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Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 5:18 PM


Genre Threads that need to be transferred from Contributors Help to here

In the thread at, titled "ANNOUNCEMENT: CH board moving to Get Satisfaction", IMDb staffer ThomasPorter wrote (emphasis added):
As mentioned in the announcement at the top of this board, we encourage you to use this window of time to preserve any threads you find valuable - please do copy and paste them to new questions/ideas on Get Satisfaction if appropriate. If you need any help with this please post the threads you want to keep in the comments below
However, the thread has received so many responses (mostly objections to the closing of the message boards), that it has now gone "read only" and there is no more opportunity to request help with copying old threads over to GS.

I requested help with having the following (entire) thread preserved on the Get Satisfaction board because I don't have a convenient way of doing that myself, and the issue described in it has not been resolved yet:

PENDING: Introducing New Genres

There may be other people who have requests about transferring threads to GS as well, but they don't have the opportunity to do so now that the original thread is closed.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

Hi gromit82,

Of course, it is on our list to preserve the Genres thread. I've tried to copy paste it below, let's see if this works. Can you let me know if any was missed?

150 Messages


2.1K Points

Will, I don't know if it's too late to have a few more threads archived; I've only recently noted that the vast majority of my past Contributors Help messages are gone (no doubt a lot of them have now been preserved here, but there's no way for me to know how many). I'm hoping that if you check in here before Sunday, you might be able to arrange to have a few more archived. In addition to the genre thread that you noted as being archived (, here are a few more: (genres) (thanks credits) (location tree) (name formatting) (quotes) (genres) (biography: other works) (separating primetime/daytime/syndicated version of series) (system for new name suggestions) (definition for Erotica genre) (definition for Experimental genre)

All of them deal with policy and planning issues, and all include input from Col Needham or Jon Reeves (Col bumped a couple of the threads within the last year, requesting staff attention to unresolved issues). I've printed out a lot of these, but obviously archiving them here would be infinitely more ideal.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

Gary: I think that I have reposted all the threads you requested here at GS. The genre-related ones are here in this thread (some of them were already here). The location tree thread is posted within The other ones are all separate threads.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

WIll: Thanks for copying this over here, but the middle of the discussion got cut off. Notice that your first response above ends with the word "Experimental/" -- that was cut off in the middle of a line from

Then there are about 50 responses below that which are missing (not counting deleted posts), among them in which the two batches of new genres which made the list of consideration were announced.

And the thread resumes in the middle of a post where staffer jaimie-k announced which genres had actually been approved ( with the word "Lifestyle", with the other four genres being cut off from the top of that post.

So I would appreciate it if you would re-copy the thread with the middle being included too.




3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

OK it looks like I'll have to do this page by page. I'll have another go tomorrow.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

PENDING: Introducing New Genresimage for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Thu Jun 24 2010 02:45:48 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008
Post Edited: Sun Apr 24 2016 06:34:19

Hi all,

Over the last few years, there have been repeated requests on various threads for the addition of new genres. What I'd like to do here is use this thread to come up with a definitive list of new genres you would like to see introduced. (Previous related threads can also be compiled here).

I'd be grateful if you could use the following format:

* New genre suggestion
* Why it should be introduced (Compelling arguments expected ;-)
* Potential number of titles ready to be attached to the new genre.
* Example definition of the new genre (Optional).

Once the list is compiled, I'll submit the most persuasive suggestions to our Data Policy Team for discussion.

Thanks :-)


"If you try to carry out that command, I *will* draw my weapon...".

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user J Spurlin by J. Spurlin
» Thu Jun 24 2010 03:50:22 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2000
Post Edited: Thu Jun 24 2010 03:53:03

Soap Opera

The database could define the Soap Opera this way:

Soap Operas are defined by IMDb primarily, but not exclusively, as daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are identical to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only.

It's important to emphasize that weekly, prime-time shows are the exceptions to the rule. That way IMDb can still include series such as Dallas and Dynasty, while excluding shows that no one considers to be soap operas but would still fit a weak definition. Any looser definition of the genre would have people submitting the label to St. Elsewhere, Hill Street Blues, The Sopranos, etc.

1756 titles have the keyword soap-opera (though not all of them should).


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jun 24 2010 04:41:07 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Tue Jul 6 2010 01:42:06


The Erotica/Softcore genre needs to be introduced primarily because there is a huge number of titles on the IMDb that are currently unclassifiable going by existing genres. These are the types of films I am referring to:

* early 60's nudie cuties
* sexploitation films
* nude model features from the likes of Playboy, Fiona Cooper, Electric Blue, etc
* most films by auteurs like Russ Meyer, Jesus Franco, Jean Rollin, Andy Sidaris, etc

Furthermore, there are a number of films that can only be classified under Softcore/Erotica. The softcore nude model videos being a prime example (unsurprisingly most of these have no genre tag at all at the minute). Currently the IMDb classifies some of the Playboy model profile titles under Documentary, the new genre will allow this ridiculous situation to end. While there are some films such as The Immoral Mr Teas that are currently tagged with Comedy, it does have to be said that in films such as this the comedy element is easily secondary to the erotic content. The film is primarily designed to titillate. Although I think it is important that the genre should be able to co-exist with other genres when appropriate, e.g. Vampyros Lesbos is Erotica/Horror, for example.

We can rule out the use of the Adult tag as this is quite rightly reserved for hardcore pornography. The introduction of this new genre would also help prevent non-hardcore erotic films being incorrectly tagged with the Adult genre.

Definition : A non-hardcore film whose primary purpose is to titillate. This cannot co-exist with the Adult genre except in cases where there is a hardcore alternate version. Subjective.

Link to previous thread on this subject -

I have already compiled a 500+ list of films suitable for the new tag. It was a tough job but someone had to do it.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jun 24 2010 14:32:22 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Thanks a lot buddy. Appreciated.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user jriddle73 by jriddle73
» Fri Jul 2 2010 08:35:44 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2004

I'll second that excellent suggestion, but I can see a potential problem. A small one, admittedly, and maybe not even one worthy of much consideration, but I'll throw it out there anyway: Some of the movies in question do have some hardcore material, which the "softcore" part of it would seem to exclude. Jess Franco's FEMALE VAMPIRE, for example, would certainly fall under the category, and it was originally a softcore film, but even its softcore version featured at least a scene or two of hardcore fellatio. There are a lot of movies like this, and tons of movies (from the '70s in particular) that were simultaneously shot with both hardcore and softcore variants, which could prove a headache when it comes to classification.

"The Dig"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Fri Jul 2 2010 08:57:37 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

You know what mate? That very example had occured to me after I posted the above suggestion. You are quite right to point it out. I too have seen Female Vampire but only in it's softcore version. I think the solution would be that in the cases of alternate versions such as this it would be allowable to add both Erotica and Adult. Common-sense should prevail. Thanks for taking the time to point this out.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user jriddle73 by jriddle73
» Fri Jul 2 2010 09:12:01 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2004

I too have seen Female Vampire but only in it's softcore version.

The hardcore material in question isn't part of any alternate version. The R1 DVD release of the softcore version is incomplete--Image took out those few hardcore parts I mentioned. They're in the actual film, though. My concern with solving this by also adding "Adult" is the same problem as arose with the MPAA and the X rating--"Adult" misrepresents the overall film, the fleshly explorations of which are overwhelmingly softcore. To make it worse, there's also--as with so many other films--an actual alternate hardcore version of the film. And FEMALE VAMPIRE is far from the only example of both such situations (Laura Gemser's EMANUELLE movies, to name another, all--or nearly all--featured two simultaneously-filmed versions of certain sex scenes, one hard and one soft).

I don't know. I think this problem is quite a bit bigger than hair-splitting, but quite a bit smaller than epic scale. There probably isn't any simple solution. There definitely needs to be a genre of the sort you suggest, though.

"The Dig"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Fri Jul 2 2010 10:00:09 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Fri Jul 2 2010 10:04:44

I think that the answer to this question is simply to make a judgement call on such films, i.e. it's either Adult or it's Erotica (I do think it's essential that these genres are mutually-exclusive). I did mention that Erotica is a subjective genre and this situation is an example why, i.e. does one fellatio scene in a film made up otherwise of softcore fumblings make it an Adult movie? I think you do have to judge these situations on their individual merits. It is a problem that in the main will be limited to 70's era productions where 'proper films' had hardcore scenes - since the video age, examples of this are few and far between.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Wed Jul 28 2010 05:30:27 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Good question. I haven't seen it myself so don't have an opinion on that particular movie. It depends on how explict and prolonged they are I would guess. It's one of those subjective ones I should imagine. I'm assuming you've seen it, what do you think yourself?

