1 Message


70 Points

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 4:13 PM


Goof correct rejected as unable to verify, despite the inclusion of verifiction details


I submitted a goof correction #241204-094701-631000. The "factual error" goof stated "The widespread misuse of "T-minus" is heard in automated countdown announcements: "gateway opening in T-minus 5 minutes" and so on. This is meaningless, but "gateway opening in 5 minutes"

My correction was "However, The term 'T-minus' is generally used during countdowns to space launches, "not gateway opening in...". During a NASA countdown to a rocket launch, 'T-minus' translates to 'Time minus'; the 'T' stands for the exact time the rocket is scheduled to be launched. The meaning of this term can be verified by an internet search for "What Does "T-Minus" Mean".

I'd previously had a correction for the same goof rejected as unable to verify, despite my inclusion of a website like as supporting evidence for my submission.

Please help me understand how my correction of an inaccurate statement can't be verified when I've provided details on how to verify it.




1.9K Messages


20.7K Points

1 month ago

Hi MaxSlain-

Thank you for providing the submission reference number! After cheking your goof, it is fine however, will note, that this last part be omitted 'The meaning of this term can be verified by an internet search for "What Does "T-Minus" Mean".

You are welcome to resubmit it and you can post the submission reference here once you do. 

