dustin_452985's profile

11 Messages


202 Points

Saturday, January 6th, 2024 5:20 PM



Helpfulness on reviews

Does modifying an existing review change or undo its existing helpful status on IMDb? I have not completely rewritten the review but simply corrected something. 



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

9 months ago

Hi @dustin_452985 -

I don't believe so, however, I am checking with our tech team to confirm.  As soon as I have the confirmed answer I will post the details here.

32 Messages


506 Points

9 months ago

No. I don't work for IMDb but I've updated my reviews hundreds of times and I don't lose helpfulness votes. I re-review a movie every time I watch it, adding notes or updating it. Even if I don't change any of my thoughts, I update my view count within the review.

Hope that helps.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

8 months ago

Hi @dustin_452985 -

I'm circling back to confirm that no, the "helpful" ratings are not impacted.  Cheers!