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70 Points

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 6:27 PM

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Genres on IMDB

I have an issue with the genres on IMDB. I would say that a genre classification cannot be done alphabetized because it would misclassify a lot of films. at this time i Notice when I am working in IMDB you can see e.g action - comedy - sport.  Although this might be correct I would implement a system where you have the main genre like action, sci-fi etc and the the sub genres. 

Examples of what I mean:

"Star wars" is classified as action - adventure - Sci-Fi and the way I look at it it would be SCi-FI subgenre action/adventure

"Moonraker" is classified as Action - Adventure - Sci-fi while the other james bond movies are classifiefd as action - adventure - thriller . In my view both classification are incorrect I would classify it as a spy movie first and in the subgenre I woul classify it as action adventure.

Why is romcom not a genre ? 

I know you IMDB people are hard at work in order to have a very good database but in my view you miss the ball by the way you use the genres as well as in the way some movies are classified.

I hope in the future you will find a way to setup the database in a way that you put the general genre like horror, sci-fi, comedy etc first and then classify further by subgenres. 

Another point I would like to make is that there is no explanation to be found about what makes a movie fit a particular genre. 

Best regards.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi @Badsloef1 -

Thanks for the feedback. You can find a definition for every genre on our help guides.

Regarding the way we display our genres, I will turn this post to an idea so people can vote on it.


189 Messages


6K Points

Hi, @Bethanny​ 

The description of the comedy genre states 'Virtually all scenes should contain characters participating in humorous or comedic experiences.'  This would seem to rule out virtually everything that is described as 'dark comedy', which surely comprises a large part of the overall comedy genre.  Is this what IMDb intends?

74 Messages


822 Points

I agree that sometimes the genre's no do display correctly and may need to be address somehow.  I like the idea of a main genre and then sub genres.

For example, IMDB now you have some James Bond movies listed as action, adventure, thriller and another one as thriller, adventure, action. So, what is the main genre for James Bond movies thriller? action? Adventure?   That one should always go first.  Whichever the correct one is decided then they all should be classified the same way.  Main genre and subgenres would fix that problem.

Then there are issues where a film is unique where it does not fit the way the genres are right now.  For example, one of my newest project, we classify it as a "dramatic satire" to describe it.  It is not a drama and there is no comedy to it.  Each scene you see on the screen deals with a stigma or stereotype without saying those stigmas and stereotypes.  So, IMDB really does not have a genre that it really fits.

Under the current genres listed for IMDB, how would you classify a "dramatic satire"?