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Wed Jul 28 2010 09:02:45 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Wed Jul 28 2010 14:18:09

Taking the issue objectively then any film with any hardcore scene would result in the film being tagged with Adult. However, I realise that like most things in life, things are rarely that straightforward, and this approach would perhaps result in some movies with very brief scenes of real sex being tagged alongside porn films (and hidden from most users searches on IMDb), and I realise that that might not be strictly for the best. My gut feeling is that there is no easy answer and contributers and genre managers should deal with these instances on their individual merits. But it would be interesting to hear other views on the subject.

Incidentally, as you know there has been a great deal of heated debate about existing genres and how they must be applied to the letter of the IMDb definitions law. I've found it by-in-large quite tedious. However, seeing as the Erotica genre looks like it is going to go live, I personally am looking forward to the more anal contributers sitting with a notepad conducting a nipple-count on films whose erotic credentials are under contention! I would actively enjoy those debates on the CH Board I can tell you, i.e. 'I only counted 17 nipples, 3 butts and a hint of bush, therefore, Erotica is entirely inappropriate for this title!' Much more entertaining than the Horror debate...

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jun 24 2010 06:33:10 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Thu Jun 24 2010 09:37:05


Like other necessary genres, this one would be extremely welcome as it would cater for a number of films that currently are defined in an unsatisfactory way. With this genre I am thinking primarily of art films such as:

Un chien Andalou (Luis Buñuel)
Fando y Lis / La cravate (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
Eraserhead / Inland Empire (David Lynch)
Water Wrackets / Dear Phone / A Walk Through H (Peter Greenaway)
Scorpio Rising (Kenneth Anger)
Empire (Andy Warhol)

Quite often the Fantasy or Drama genres are tagged in the cases of experimental works such as these, which really isn’t accurate or informative. A good example of the current problem is that Empire (1964) is currently labelled a Documentary, which given the current genre options on the IMDb is about as close as it gets, however, I'm sure you'll agree that a 485min long single shot of the Empire State building is not a Documentary, it's an experimental film. A new genre for Experimental/Avant-Garde would allow the removal of spurious genres from such films where they have been applied as a ‘best fit’.

Definition : A film that explores the possibilities of the medium as an art form. One that experiments with non-traditional form and content; often, but not always, discarding conventional narrative. Subjective.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: Experimental / Avant-gardeimage for user sienel by sienel
» Thu Jun 24 2010 15:03:08 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2001
Post Edited: Thu Jun 24 2010 16:06:30

The starting population for an Experimental / Avant-garde genre would be the keyword experimental-film (1,748 titles): Some clean-up would be necessary as the keyword has been a bit too broadly applied.

The IMDb also has the keyword avant-garde (1,326 titles) - - but scanning through some of the titles that looks to be much more haphazardly applied (Evil Dead II, really?).

edited: I should add that surprisingly the two keywords overlap on only 269 titles:

Re: Experimental / Avant-gardeimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jun 24 2010 15:12:35 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Yeah. That would be a very good starting point. There will be a good number of questionable entries such as the one you mention but I shouldn't think there would be any trouble at all amassing 500+ proper experimental films. Thanks for the heads up.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Mon Jul 5 2010 05:30:08 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Mon Jul 5 2010 05:46:38

I have to respectfully disagree. The problem is that there is simply no existing genre label for many of the films I am referring to. I think that it is highly desireable for all films to have a genre on the IMDb, if there are swathes of unclassifiable films then to me that is a perfect reason to create a genre to define them. For example, from the list I made Water Wrackets, Dear Phone & A Walk Through H currently have no genre at all (except for Short, however, this genre does not describe content and in my opinion it is quite meaningless in terms of genre -classification on it's own). The truth is that those three films simply cannot be described using existing genres. I mentioned the case of Empire, it's silly that this is classified as a Documentary but it's as close as you get! Then there is the case of a film like, say, Un chien Andalou which currently has Drama and Fantasy associated with it; clearly Drama is incorrect and Fantasy is, at best, a 'closest-fit'. But how much better it would be if it read: Un chien Andalou - Short / Experimental

The reason that I suggest this genre as essential is that for me it is not a sub-genre - i.e. a new genre that merely gives a more accurate definition for films currently tagged with an existing genre - no, it's a proper top-level genre that would allow many existing titles to be (1) given a genre as they currently do not have one and (2) will allow some other films to have spurious genres removed and Experimental applied instead; which would be far preferrable and would help tidy up the database.

You said also that in the films I mentioned that in most of those cases the experiment - or as I put it earlier, exploring the possibilities of the cinematic medium as an art-form - was not planned in advance. I really cannot go along with this assertion I have to say. In all the listed films I think there is a definitely self-conscious attempt at experimentation.

In terms of name perhaps Avant-Garde is better?

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Mon Jul 5 2010 06:23:16 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

I think that maybe the point is getting lost in the name. Experimental / Avant-Garde / Abstract – I am not opposed to the use of either. What it boils down to is having some genre available for films so left-field in terms of experimentation/abstraction that they cannot be defined. The Peter Greenaway films I mentioned are most definitely in that bracket. I, respectfully disagree with you with regards to Empire as although I can see how it could be seen as a Documentary I personally thing a 450 minute single shot of the Empire State building is taking that definition too far – for me a Documentary should be factual and informative. With regard to Un chien Andalou, yes I can see that Fantasy is reasonable as a fit. However in both of the cases specified, would you not agree that, even if the existing genres were retained, this would be better:

Empire – Documentary / Abstract
Un chien Andalou – Fantasy / Abstract

…it describes the content so much better, and also allows the indefinable ones a home too (of which there are a significant number), such as:

Dear Phone, Water Wrackets, A Walk Through H – Abstract

Surely this isn’t so bad, and will only add to the database?

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Mon Jul 5 2010 06:48:39 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Mon Jul 5 2010 07:48:33

There's nothing abstract or experimental per se about the Empire State Building. It's just the idea of a 450min film that is effectively a single shot of it. I would classify the idea of the film as being in essence an abstract/experimental concept. Not truly a Documentary if we are honest. If it had been a factual film about the history of the building, for example, then of course that would 100% qualify. A single 450min unbroken shot with zero commentary, on the other hand, is more of a chin-stroking artistic exercise!

But anyway I digress. I agree with you that the label would need to be applied with care - but all genres should be and this would be no different in that regard. Anyway, thanks for the constructive criticism. I think it has added value to my initial suggestion. Cheers...

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Thu Jun 24 2010 12:29:20 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

Would shows like "Top Gear" (2002), "Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway" (2002), "Noel's House Party" (1991), "Beadle's About" (1987) etc want some sort of entertainment genre (light or otherwise) or does the current set of genres cover them adequately?


"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user darkshyne by darkshyne
» Sun Sep 19 2010 12:15:52 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since May 2005

This has definitely my vote! The only question would wide the scope would be (samurai movies are sometimes counted as martial arts movies).



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Mon Jun 28 2010 06:22:21 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000


*It should be introduced because most of the award shows currently in the database (about 1,400) are tagged with the genre Documentary, which doesn't do justice to their content. Also, a lot of them don't have a genre attached to them because none of the current genres really fit.
Besides that, this genre has been suggested in the past on this very board at least twice by different people: p=1#126579841 and =1#160949806.

*As I said, the potential number is about 1,400, which is about three times more titles than the genre Film-noir has.

*primary focus is on announcing and/or handing out awards for work that occurred before the show and that happened independent of the existence of that show. Note: Almost always excludes the genre Documentary. (I stole the middle of the definition from IMDb staffer Jon Reeves: p=1#128379218)


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Sham33 by Sham33
» Tue Jun 29 2010 10:20:45 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2005

I have two


Saint Seiya
Dragon Ball
There's a lot.... (it should be an Anime Board too)


(Movies that are only about disgust and disturb the viewer. Not to be confuse with horror movies)

I think there's a lot of movies that are considered Horror and they're not....

Faces of Deasth
Trcaes of Death
Man Behind the Sun

There's a lot too.

My Spanish Fan-Made Movies:

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Sham33 by Sham33
» Thu Jul 1 2010 09:11:38 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2005

I agree, but Splatter Film and Torture is not the same.
For example, Braindead is a splatter horror comedy, but Canibal holocaust is gore, voilent, torture but not splatter.

My Spanish Fan-Made Movies:

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Sham33 by Sham33
» Thu Jul 1 2010 11:06:55 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2005

Another genre: Disaster

For movies like 2012, The Day after tomorrow, Armageddon and many other wich are Disaster/Catastrophic movies. They can't be classified as Sci Fi, adventure or Drama.

