1 Message


70 Points

Monday, January 4th, 2021 9:52 PM


Heartaches 1981 Movie - Actor Rocco Natarelli played a Priest

Good afternoon, 

I am writing in regards to my grandfather, Rocco Natarelli who played a priest in the 1981 film, Heartaches. He passed away just before Christmas but I was wondering if you would consider uploading a photo of him to your database.  I have a photo of him from the movie set in the priest outfit. Thank you for your assistance and I hope you can accommodate this request. 

Accepted Solution



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

4 years ago

You can upload the photo to the Title page (Heartaches) yourself with a free IMDb account. If you tag the photo with his name, it will come up in google searches for him.

To place a photo on a name page (Rocco Natarelli), you would need to subscribe to IMDb Pro and claim that page. When the subscription ends, photos on the name page will be removed by IMDb.