Vande's profile

227 Messages


4.4K Points

Saturday, December 9th, 2023 3:37 PM



How are so many people getting round the minimum word count for reviews?

I assumed the minimum character count for reviews had been abandoned, as I see so many reviews on here which are just one sentence.
But I just tested by starting to write one, and it is still telling me I have to add 600 characters.
So why, when seeing what others have said about a TV series or film, do I have to plough through so many very short reviews?
It is really tedious.
An example from a show I'm watching:

"Dont waste your time. Terrible acting and just gets worse."

Yes okay, that's two short sentences, but we might as well all write reviews for every single thing we watch if that is acceptable.

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

9 months ago

@Vande 😀


Post some samples with Links & Dates

Saturday, January 27th, 2018
Make sure reviews are reviews again (minimum of 50 words instead of 50 characters)

- - -

Friday, January 20th, 2023
Reduce the minimum size for IMDb user reviews
Please remove the required characters of 600 from the review function.


227 Messages


4.4K Points

@ACT_1​ I haven't memorised any as it happens so often, but there are several on this title:



7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@Vande​ The short ones were all submitted while the limit was 50 characters during the dates referenced in the posts above by @ACT_1 

Hope this helps. 

227 Messages


4.4K Points

@Col_Needham​ ah okay, so these brief remarks are back to not being allowed again now then?  That's good, otherwise I was just going to start adding a short sentence to the around 50 shows I watch a week, if that's what's deemed acceptable.

Reviews should only ever be written by people who have something worthwhile to say about something, as they are there to help other decide.  "Dis is crapp, urge u notta wotch it" is not that.  For me the example I gave above is no more useful than that.  Not everybody can make a sandwich or boil an egg, but the entire world's population is capable of writing a "review".



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

Hello Vande, 

Correct, this kind of reviews are no longer allowed. The minimum length for reviews is 600 characters to ensure the most value to our users.

You can take a look at our User Reviews guidelines for more details.

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

@Vande​ "so these brief remarks are back to not being allowed again now then?"

Well, as has been stated by IMDb, the brief remarks that are already live, actually are still allowed (even though they go against the guide), so one could say that brief remarks are allowed as well as not allowed because they, apparently, both ensure a lot of value for the customers of IMDb.

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

@Vande​ 😀

I haven't memorised any as it happens so often, 
but there are several on this title:

- - -


Intruder (2021-2021) - 85 Reviews

Comical acting and an abysmal storyline.
6 April 2021
Terrible acting, unremarkable characters 
and a storyline that has as much grip 
as a well varnished laminate floor. 
Channel 5's The Intruder is truly unwatchable television.

- - -
Awfully Bad
6 April 2021
This had potential, It didn't deliver .
Save yourself sometime ,Give it a miss ,I wish I did !!!

- - -
Please don't bother... yaaaaawn
6 April 2021
I can't improve on the other reviws, just add my weight to them.
If you've seen "The Drowning", well, it's as bad as that.

- - -


7 April 2021
Very. Very disappointed !! 
For goodness sake i would rather watch a test screen from the 70 s.

- - -


Not as bad as a lot of the reviews suggest
22 December 2021
I rather enjoyed it ,
glad I didn't take the low reviews seriously , engaging .. 
a few twists an enjoyable British drama I've seen better
but its not the lemon others are suggesting.


10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

LOL @ "Dis is crapp, urge u notta wotch it"

2 Messages


80 Points

I just added a new movie and the very first review has just a Headline and now review. How are they doing this?

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

@janon_2021​ 😀

? ?

Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods (2024 TV Movie)
User Reviews

OMG War Is Dehumanising
March 2024
2 out of 2 found this helpful.
Click on the blue \/ arrow to see review:

Everyone I speak to avoids documentaries like this.
They want to watch feel-good moviess.
For me this documentary and the 20 days in Mariupol documentary
are statutory watching as a mark of respect 
to the brave men and women losing their lives on the front line.
For once the brutality of war is not airbrushed 
and dead soldiers smudged out. 
Of 99 soldiers in this brigade defending 
500metres of the 1500km western front 66 
suffered serious injury and 10 were killed in action.
We see people being killed, 
soldiers being shot at point blank range 
and frozen dead bodies lying everywhere. 
This is a nightmare for the soldiers 
knowing they could be killed at any second.
I would not be able to cope with the stress,
but these soldiers have no choice.
It is amazing to see how humans adapt 
and make the best out of any situation.
It is a war of attrition. 
Russia has the numbers and the firepower.
Ukraine has to fight with teamwork.