My Spanish Fan-Made Movies:

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Thu Jul 1 2010 13:31:13 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000


*It's not really covered by any of the current genres because none of the current genres can indicate that a title is just a mishmash of already existing titles. A user who already has (most of) these previous titles probably doesn't want/need a compilation. Therefore I think having Compilation as a genre would be very helpful for a lot of users.

*There are currently 1,187 titles that have the compilation keyword (

*most, but not necessarily all, scenes of stem from a previously released title. Objective.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user MayorDefacto by MayorDefacto
» Thu Jul 1 2010 17:31:08 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2004

There was a short discussion of Compilation as a genre, initiated by Les, a few years back, I supported its elevation from Keyword to Genre then, arguing that it was every bit as valid a genre as Short. The new Advanced Title Search groups Short with title types, not genres, perhaps in anticipation of a realignment. If that's the future direction, then I think Compilation needs to be considered as a title type.

The advantage of making it a new title type rather than a new genre would be the automatic exclusion of many clip-shows that would remain classed as TV-series. Unlike genres, title types are one to a customer.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user horn-5 by horn-5
» Thu Jul 1 2010 20:32:20 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 1999


And I still think All Media is an inane piece of non-meaning crud. How hard would it really be to just replace it with the more-factual...non-theatrial? Or does someone really think theatrical is not a media?


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Fri Jul 2 2010 07:51:52 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

There was a short discussion of Compilation as a genre, initiated by Les, a few years back,
Thanks for the link. Hmm, oddly enough, I don't remember that thread.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user horn-5 by horn-5
» Fri Jul 2 2010 10:34:32 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 1999

I remember it but, after looking at the list of films that have 'compilation' as a keyword, I now know it is a very bad idea to make a genre out of a word that several hundred keyword submitters seem to think is the same as...archive/stock footage...edited from...edited to...and several other words totally unrelated to compilation.

I withdraw Compilation as a genre suggestion. "The Adventures of Popeye (1935)" , with compilation as a Keyword, alone is reason enough.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Tue Jul 6 2010 08:27:27 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000


I have to admit that I was one of those people who thought that compilation is the same as archive footage and edited from material. I considered it to be the same as a clip show. I now know better. Luckily, I have only added it as a keyword about twenty times (all for the same Dutch talk show) and I know where to find and delete them. Thanks.

Obviously, I have to agree with you on withdrawing it as a genre suggestion.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user jriddle73 by jriddle73
» Fri Jul 2 2010 08:44:41 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2004

For my part, I'd like to see the existing genre guidelines--some of which are very, VERY bad--fixed before adding another layer to them.

"The Dig"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user MayorDefacto by MayorDefacto
» Mon Jul 5 2010 01:23:49 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2004

Hey Rich,

Religion and Educational, we definitely need. Bishop Fulton Sheen's "Life Is Worth Living" and Jim and Tammy Faye's P.T.L. Club are currently listed as Family/Talk-show.

Intrigue, I'm less gung-ho on. You'd like to exclude "industrial espionage" and "corporate saboutage". What about "investigative journalism"? All the President's Men? Unless the definition is carefully worded, specifically listing those things that aren't Intrigue, I think you end up 99% of titles that have Thriller as a genre, inheriting Intrigue as well.

Military has similar problems with War, but I think it's easier to define. I don't think you draw the line at whether the characters are in a warzone or not. Instead the main criteria should be whether the majority of the story is about military life, as opposed to battle. "McHale's Navy" and "M*A*S*H" were both set squarely in the middle of major conflicts, but the focus of each was on the day to day life of the characters in the military, not the conflict that surrounded them.

One point on your argument for Religion. While I don't dispute your conclusion re an under-representation of Muslim religious-themed films, I do take exception at one piece of evidence used to support it. Specifically,
"God" has 773 titles and 93 combined sub-keywords; "Jesus" captures 109 and "Jesus Christ" 542. "Allah" is keyworded only 25 times
I think a lot of these keywords (except for some small 'G' gods) stem from an appearance by God, Jesus, etc. in the particular title. Compare the number of titles with the character God (nearly 300) or Jesus (more than 300) to the number of films featuring Allah as a character (exactly zero). Considering the flak a Danish newspaper got for depicting his prophet, imagine the outcry if an actor were to portray the head honcho. Morgan Freeman probably jumped at the chance to play God in Bruce Almighty. I don't think he'd be as enthusiastic about the role of Allah in Achmed Almighty.

'Thrillers'image for user jriddle73 by jriddle73
» Mon Jul 5 2010 04:35:51 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2004

Unless the definition is carefully worded, specifically listing those things that aren't Intrigue, I think you end up 99% of titles that have Thriller as a genre, inheriting Intrigue as well.

As a sidenote, I'd argue that "Thriller" needs to be eliminated as a genre anyway, and reduced to, at best, a keyword. It isn't a genre. It's just a word people have used to describe various films in a wide range of genres over the years. It has no unique genre characteristics--every action picture tries to be a thriller, as does every horror movie, most mysteries, most films noir, etc.--and, in practice, it's simply used as an improper substitute for proper genre categories.

"The Dig"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Tue Jul 6 2010 01:36:12 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008
Post Edited: Tue Jul 6 2010 11:39:36

Thanks to everyone for the detailed and interesting arguments :-)

So far, we have the following suggestions:

Soap Opera
Martial Arts

Could everyone please rank them in order of preference, with no 1 being what you believe to be most beneficial to the site at this time.


(Please feel free to keep adding suggestions in the meantime.

My list:

1. Soap Opera
2. Erotica
3. Awards-Show
4. Experimental/Avant-Garde
5. Religion
6. Martial Arts
7. Educational
8. Lifestyle
9. Disaster
10. Essay
11. Anime



"If you try to carry out that command, I *will* draw my weapon...".

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Tue Jul 6 2010 11:42:51 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008

Hey Rich,

Sorry about the omission of 'Intrigue' - an oversight on my part. I've added it to the list.

Re the vote: Nominations are not closed - further suggestions can still be made; existing vote lists can be adjusted if new suggestions appeal.


"If you try to carry out that command, I *will* draw my weapon...".

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Sham33 by Sham33
» Tue Jul 6 2010 11:54:53 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2005

Jamie, you omited "gore" too. Or it wasn't acepted?

My Spanish Fan-Made Movies:

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Sham33 by Sham33
» Tue Jul 6 2010 07:39:04 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2005

3-Martial Arts

My Spanish Fan-Made Movies:

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Sweet_Melissa by Sweet_Melissa
» Tue Jul 6 2010 08:09:57 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since November 2003

1. Soap Opera
2. Erotica
3. Educational/Instructional
4. Experimental/Avant-Garde
5. Awards Show

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user sienel by sienel
» Tue Jul 6 2010 16:55:25 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2001

Jaimie - you might want to edit the opening post to include the list of suggested genres. Makes the full list easier to keep track of.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Tue Jul 6 2010 21:43:02 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

Ranked from most beneficial to least beneficial:

1. Experimental/Avant-Garde
2. Erotica
3. Educational
4. Religion
5. Lifestyle
6. Award-Show
7. Soap Opera
8. Essay
9. Martial Arts
10. Intrigue
11. Disaster
12. Anime

Comments: Essay does not appear to be sufficiently well-known yet to warrant an IMDb genre at this time. Martial arts could possibly be a valid genre, but it's a low priority for me because martial arts films fall into existing genres already. Intrigue films also fall into existing genres. Disaster films do not appear to be common enough to warrant a separate genre from the Action or Adventure genres. All anime titles by definition can be classified within the Animation genre, and in fact the genre could arguably be defined as (Genre = Animation) & (Country = Japan).

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Thu Jul 8 2010 08:57:28 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

I think the following proposals should become genres on IMDb: soap opera/erotica/experimental or avant-garde (I prefer the latter)/awards-show/disaster/religion/educational/life-style.

I'm not sure about the following because I feel they're already covered by the current genres: martial-arts/anime/gore/intrigue/essay

Also, might the Genre "Instructional" perhaps be needed for describing the Jane Fonda or Billy Blanks exercise tapes and the like? Currently, a lot of those don't have any genre at all.


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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Fri Jul 16 2010 09:27:47 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

I wasn't sure your definition of Educational included things like workout videos because they don't really try to teach/inform the audience (which to me seemed the key issue of your Educational definition, with sentences like "being made primarily as teaching aids" and "the common goal is to provide more or less straightforwardly the facts of the topic at hand").

With the Educational genre also being available for this kind of titles, there's not really a need for Instructional.


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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Fri Jul 9 2010 03:26:24 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008

Hi all,

Just some clarification:

1. Once we have an idea of what our Contributors believe would be the most beneficial new genre additions, the issue will be discussed by our Data Policy Team.

