120 Messages


1.6K Points

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 1:58 AM



Hamilton was nominated for nine EMMYS. Do you still think it is a feature movie?

Hamilton was not nominated for the Oscars because it didn't fit the Academy criteria to establish what constitutes a feature movie.

And it was nominated for NINE EMMYS because it is considered a TV PRODUCTION.

But IMDb insists on keeping Hamilton on the FEATURE category, even making to the Top 250, alongside real movies (created, produced and written as movies), which is a complete absurd. 

Please, I'm tired of finding this recording of a live event on the search results for MOVIES. 

Hamilton IS NOT A FEATURE MOVIE. If you guys knew what a movie is you would understand. 


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Hamilton is not a movie and shouldn't be on top 250.

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