and takes a lot of proof from you that none of the info is correct.  You'd have to prove the roles never existed or the titles didn't or were not eligible for listing, by IMDb rules.  Users, regardless of whom the data refers to, cannot simply have data outright deleted. It would take a lot longer to process and the odds of having the request accepted are...well...you'll be more likely a lottery winner 10 times in a row.

People researching you are going to be more confused that there are 3 of you...

Ryan C. Bogdewic (II) (The Dark Knight Rises (2012))
Ryan C. Bogdewic (III)
Ryan C. Bogdewic (I)

They won't see your "account," they'll see three Name Pages in your name which would be used to display credits.

So...which information does not belong to you and to, possibly, another person with the same or a similar name?

And...nothing has been "hacked." I know it's fun to say you were hacked, or someone committed fraud, etc., as many people post here.  The boring reality is usually someone simply made a mistake.

I notice something, though...I don't see any "credited" entries...which means all those "uncredited" entries are not eligible for listing anyway...so I am not sure why the page is there in the first place...so that can be looked into, though staff would need to be involved.



7.4K Messages


275.3K Points

9 years ago

Ryan: My understanding is that IMDb will not reveal who submitted particular data just by someone requesting it. However, they will reveal the data submitter if they are legally required to do so by a subpoena or a court order or something like that.

You raised the issue of how long it will take to get the data fixed on your page. If you look at the Processing times page, http://www.imdb.com/czone/times, you will see that the oldest unprocessed data submissions are from 12 February 2016 (11 days ago). So I would expect that any corrections you submit would likely be processed within two weeks, if not sooner. I can't see any benefit to not getting started in trying to clean up the data on your page as soon as possible.

As a side note, it appears that every single role listed on your page is an uncredited role, which does raise the question of why any of them are listed at all. Normally a person has to have at least one credited job before they can get their uncredited work listed; see http://www.imdb.com/help/search?domain=helpdesk_faq&index=1&file=uncreditedcredits&ref_=..., paragraph 2. But, nevertheless, you should indeed seek to get the inaccurate data removed from your page.

11 Messages


200 Points

9 years ago

Great! Please have staff involved. Then they can see the the two credits I had credited roles on were changed to uncredited. One was Minongahela, and the other is Twin Flames. I am the writer, actor, and producer, and this all has been changed.



4.6K Messages


236.3K Points

Thanks Ryan.

Do you know if these were changed recently to "uncredited?" Like past couple days?  It could be that those credits will be suppressed, leaving a blank page for now. It seems there were four of those other credits on the page in 2013, though https://web.archive.org/web/20120426233110/http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4707324

Are the credits for those two titles the only that really belong?  And the others are the false/incorrect credits?

Another oddity...the credit for:

Who? What? Where? Wolf!!! (filming)
Big Bad Cop Type (uncredited)

Should not have the "uncredited" attribute at all.  If it's filming, there are not likely any on screen credits for it yet...so there should be no (as...) or (uncredited) entries.

I cracked one mystery, though (although that it was me that brought it up and I was really wrong that "all" are "uncredited")...

To have a page full of "uncredited" work be eligible for listing, at least one "credited" entry needs to be there...I found one.

Twin Flames (2017) is listed in IMDbPro and is "in development." So that means the rest won't be removed or suppressed as I suggested above.

So, we're kind of back to...the only thing to do is to correct the errors.

Which titles belong there and which don't?

11 Messages


200 Points

The ones that belong there are Monongehela (onlooker #3) credited, Jack Reacher (news crewman) unedited, The Dark Knight Rises (hostage/football fan) uncredited, and Elixir (Italian man) uncredited. Twin Flames should be (writer, story, "John Gehenna", and producer. The rest can go.



7.4K Messages


275.3K Points

9 years ago

Ryan: Regarding Twin Flames (2017), I hadn't noticed that film before because it is in development and full data appears only on the Pro site. But you are listed as credited for that film (as writer of the story only). Thus, you don't need to worry about fixing that one from uncredited to credited.

My prior comment about "every single role listed on your page is an uncredited role, which does raise the question of why any of them are listed at all" is not accurate and should be disregarded.

By the way, as to Monongahela, you should be certain that you will be credited in the film for your role as "Bystander" before trying to correct that to credited instead of uncredited. If you try to claim an on-screen credit for that and it turns out that you wind up uncredited, that could damage your credibility with IMDb.