2. The most popular potential genre additions will be put forward for discussion first.

3. I don't have a specific time-frame for new genre implementation, but I can assure you things will be done as quickly as possible.


* Gather Contributor views/preferences.

* Compile list of Contributors' most popular genre additions

* Discussion by Data Policy Team.

* Decisions made on which genres will be implemented.

* Formulation of definitions for new genres.

* Feedback from Contributors re proposed genre definitions.

* Submission guide updated.

* Implementation! :-)

If there are any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.



"If you try to carry out that command, I *will* draw my weapon...".

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 9 2010 04:45:58 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

Well since it didn't get a reponse I'll ask Rich Wannen's question again.

Does IMDb have an (as-yet unspoken) numerical limit on the number of new genres to add? If so, what is it, please.


"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 23 2010 09:23:58 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

They are examining ten, but I don't know if there's any guarantee we'll get all ten.

"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 23 2010 10:35:46 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

Well presumably if they are splitting Disaster and Martial Arts off from Action, Soap Operas off from Drama, Anime off from Animation etc then they'll have to redefine those genres at the very least, but yeah some revisiting of the defintions of the current genres would be useful.

Regarding the Action thread, yeah if Disaster, Martial Arts, Adventure, Crime, Sci-Fi, War and Western all have genres of their own what's left in Action that isn't already covered by one of those. Whatever it is, the defintion could possibly be streamlined just to those titles.

"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Pending New Genresimage for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 23 2010 11:18:10 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004
Post Edited: Fri Jul 23 2010 11:19:43

Well, there we go then, since Intrigue didn't make the final 10 we can give it Action's slot since it is becoming more and more redundant.

This of course is assuming Disaster and Martial Arts get approved, as being a part of Batch 2 they may be less likely to get through.

"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 23 2010 09:20:09 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

We did have an issue a few years ago that limited the number of crew departments that you could search because they were assigned letters of the alphabet or something, and not all the departments that were added that year could be searched. Hopefully though things have changed since then and we theoretically could have 3.6 million genres.

"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Mon Jul 5 2010 06:26:28 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004
Post Edited: Thu Jul 8 2010 13:28:19


*None of the current genres cover the following types of shows - Cookery/Food & Drink, DIY/Property Development, Property buying, Fashion, Health, Beauty, Gardening, Antiques etc. I keep submitting shows without genres for these types of shows, so some sort of catch all term like Lifestyle would be useful to cover them.
The BBC uses the term lifestyle for such shows -
As does ITV and Channel 4.
Not sure whether this would warrant a genre of its own or be covered by this one, but consumer shows (eg. about cars, gadgets, consumer awareness etc) could be folded into this genre aswell.

*Well since everybody else is using keyword counts I may aswell too, not sure how accurate using them is though.
Cookery - 748, Fashion - 617, Health - 256, Gardening - 152, Home Improvement/DIY - 124, Lifestyle - 202
On a personal note I created 4 titles this weekend that could have used this genre.

*I think I'll leave a definition to someone else, cos if I were just to list the types of shows from above I'd probably miss out some other type of show that could also come under the Lifestyle heading.


"Dream not of today"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genresimage for user bradleykent1 by bradleykent1
» Tue Jul 6 2010 03:45:38 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2007

My ranking:

1. Awards-Show
2. Erotica
3. Soap Opera
4. Experimental/Avant-Garde
5. Disaster
6. Anime
7. Martial Arts

The others, I feel, are way too general and could, therefore, lead to a lot of confusion.

All, of course, need very clear definitions, as do the existing genres. And those definitions should not merely reflect the subjective and exclusive and presumptive and sometimes arrogant and occasionally even ignorant "feelings" of one or several IMDb staffers, but should be objective and accurate and informed acknowledgment -- and knowledge -- of film theory and film history.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

Re: UPDATED: Cast your vote!image for user sienel by sienel
» Tue Jul 6 2010 05:44:53 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2001

01) Soap Opera
02) Experimental/Avant-Garde
03) Educational
04) Lifestyle
05) Award-Show
06) Erotica
07) Religion
08) Martial Arts
09) Essay
10) Disaster
11) Intrigue
12) Anime

Re: UPDATED: Cast your vote!image for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Tue Jul 6 2010 07:47:40 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004
Post Edited: Thu Jul 15 2010 09:04:14

1) Soap Opera
2) Lifestyle
3) Erotica
4) Award-Show
5) Educational
6) Martial Arts
7) Disaster
8) Experimental/Avant-Garde
9) Intrigue
10) Religion
11) Essay
12) Anime


"Dream not of today"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Zombie_CPA by Zombie_CPA
» Tue Jul 6 2010 11:58:25 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since January 2000

Exploitation film is a type of film that is promoted by "exploiting" often lurid subject matter.


Marihuana, Mom and Dad, Reefer Madness, Sex Madness and She Shoulda Said No!, Motorpsycho (1965), Hells Angels on Wheels (1967), The Born Losers (1967), Satan's Sadists (1969), Nam's Angels (1970), C.C. and Company (1970), Black Caesar, Black Devil Doll, Blacula, Black Shampoo, Boss *beep* Coffy, Coonskin, Cotton Comes to Harlem, Dolemite, Foxy Brown, Hell Up in Harlem, Live and Let Die, The Mack, Shaft, Sugar Hill, Super Fly, The Thing With Two Heads, Truck Turner, Cannibal Ferox, Eaten Alive!, The Mountain of the Cannibal God, Last Cannibal World, and the first cannibal film, The Man From Deep River, The Blues Brothers, Cannonball, The Hitcher, Death Race 2000, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, Gone in 60 Seconds, Mad Max, Race with the Devil, Two-Lane Blacktop, Hanzo the Razor, Lady Snowblood, Lone Wolf and Cub, Sex and Fury, Shogun Assassin, Alligator, Cujo, Day of the Animals, Great White, Grizzly, Humanoids from the Deep, Monster Shark, Orca, The Pack, Piranha, Prophecy, Razorback, Tentacles, Tintorera, Antichrist, August Underground's Mordum, Baise-moi, Blood Sucking Freaks, Combat Shock, I Drink Your Blood, Fight for Your Life, Hostel, House of 1000 Corpses, I Spit on Your Grave, Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS and its sequels, Irréversible, Last House on Dead End Street, The Last House on the Left, Men Behind the Sun, Nekromantik, Pink Flamingos, Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (Salo or The 120 Days of Sodom), SICK: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist, Snuff, Ta Paidia tou Diavolou (Island of Death), Thriller - en grym film (Thriller: A Cruel Picture), Vase de Noces, Death Rides a Horse, Django, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, The Grand Duel, The Great Silence, For a Few Dollars More, The Big Gundown, A Fistful of Dollars, Women in Cages and The Big Doll House, Bamboo House of Dolls, Barbed Wire Dolls by Jesus Franco, Women's Prison Massacre by Bruno Mattei, Reform School Girls by Tom DeSimone, and Caged Heat by Jonathan Demme.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user dbop by dbop
» Sun Jul 11 2010 09:47:05 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since November 1999


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user jreeves by jreeves
» Mon Jul 12 2010 16:10:20 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since October 2000

Webisodes will need to (eventually) be dealt with as a new title type, which is something even more fundamental than genres. That addition is still awaiting the separation of that information from the format of the title.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user horn-5 by horn-5
» Mon Jul 12 2010 17:54:47 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 1999

Perhaps you could reserve this format...'title' for Webisodes, and, consequently, quit allowing it to be applied to actual films (theatrical as first release) when one (and there are many hundreds that do that the fabricators haven't eyeballed yet) that have quote marks around the actual title so those who read the preceding verbage (contributors AND title managers) on the title frame will know where the actual title begins and ends... (as in "Buried Loot".)


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user scgary66 by scgary66
» Tue Jul 13 2010 13:58:08 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2002

Per my 2003 thread on the topic (, which also links to the even earlier discussion that year at, which helped lead to several of the genres added shortly afterward (Music, Sport, Game-Show, Talk-Show, News, Biography, Reality-TV), I'll restate my suggestions for three more genres:

1) Event (easily thousands of titles) - On-the-spot coverage of individual scheduled events (with an audience) which would be conducted regardless of media coverage; generally not presented with post-event commentary/editorializing or editing for dramatic or non-objective effect, but rather in real time (or fairly close to such), designed to place the viewer 'in the audience'. Some allowances can be made in the staging of the production for the presence of cameras, etc., but the event can not be staged solely for the film or program. This would include sporting events, awards shows, as well as beauty pageants, parades, religious services, etc. In some cases, I think concert films might qualify; certainly a title with the Genres: 'Music Event' would be easily identifiable as a concert film. (This would also apply to stand-up comedy concerts, I suppose, which would be listed with Genres: 'Comedy Event'). Certainly titles like Woodstock and The Last Waltz could be listed with Genres: 'Music Event Documentary', as they also include interviews or related material. But I'd limit the Event genre to single events, rather than (for example) documentaries covering various stops on a concert tour.

