marcel_pilie's profile

5 Messages


216 Points

Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 12:26 PM


How come my reviews are not being posted?

My last review has not been posted. I've submitted it three times over the last two weeks. I get an email confirmation. But it's not going up on the TV show review board. Or on my review page of my member page. I'm getting no notice of rejection. No explanation.

What is the problem?

39 Messages


1.5K Points

3 years ago

Normally, IMDb will email confirmation that your review has been received and in that email will be a link where you can check on its progress.  But they can get really silly sometimes and reject reviews for the strangest of reasons.  For example, about 6 months ago I sent a review in that had brackets instead of parenthesis.  Apparently, their system couldn't accept it even though there are times when brackets are suitable in English writing.  Just two days ago I sent in a review that was "declined" and the reason given was "unspecified."  Since the film (The Black Klansman) dealt with racism I can only guess that my review crossed a red line somewhere but I can't figure out where as I used no words that were sexist or racist.  Either that or somebody--who hasn't seen the movie--became overly sensitive about the topic and decided to censure my review.  If that's the case, however, they don't belong anywhere near the film industry.  Be that as it may, if you can't figure out why they didn't post it you can try checking for punctuation, misspelled words or words that they might consider to be offensive but don't want to tell you what it is. 

5 Messages


216 Points


Thanks for your feedback James.



1.5K Messages


16.6K Points

3 years ago

Hi marcel_pilie-

I have reviewed the information and I can confirm that your review has been approved. The change will be live shortly on both the TV show review board and your review page. 

Let us know if you encounter any further problems/issues! 



5 Messages


216 Points


Okay, thank you Maya. I appreciate your attention.