3 Messages


90 Points

Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 10:08 PM


Getting information about a user

I believe that my father was a prolific contributor to imdb user reviews, but I'm not sure. He passed away a few days ago, and if he has submitted reviews, I would like to archive them to honor him. Is there any way I can find out?

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

3 years ago


Joined Tue, Jan 4, 2022 

Do you know his UserName ??

You can find his reviews listed there

Do you know any titles he reviewed ??


3 Messages


90 Points

@ACT_1 , no I don’t. My former stepmother told me he wrote film reviews online, and I remember he used to urge me to join IMDb, so this is just speculation. He stopped using his computer a few years ago (dementia), so I know it’s been a while. I’m just wondering if some of the user reviews I’ve read are him. Is there a place where I can see a list of usernames? I might be able to recognize the name he’d choose for himself.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

IMDb does not publish a list of User Names
More than 147,977,000 Users registered

You could try


change Col+Needham to his name

He may not have used his real name but some nickname here

Look up his favorite Movies & TV shows
peek at reviews there ??

Can you look at his computer ??
Maybe some IMDb history there??

Reviews saved as text files to copy to IMDb ??

- - -

Top Contributors

Does not list Reviewers
but he may be listed as a Contributor





17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi julieee64 -

I'm very sorry for your loss. 

We have strict privacy policy rules, however if you are able to identify any e-mail addresses your father may have used for his registered IMDb account, we may be able to provide you with the public link to the User Reviews associated with his account.

I encourage you to reach out to our support team privately through our Contact Form including the email address he was using, and we can then check and provide the public link to his user reviews.

I hope this helps!

3 Messages


90 Points

@Michelle​ thank you! I will do that.