2) Variety (could reasonably be expected to generate several hundred titles fairly quickly, with a steady increase thereafter) - probably definable as a mix of comedy performance (sketch or stand-up), music performance and - well, variety acts - often (though not always) performed before a live audience. A more specific definition might be: Any performance that can not be classified as Comedy, Drama, Music or Sport. This would presumably include such areas as circus, animal or magic acts, stunt shows, fashion shows, science demonstrations, poetry reading, and some non-competitive programming which doesn't really fall under Sport (e.g. figure skating shows); perhaps non-Music dance programming as well. Titles featuring performances of ONLY comedy and/or music should fall under those genres instead.

3) Advice (with totals and expected growth similar to Variety) - A genre which could take in a wide array of titles, from "The French Chef", "This Old House" and "Siskel and Ebert" to the "Jane Fonda Workout" (and other fitness titles), medical advice programming, gardening/crafts series, demonstration/instructional videos, self-help, how-to, etc. Many of Robert Benchley's comedy shorts might be classified as Comedy Advice; and a lot of the old "mental hygiene" films could easily be described as Advice Drama. Military training films would probably be appropriate here. I believe some religious programming might fit in this category as well.

As for the previous discussion in this thread, I'll note that much of what is included in Lifestyle would naturally fit within Advice, and obviously Awards-Show falls under Event

Others among the proposed genres (Soap-Opera, Erotica, Martial-Arts, Disaster, Anime, Religion) might be handled as sub-genres displayed on the main page (which I suggested, also in 2003, might be dealt with through the keyword area: These generally apply to titles which already have at least one thoroughly appropriate genre (Drama, Action, Adult, Animation), but which might benefit from additional specificity for site users.

As for the discussion on Experimental/Avant-Garde, I'll agree that it's an appropriate genre if anyone can come up with an ideal title and useful definition. That area has been discussed before, with a similar difficulty in getting a handle on it.

Gary Krause

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Wed Jul 14 2010 07:09:15 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

These generally apply to titles which already have at least one thoroughly appropriate genre (Drama, Action, Adult, Animation), but which might benefit from additional specificity for site users.
Do you really consider the Adult genre thoroughly appropriate for, let's say, a seventies sex-comedy?


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Wed Jul 14 2010 07:31:25 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Yeah, what Marco says is true. The Adult genre is for hardcore material only. Erotica, therefore, cannot be a sub-genre of it. Moreso, it's basically mutually exclusive of it in my opinion.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Wed Jul 14 2010 09:10:13 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

Moreso, it's basically mutually exclusive of it in my opinion.
I think you're right. I can't imagine a title having both Adult and Erotica as a genre. That said, I consider Drama and Soap Opera mutually exclusive as well.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Wed Jul 14 2010 09:23:01 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

I consider Drama and Soap Opera mutually exclusive as well

Yeah, definitely. Even though the Drama IMDb definition suggests adding it as a keyword, I actually think there could be some justification in suggesting Melodrama as a seperate genre. As there are a number of films, especially older ones, that can only be defined under Drama but really are more specifically melodramas. Just a thought.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Steve Crook by Steve Crook
» Wed Jul 14 2010 10:24:01 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since January 2000

Don't judge all soaps by the worst, and so often the most popular ones.

Some do manage to attain high levels of real drama (not just melodrama). Usually just for a single storyline across a short run of episodes. But the drama is as good as anything you'll see on TV or on film


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Thu Jul 15 2010 04:46:25 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

I actually think there could be some justification in suggesting Melodrama as a seperate genre.
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I think there are probably lots of films that are one man's drama and another man's melodrama, which would make the line between them rather blurry.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jul 15 2010 04:54:58 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Yeah, it was merely a fleeting thought. You're most probably right.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user scgary66 by scgary66
» Wed Jul 14 2010 13:16:27 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2002
Post Edited: Wed Jul 14 2010 13:19:29

I consider Drama and Soap Opera mutually exclusive as well.
Well, that's odd; I can't think of a soap opera that wouldn't qualify as a drama, and I suspect adding the Drama genre is one of the first things a user would do upon finding a soap that didn't already have it. The Daytime Emmys even classify soaps as drama series. (And melodramas are dramas by definition; see the American Heritage definition:

Gary Krause

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Thu Jul 15 2010 05:04:42 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000
Post Edited: Thu Jul 15 2010 05:24:38

I suspect adding the Drama genre is one of the first things a user would do upon finding a soap that didn't already have it.
I agree. However, I think that if Soap Opera would be a genre on IMDb, nobody would do it anymore.

Edited to add: Note that in the sentence I quoted, you refer - just as everyone else does - to it as a soap, not a drama.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user scgary66 by scgary66
» Thu Jul 15 2010 13:06:08 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2002

Note that in the sentence I quoted, you refer - just as everyone else does - to it as a soap, not a drama.
Well, of course I referred to it as a soap, because I was discussing that particular sub-genre - but that hardly means it's NOT a drama, any more than referring to Enter the Dragon as a martial arts film suggests that it's not an action title.

Gary Krause

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Fri Jul 16 2010 09:40:39 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

that hardly means it's NOT a drama, any more than referring to Enter the Dragon as a martial arts film suggests that it's not an action title.
I didn't say it wasn't a drama. I just said that the word drama doesn't adequately cover a soap opera, which I consider to be a television genre in and of itself and should therefore be tagged with that genre. You apparently don't seem to consider it a genre in and of itself, which means we'll have to agree to disagree I guess.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user scgary66 by scgary66
» Wed Jul 14 2010 13:11:43 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2002
Post Edited: Wed Jul 14 2010 13:24:18

Do you really consider the Adult genre thoroughly appropriate for, let's say, a seventies sex-comedy?
Not if there's no actual sex acts depicted; but then, if we're simply talking about a standard sex comedy, I wouldn't classify that as "erotica" either. (And I'll point out that I wasn't saying that ALL erotica titles would fall under Adult, simply that for all such titles there was already at least one genre that applied quite well.) Additionally, I can imagine that some non-hardcore titles could qualify as both Adult and Erotica (a lot of adult videos are not specifically hardcore, which is one reason I find it regrettable that IMDb guidelines advise that all Adult titles should have that keyword). IMO, Red Shoe Diaries comes a lot closer to what might be called erotica, but does a particularly sensuous romantic drama really need a new genre to classify it?

Gary Krause

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Wed Jul 14 2010 15:08:35 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

The key point here is whether or not you agree with the IMDb definition of Adult as being strictly for hardcore material only. If you feel that it should include soft-core material too, then I can see how you might not think that there is any need for a Erotica/Softcore genre. I, however, do think the IMDb is correct to specify that the Adult genre should be the reserve of hardcore titles only; and from this standpoint it becomes clear that there is a definite need to have a genre for Softcore movies, as there is a black-hole in terms of classification that has left a whole host of titles unclassifiable, and others weakly classified.

I wasn't saying that ALL erotica titles would fall under Adult, simply that for all such titles there was already at least one genre that applied quite well.

I honestly don't believe the above statement to be true. Softcore nude model titles have no existing genre - they're not hardcore, so they are not Adult. Russ Meyer's Immoral Mr. Teas is not primarily a comedy, it's first and foremost objective is to titillate. Mondo Topless is not a documentary, I Like To Play Games isn't a romantic-drama, She Killed In Ecstasy is at best an extremely half-hearted thriller. In all of those cases, and many more besides, the primary purpose is to titillate and the film-makers have blatantly focused all their creativity in this area. These films have the genres that they currently have because they are a best-fit going by existing genres - they don't describe the content in the least bit well on their own - for example, I'm sure no-one went to see The Immoral Mr. Teas for the jokes! But these films should not be lumped in with pornos either. Hardcore is a different ball game - no pun intended - and really should remain seperate from other titles. I think Softcore is definitely a justifiable seperate genre for these reasons.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Fri Jul 16 2010 09:42:01 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

If you feel that it should include soft-core material too, then I can see how you might not think that there is any need for a Erotica/Softcore genre. I, however, do think the IMDb is correct to specify that the Adult genre should be the reserve of hardcore titles only; and from this standpoint it becomes clear that there is a definite need to have a genre for Softcore movies, as there is a black-hole in terms of classification that has left a whole host of titles unclassifiable, and others weakly classified.
Fully agree.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Scarletfire-1 by Scarletfire-1
» Fri Jul 16 2010 09:49:50 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since January 2004

I agree that "Soap Opera" would be a good one to add.