I don't think you need to request staff intervention in this IMDb thread, before you submit the corrections to your credits the "regular" way. To make the necessary corrections, go to your page at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4707324/, and click "Edit page".

On the next screen, on the Actress Credits [sic] line, select "Correct/Delete". Also, scroll down, and on the Gender line, select "Add item". Click "Continue".

On the next screen, you will see all your alleged acting roles. For each role that you did not do, select "Delete" in the menu to the left of that credit.
Please note that you should not try to delete any roles that are actually yours, even if you consider them unprestigious extra work or otherwise want to take them off your filmography. You should only try to delete the ones that you did not actually do.
Also, for Monongahela, select "Correct" in the menu. 

Under Gender, select the radio button for Male. Click "Check these updates".

On the next screen, you will be required to provide an explanation for each credit you are deleting. You should state something like "I am Ryan C. Bogdewic (II), and I did not work on this film or play this role." Depending on the role, if it is something like "Pedestrian", you might also be able to say "The role is so vaguely identified that it is not possible to determine who played the role." But that would not be appropriate for a character like "Sgt. Meyers" or "Steven Jones - Prisoner 2011756". If you have any other evidence that you did not play the role (although I'm not sure what kind of evidence that might be), please include that as well.

Do not write anything along the lines of "I do not want to have this role listed on my IMDb page"; that would signify to IMDb that you did play the role. It's not a matter of what you want to list, it's a matter of what work you actually did.

For Monongahela, delete the (uncredited) attribute and leave that box blank. Check the box marked "provide an explanation to assist in processing this change".

Click "Re-check these updates".

On the next screen, you will be able to provide an explanation as to the Monongahela credit. Enter something like "This film is in post-production, and I am expected to be listed in the credits for this role."

Click "Re-check these updates".

On the next screen, your data should appear with a green background, and you should be able to cick "Submit these updates".

In addition, I see other somewhat insulting characterizations of you which are included in the various biographical sections. You should be able to submit the deletions for these, assuming that they are inaccurate.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

11 Messages


200 Points

Thank you. I did all the parts to this equation....lol, so hopefully it will all work out fine in the end. Thank you again. :)



129 Messages


3.8K Points

9 years ago

Hi there Ryan,

I've just been through and given your page a tidy - I've taken down the disputed credits and tweaked your Monongahela credit to the credited role of Onlooker #2.

I've also submitted some changes to your Twin Flames credits as it appears that these had been mistakenly added to another film with the same title, and the had consequently been disputed by another user. I've moved your credits over to a new page which can be found here - please give it a day or so for the data to go live on the newly created page.

Once the changes have gone live, would you mind just casting your eye over your page and confirming that everything is now as it should be?

Many thanks


11 Messages


200 Points

Hi Jay,

Thank you sir! Yes, everything is back to the way it should be. Thank you so much!

This TROLL, or whatever you might call them, has been anonymously TROLLING me for the last 5 years, remaining completely anonymous and creating a lot of problems for me. They have been using non traceable means like Facebook and such. But I know for a fact that when submitting changes on IMDb, you have to have a verified account and such. Is there ANY WAY you can tell me (privately) who these changes were created by? Can you give me a IP address, a name of the accounted party, an email address, anything that I can use to further pursue a possible lawsuit for defamation of character against? 

Thank you again so much!

Sincerest Gratitude,
Ryan Bogdewic



1.9K Messages


92.6K Points

But I know for a fact that when submitting changes on IMDb, you have to have a verified account and such. Is there ANY WAY you can tell me (privately) who these changes were created by? Can you give me a IP address, a name of the accounted party, an email address, anything that I can use to further pursue a possible lawsuit for defamation of character against?
The account needs to be verified, but not authenticated before one can submit data. This means that all IMDb has on file would be the email address. They do not have anything like a phone number or credit card that can more precisely identify a person.

IMDb is almost fanatical about the privacy of contributors, and will not provide any information about them unless the contributor gives explicit permission - and even then they would usually prefer the contributor to provide the information themselves. You almost certainly will not be given any information about that contributor. You would probably need to obtain a warrant,  and even if you did, I would not be surprised if IMDb fought it.

Sorry, but that is the way it is.