1.4K Messages
23.6K Points
Genres Should Not Be Keywords
The guidelines are very clear in stating that genres should not be repeated as keywords. Yet, this problem continues to happen.
Recently, I have audited and corrected 96 "thrilller" (Yes, three l's) keywords and 80 "mistery" (yes, with an "i" instead of a "y) keywords as well as many, many other keywords that duplicate genres. I have yet to get to over 200 titles tat have "dramas" as a keyword. (A genre, as well as an unacceptable plural.) There were a few 2018-and-before titles with these mistakes, but almost all were 2019-2020-2021 titles, many of them Shorts. I can only surmise that, in recent years, contributors and keyword list managers do not know and/or do not enforce the guidelines.
To help control this problem, contributors must be informed of their mistakes and keyword list managers should review and enforce the guidelines.
There is also something else that seems to contribute to this problem. Genres are processed later that keywords. But, since genres and keywords are so closely related, it seems that they should be on the same processing schedule.
1.4K Messages
23.6K Points
4 years ago
Just also audited and corrected incorrect generic keywords "si-fi" (13 titles) and "si-fi-movie" (3 title). (Yes, "si" instead of "sci.") Thank God, there was NO "sigh-fie (-on-goodness-fie)" incorrect keyword! Or, maybe it's a Spaniard saying yes to a Frenchwoman "si-fifi!"
P.S. I couldn't resist!
17.6K Messages
314.4K Points
4 years ago
Hi bradley_kent -
It is correct that main genre's should not be listed as Keywords, however, we are flexible in allowing sub-plot genres to be displayed as Keywords, such as: "dark-comedy", "supernatural-horror", "psychological-thriller", etc.
In instances where you are seeing primary genres that are not eligible (sci-fi, drama, thriller, documentary) please continue to report these for removal and our editors will take the applicable actions to remove.
14.5K Messages
331.1K Points
4 years ago
In some cases, the genre guidelines direct contributors to submit genres as keywords:
Under Romance:
Under War:
This is not "repeating genres" as only the keywords and not the genres would be listed for such titles.
Yesterday Michelle approved a submission of the war keyword, so I assume she agrees.
If IMDb prefers that main genres should not be listed as keywords at all, they should update their own guidelines.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
3 years ago
@bradley_kent It is a "mistery" to me why you didn't ever (until recently) ask for any of these genre keywords to be perma-banned (blocked from the system). You have been working for years to manually edit these substitute genre keywords down to zero, only to see the keywords reemerge shortly thereafter. Why did you not simply ask for the keywords to be permanently blocked?
1.4K Messages
23.6K Points
3 years ago
I had asked. And I had (incorrectly) assumed that the staff would adhere to IMDb's own guidelines regarding genres being banned as keywords that just combined one genre with another. Many times, I hesitated to ask the staff because they seemed so unresponsive. You have much better luck at getting them to respond than I have had. Oh, well...