Perhaps even "Serial" - or maybe it should just stay as a keyword?

I noticed that sometimes the keyword "serial" had at times been added to some soap operas and other tv series with a continuing storyline, which is an application of "serial" in a loosely defined way. Adding "Soap Opera" and/or "Serial" as a genre would help to keep at least some of them seperated.

A motion picture serial is a very particular type of film which is broken up into 12 or perhaps 15 chapters that were shown one per week at theaters. I am refering to things like The Perils of Pauline, Adventures of Captain Marvel, Flash Gordon, etc. There are a few non-theatrical serials as I know there were some British made for TV serials made in the 1960's. There also was the short lived 1970's American TV show called Cliffhanger!. There are some feature films (both theatrical and made for tv) that were created by editing down a multi-chapter serial into a feature film. There are a number of other films and tv productions that are similar enough that they could be called the "serial" genre.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Thu Jul 22 2010 18:31:47 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008
Post Edited: Thu Jul 22 2010 18:36:24

Hi All,

Thanks for all your feedback on this issue :-)

Based on the views of Contributors on this thread (and other threads in the past), the 10 potential new Genres that made the final list for consideration are:


1. Soap Opera
2. Erotica/Softcore
3. Awards-Show
4. Experimental/Avant-Garde
5. Lifestyle


6. Anime
7. Disaster
8. Martial Arts
9. Educational
10. Religion

Our Data Policy Group (DPG) will discuss/debate their introduction, taking full account of everything that has been said on this thread (and countless other Genre threads over the last few years).


The DPG has been discussing Batch 1 all week - a decision on implementation is expected tomorrow Evening (GMT), or Monday at the latest.

Batch 2 will be up for discussion in the coming weeks.

I'll keep you posted :-)



"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon."

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user bradleykent1 by bradleykent1
» Thu Jul 22 2010 21:56:24 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2007

The "possible new genre" that really boggles my mind is: Lifestyle.

Isn't any film, with or about people, past, present or future, expressive of a "lifestyle" -- probably of even several "lifestyles"?

And isn't one's "lifestyle" always changing? Perhaps it seems constant if one is caught in a "timewarp rut" -- but even then, one's feelings and thoughts about a "lifestyle" are changing -- unless one is dead.

It will be very interesting to see the definition of a "Lifestyle" genre. I say -- forget it!

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user DavidAH_Ca by DavidAH_Ca
» Thu Jul 22 2010 22:57:08 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since May 2000

The "possible new genre" that really boggles my mind is: Lifestyle.
Odd then that you replied to the post ( by Moz79 that proposed it, but never mentioned it.

The thing is that you are considering genres only for films, and this genre would be for TV Series.

As Moz79 stated: None of the current genres cover the following types of shows - Cookery/Food & Drink, DIY/Property Development, Property buying, Fashion, Health, Beauty, Gardening, Antiques etc. I keep submitting shows without genres for these types of shows, so some sort of catch all term like Lifestyle would be useful to cover them.
The BBC uses the term lifestyle for such shows



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7 years ago

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 23 2010 05:59:21 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

Thanks David. Lifestyle absolutely needs to be there. While I’m in favour of all of Batch 1 getting approved and most of Batch 2 anyway, there are quite a few potential genres which can be covered already by other ones (Soap Opera/Drama, Disaster/Action etc). But the kinds of shows that would be covered by the Lifestyle genre don’t already have a genre which they could loosely go under instead.

"Dream not of today"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user bradleykent1 by bradleykent1
» Fri Jul 23 2010 08:05:11 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2007

Yes, I do tend to think more in terms of film than television. It is, after all, the Internet MOVIE Database, although I readily acknowledge and appreciate the inclusiveness of other, related media.

Wouldn't the type of television shows listed for Lifestyle be covered by Educational/Instructional as a genre? Lifestyle is to Educational/Instructional what Anime is to Animation, Martial Arts is to Sports what Soap Opera is to Drama -- sub-genres that should be keywords rather than separate genres?

I did not include Lifestyle in my preference list because it does not seem like a viable, uniquely "separate" genre to me. And I was NOT responding specifically to the immediately preceding post, just listing my preferences. After reading comments on this board, however, I would also now delete Anime and Soap Opera from my list.

Although I am an Anglophile who lived in Englan (and loved it), and although IMDb continually acknowledges and usually acquiesces to American terms and idiom, and although IMDb is owned by Amazon, an American company, there is a tendency for IMDb to express a British bias -- even though IMDb will deny it and insist that it is "international." It makes little difference and is even somewhat insignificant that the BBC uses the "Lifestyle" term.

Yes, I'm a Yank. but I prefer European and Asian films. The overriding concern, however, is for IMDb to forget that it is geographically mainly based in Bristol, and to continue being as objective as possible.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Fri Jul 23 2010 08:42:57 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008

I agree that 'Lifestyle' is perhaps not the best label. The Genre itself would definitely be useful, but the label itself is not yet set in stone. If anyone has any alternatives to 'Lifestyle' , please feel free to suggest them.



"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Fri Jul 23 2010 08:54:17 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008
Post Edited: Fri Jul 23 2010 08:55:08

Just to clarify: We're definitely not having second thoughts. Perhaps we can, however, change the name of the Genre to better reflect the titles to be compiled under it.

Some suggestions already include 'Advice' + 'Instructional'.

Anyone have any other suggestions?



"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Maxelle by Maxelle
» Sun Jul 25 2010 20:04:58 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since June 2008

Gore really doesn't need to be a genre and is different than exploitation and splatter.

When I think of gore I think of Hostel and Saw.

Splatter is the Friday the 13th, The Burning, A nightmare on Elm Street, etc

Exploitation is Last House on the Left, I Spit on Your Grave, etc.

Gore wouldn't really have any characteristics other than being gory. I think its best to not have it as a genre. A key word (If it isn't already) is a better choice.

You are being WATCHED right now...

Member of the Addison Army.

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 23 2010 09:16:22 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004
Post Edited: Fri Jul 23 2010 11:03:58

Some suggestions already include 'Advice' + 'Instructional'.

I still think lifestyle is the most appropriate definition that I've heard for such shows so far. Advice or Instructional would perhaps be a sub division as not all shows have that purpose. A lot of the ones I come across are mainly for entertainment and any advice or instruction given would be either secondary or just coincidental.

"Dream not of today"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user MayorDefacto by MayorDefacto
» Fri Jul 23 2010 13:58:10 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2004

Hey Jaimie,

I think the starting place for determining the proper genre name is the data. What titles would be included/excluded from this grouping? What about the following titles?
"The French Chef" (1962)Genres:  {none}Relevant Keywords: Cookery"Sewing with Nancy" (1983)Genres: {none}Relevant Keywords: {none}"Rachael Ray" (2006)Genres: Talk-ShowRelevant Keywords: Advice | Cooking "The Woodwright's Shop" (1979)Genres: {none}Relevant Keywords: {none}"This Old House" (1979)Genres: Documentary | Reality-TVRelevant Keywords: Home Repair  | How To"The Joy of Painting" (1983)Genres: Documentary | FamilyRelevant Keywords: Painting  | Educational Program | Art":20 Minute Workout" (1983)Genres: Reality-TVRelevant Keywords: Exercise"Losing It with Jillian" (2010)Genres: Reality-TVRelevant Keywords: {none}"Antiques Roadshow" (1997)Genres: {none}Relevant Keywords: Advice, Appraisal
And because the proposed genre name is in the title:
"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" (1984)Genres: DocumentaryRelevant Keywords: Wealth  | Fame

In high school we called the first three Home Ec. The next two would be Shop, followed by Art and P.E.

Maybe Back-to-High-School should be the genre name. The common denominator in all of these (except for "Champagne wishes and caviar dreams") is instructional information as entertainment. I hate to even bring up the term as I feel like I lose a couple of IQ points just by speaking it, but what about Infotainment?

Whatever the eventual title, the description regarding its use needs to establish the boundaries between this genre and Educational and reaffirm that it's not a backdoor for inclusion of paid infomercials.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user bradleykent1 by bradleykent1
» Fri Jul 23 2010 15:18:36 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2007

How about:


Or, in the high school mode:


Or, in the Latin mode (so probably unacceptable):


Or, in the King Yul Brynner of Siam mode:


Lifestyle (a word that became popular slang in the 1970s) is just too wide-ranging, gangly and cumbersome to have any specific, clear-cut meaning. As a genre, it would probably result in countless discussions and arguments and confusions unless very, very specifically defined and administered. (That'll be the day!)

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Fri Jul 23 2010 16:34:12 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004
Post Edited: Mon Jul 26 2010 09:36:32

Well, I'd say that in most of the shows that I'd classify as a lifestyle title there isn't much in the way of teaching or education.

A quick list of a few of the types of shows that I would expect to come under a lifestyle genre.

"The F Word" (2005)
"Masterchef Goes Large" (2005)
"The Hairy Bikers' Cookbook" (2006)

Food & Drink
"Oz & James's Big Wine Adventure" (2006)
"Food and Drink" (1982)

"What Not to Wear" (2002)
"Gok's Fashion Fix" (2008)
"The Clothes Show" (1986)

"DIY SOS" (1999)
"Changing Rooms" (1997)
"60 Minute Makeover" (2004)

Property Development
"Grand Designs" (1999)
"Homes Under the Hammer" (2003)
"Property Ladder" (2001)

Property Buying
"To Buy or Not to Buy" (2003)
"A Place in the Sun" (2000)
"Location, Location, Location" (2001)

"Embarrassing Illnesses" (2007)
"You Are What You Eat" (2004)
"Honey We're Killing the Kids!" (2005)

"How to Look Good Naked" (2006)
"10 Years Younger" (2004/I)

"Ground Force" (1998/I)
"Wild About Your Garden" (2008)
"Gardener's World" (1969)

"Antiques Roadshow" (1979)
"Cash in the Attic" (2002)
"Flog It!" (2002)

"Watchdog" (1985)
"The Gadget Show" (2004)
"Don't Get Done, Get Dom" (2006)

"Top Gear" (2002)
"5th Gear" (2002)

"Supernanny" (2004)
"The House of Tiny Tearaways with Dr Tanya Byron" (2005)

"Dream not of today"

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Sun Jul 25 2010 17:51:38 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008

Hey all,

Our Data Policy Group (DPG) has discussed/debated the first batch of Genres...and all 5 have been approved :-)

So - the 5 new Genres are:

Soap Opera
Awards Show

Your views in this thread (and many others from the past) were integral to the decision, so thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion.

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: Genre Definitions

We'd like to work with you guys again to formulate definitions for each of the new Genres. If you'd like to take a crack at formulating a definition and/or suggesting things that should/should not be included in each definition, please post your ideas in this thread, and they will be considered. So far, we have the following:

SOAP OPERA (J. Spurlin)

Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are identical to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only.

EROTICA (Mondo Giallo)

A non-hardcore film whose primary purpose is to titillate. This cannot co-exist with the Adult genre except in cases where there is a hardcore alternate version. Subjective.


A film that explores the possibilities of the medium as an art form. One that experiments with non-traditional form and content; often, but not always, discarding conventional narrative. Subjective.

AWARDS SHOW (k_luifje)

Primary focus is on announcing and/or handing out awards for work that occurred before the show and that happened independent of the existence of that show.

We can take these as a starting point and workshop the definitions over the next few days. The quicker we come up with viable definitions, the quicker the new Genres can go live.

Batch 2 will be discussed in the next week or so.

On a related note, I was wondering what everyone thought about the following additional Genre possibilities:




"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user bradleykent1 by bradleykent1
» Sun Jul 25 2010 18:18:56 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2007

Where is a beginning definition for the Lifestyle genre. That, of course, is the most contentious one for me. WHAT does it mean, anyway?

By the by, since the Brits mentioned that the BBC calls such programs "Lifestyle," I, as a Yank, note that The New York Times calls its equivalent section "Arts and Leisure" -- which is even a worse name than "Lifestyle."

This will need to be very specifically and clearly defined (like "Film-Noir") or one could logically apply it to all titles with human beings, SINCE all human beings have lifestyles. I guess animals do, too!

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Mon Jul 26 2010 09:54:09 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm not sure what you mean with regard to the New York Times. The New York Times "Arts and Leisure" section focuses on subjects like theater, film, television, music, and dance.

I don't think they put subjects such as cooking and home decorating (which are intended for the Lifestyle genre) in that section of the newspaper.

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Sun Jul 25 2010 21:00:54 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm strongly opposed to establishing "Neo-Noir" as a new genre. Instead, "Film-Noir" should be opened to films made after 1958. I don't see how it's possible that the knowledge of how to make a Film-Noir could have disappeared from the Earth on the day production wrapped on Touch of Evil (1958).

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Mon Jul 26 2010 01:07:23 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Mon Jul 26 2010 05:32:49

First of all, this is brilliant news Jaimie. Delighted to hear it.

I haven’t got anything more to add to the proposed definitions at the moment but will come back if I think of anything that I think will add value. They all seem OK to me.

As for the three extra genres, personally I would not object to any of them being added.

Neo-Noir - I guess if a sub-genre like Film-Noir exists on the database then perhaps it is logical for Neo-Noir to be considered too.

Supernatural – this is one which could have merit but it would all come down to the way it is defined. I wouldn’t say it’s necessary like the ones we have already proposed in Batch 1, as there are existing genres that would cover films with supernatural content. However, it would add value if it were added.

Superhero/Comic-Book – this was a genre that crossed my mind. I actually think there is considerable merit in considering it. A good case in point is the film Batman. On a couple of occasions I have had the submission of the Sci-Fi genre rejected for this film. I can only imagine that the reason was because the film is set in an imaginary place called Gotham City and the genre manager decided that Sci-Fi has to be grounded in our world for it to truly qualify as a genre for a movie; on the other hand the film does not meet the IMDb’s Fantasy genre requirement either, as it does not have any ‘magical or mystical’ content. So it’s stuck with Crime and Thriller, now with the best will in the world this is a weak definition, as I would not consider crime-thrillers to be about superheroes and super-villains, I think that a separate category would be perfectly welcome to cover the likes of these films. The same goes for a film like Sin City and even though there aren't any ‘superheroes’ in that movie it would benefit from belonging in a separate category too as it does exist in that grey area of fantasy movie that does not have magic or mysticism.

That’s just my initial thoughts.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user sienel by sienel
» Mon Jul 26 2010 05:22:22 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2001

That's awesome news - thanks Jaimie!

Superhero/Comic-Book - Do only movies that meet both criteria qualify (superhero character and comic book source)? So no Ghost World (comic book source but no superhero) and no Greatest American Hero (superhero but no comic book source)?

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Wed Jul 28 2010 03:40:10 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

Despite the fact that Film-Noir is the genre with the most unusual history, I think even this genre shouldn't be restricted to certain years. If someone was to make a remake of The Big Sleep, that film couldn't have the Film-Noir genre added just because it was made in the wrong year. Therefore I think the definition of Film-Noir should be changed into allowing films from all years, which makes Neo-Noir as a genre superfluous.
(Obviously, one could say Film-Noir - like Animation - isn't a genre and should be removed, but I consider Film-Noir to be a special case for which I don't mind making an exception)
I think having Superhero (or something along those lines) as a genre is a pretty good idea. But as already mentioned in this thread by Sienel, what are the criteria for this genre? Not every comic-book character is a superhero and not every superhero started out in a comic-book. Perhaps the best way to go is to get rid of the comic-book part and just make Superhero a new genre. Most Superhero have their own characteristic elements, while films based on comic-books can vary greatly.
I don't see any need for this genre as it's already adequately covered by the Fantasy genre I think. (That said, I rarely watch these kind of films, so I could be wrong)


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Fri Nov 5 2010 13:25:46 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

We can take these as a starting point and workshop the definitions over the next few days.
How are things going with the new genres? Do you already have the genres fully defined?


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Fri Nov 12 2010 14:00:33 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008

Hi Marco,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

There has been a slight delay with implementing the new genres, but the reason for the delay is positive. We've decided to look at ALL genre definitions and update those that need updating. To make things easier, we're going to roll out the 5 new genres alongside the existing, updated genres. Work has already started on defining the new genres (and updating the existing definitions); Contributor feedback will be sought very soon via the Contributor Data Policy Group (CDPG), which is currently being set up.


"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user darkshyne by darkshyne
» Sun Nov 21 2010 15:09:14 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since May 2005

What about the other 5 genres? Especially Martial Arts, it had a lot of supporters.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED: Batch 1 Results)image for user jaimie-k by jaimie-k
» Mon Nov 22 2010 00:29:09 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2008

That will be discussed as part of the new CDPG system very soon (hopefully before the end of the year)


"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Fri Jul 23 2010 02:33:23 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Heh - excellent. Great news Jaimie.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Fri Jul 23 2010 03:42:12 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

Isn't Anime the same as Japanese Animation
That's what I was wondering myself.
Apart from that, I'm happy to see IMDb will finally add some "new" genres.


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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user bradleykent1 by bradleykent1
» Mon Jul 26 2010 07:22:10 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2007

Would Soap Opera, Awards Show and Lifestyle be limited to television shows?

I hope so.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Mon Jul 26 2010 08:09:23 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

I would have thought so yeah.

"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Steve Crook by Steve Crook
» Tue Jul 27 2010 17:15:10 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since January 2000
Post Edited: Tue Jul 27 2010 17:15:54

They were the "Food Flash" shorts shown in cinemas in the UK during WWII - when all food was heavily rationed. They gave people advise about how to make the best use of the small amount of food that they had. This was also a time when just about everyone went to the cinema 2 or 3 times a week.

It was a Lifestyle at the time - but it wouldn't be recognised as a lifestyle by most people nowadays

I haven't taken much of a part in this discussion, but Lifestyle does seem remarkably vague for a genre. What is a normal lifestyle in one country or by one group of people could be regarded as weird or even offensive by another group


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Tue Jul 27 2010 17:57:55 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

The intention of the Lifestyle genre is not to define what a normal lifestyle is, but to classify certain titles in terms of their function. Basically, such titles are intended for providing advice about improving one's life in the culture where the title was made and to which it was directed. This refers to shows that give advice and instruction with regard to cooking, fashion, exercise, home decoration, and other topics along these lines.

People in some other cultures may eat different foods, wear different clothes, and have different standards of beauty compared to people in the United States. Americans might consider those aspects of their cultures weird, and people from those cultures might consider those aspects of American culture weird. But if those other cultures make television shows for their own people advising them on cooking food, selecting clothing to wear, or making themselves look good, they would fit into the Lifestyle genre just as comparable American programs would.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Steve Crook by Steve Crook
» Tue Jul 27 2010 18:12:04 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since January 2000

That's a very Americentric way of looking at it
There are many things that Americans think of as normal that the rest of the world thinks is weird.

But Lifestyle as a genre still seems remarkably vague to me.

It could include titles about food, fashion, or many diverse hobbies from birdwatching to BASE jumping. They're all a lifestyle for some people and any programme about them could be said to be giving advice about that lifestyle.

In fact just about anything that has been done by a real person, i.e. not fiction, could be described as Lifestyle by that definition.

If you make it any tighter about the giving of advice then surely it's straying into Educational territory.

I note that Jaimie hasn't come back with any definitions of Lifestyle as yet


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Moz79 by Moz79
» Tue Jul 27 2010 22:17:57 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2004

When I first suggested the genre I struggled to come up with some sort of pithy definition that doesn't just give a list but unless Jaimie has some sort of definition that we can workshop from I'll try and take another stab at it. Annoyingly there are plenty of websites that list programmes under the lifestyle heading and pretty much the entire schedules on the channels Good Food (, Really ( and Home ( consist of Lifestyle programmes but nowhere is there an adequate definition of what constitutes one. There might be something from this that we can use perhaps

"Dream not of today"

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user Steve Crook by Steve Crook
» Wed Jul 28 2010 14:07:12 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since January 2000

That was a comment about the lifestyle shown in the "Food Flash" shorts, not about the use of Lifestyle as a genre.

I went on to comment that I thought the Lifestyle was too vague to use as a genre


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AWARDS SHOW not limited to TVimage for user MayorDefacto by MayorDefacto
» Mon Jul 26 2010 09:19:05 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2004

And a process question for Jaimie: Did Oliver lobby against AWARDS-SHOW? Seems like it'll make filtering posts here regarding awards submissions more difficult.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Mon Jul 26 2010 10:07:42 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

Regarding Lifestyle, there must be lots of made-for-video titles that fit into that category. We could probably find a hundred titles just among exercise videos.

Also for Lifestyle, I believe some theatrical shorts (such as Penny Wisdom (1937) would qualify too.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user bradleykent1 by bradleykent1
» Mon Jul 26 2010 10:19:59 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2007

Oops! I forgot about made-for-videos.

But... there is still the possibility that MANY Educational/Instructional films and videos could easily be misidentified as being in a Lifestyle genre.

I hope this is all "cleared up" in the genre definition.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user jreeves by jreeves
» Fri Aug 6 2010 16:43:03 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since October 2000

Yes, there is probably a somewhat fuzzy line between Educational/Instructional and Lifestyle; I think the key difference may be that the typical Lifestyle program, while usually instructional, has more entertainment value than a typical Educational/Instructional program and also tends to be more about domestic or personal matters than typical school subjects.

I think the most American term might be "How-to" -- but not all Lifestyle programs would fit that. For example, maybe 10% of What Not to Wear would really qualify as "how-to" with the rest being more about the specific subject's journey (at least the American version; haven't seen the UK version, but I'm assuming it's comparable). Then again, that show verges more into Reality-TV than some others in the Lifestyle category, though there's a lot of crossover. Most cooking shows, though, would not really be Reality-TV; certainly not those of the "plop and stir" variety.

As you might guess, this is the genre of the new ones that we wrestled with the most; neither the best name nor the best definition are immediately apparent, though the need for the genre was. There's probably going to have to be an element of "I know it when I see it" at first.

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: Potential New Genres (UPDATED: Cast your vote!)image for user scgary66 by scgary66
» Sat Aug 7 2010 11:48:06 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2002

A lot of this reflects why I suggested Advice as a genre rather than something more vague like Lifestyle; it cleary applies to the cooking shows and "What Not to Wear", but isn't necessarily so structured as to be synonymous with instructional.

Gary Krause

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Genre suggestion: 'Apocalyptic Film'image for user Lavani by Lavani
» Fri Dec 3 2010 16:54:17 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2006
Post Edited: Fri Apr 8 2011 11:10:34

I see Apocalyptic Film as a useful genre; broader than Disaster, it also embraces post-apocalyptic, but non-science-fiction fare such as The Road.

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77.7K Points

7 years ago

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED 26/7- Batch 1 Results)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jul 29 2010 03:41:28 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Thu May 5 2011 02:22:41

Period Film

A bit of a late entry here but one that might be worth at least some consideration I suppose. The idea of this genre would be to capture films that are set in historical times. This would be specifically designed to cover films set in the distant past. As opposed to History these films would be under no obligation to detail real events. They are merely films set in historical times. Some examples would be:

• Pirate swashbucklers
• Merchant Ivory films
• Films set during the French Revolution, Napoleonic wars, Renaissance times, etc
• Films set in classical antiquity
• Gothic films, nunsploitation, New World adventures
• Historical epics

My idea would be any film set pre-20th century would qualify, i.e. anything set in the years before film narrative had been set in motion. By definition any film set in those times would have to be a recreation of the past. I think the genre would lose cohesion if it allowed period films set in later times to be included.

Definition : A film depicting life pre-20th Century. Should not co-exist with Western. Objective.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED 26/7- Batch 1 Results)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Thu Jul 29 2010 06:08:04 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

My idea was that the latest qualification date would be something like 1896, i.e. the birth of cinema
How did you end up with the year 1896? Most people use 1895 as the birth year of cinema because that year in December, the Lumière bros showed ten of their films in a café in Paris. That said, the earliest piece of film is from 1888 and is called Roundhay Garden Scene, by Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince:

Besides all that, I don't really see any need for Historical as a genre. Also, it would probably get confused with History all the time.


Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED 26/7- Batch 1 Results)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jul 29 2010 06:14:30 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Thu Jul 29 2010 08:49:43

Sorry I thought it was 1896. My mistake. It would probably be easier to say pre-20th century for all the difference it would make. Proper film narrative didn't come in to play until the early 20th century even if the medium was invented just beforehand.

I've edited my original post to reflect these changes.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Justifying the Historical genreimage for user Lavani by Lavani
» Fri Dec 3 2010 16:46:31 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2006
Post Edited: Sun Dec 5 2010 07:02:56

||Besides all that, I don't really see any need for Historical as a genre. Also, it would probably get confused with History all the time

What about:

Historical/history films/costume dramas?

Or Period films?

Historical genre films get us to reflect on the social, cultural and ideological reasons why filmmakers represent the past the way they do. From their inception, they have been a mirror on the times in which they were made, not on the times they seek to portray. From that point of view, they merit a category distinct from History.

Re: Justifying the Historical genreimage for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Fri Dec 10 2010 02:12:09 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Hey Lavani

Yes, I think there is considerable merit in the idea of a Historical/Period genre. And it would be relatively easy to apply. Period/Costume films have a distinctive feel to them irrespective of their content, be it a Merchant Ivory romantic drama, a Gothic horror or a pirate adventure or whatever. I believe IMDb would benefit from grouping them together under a new genre.

Period-Film is probably better as a name as it is less likely to be confused with History. At the same time it would actually benefit the latter in that it makes it even more clear to everyone that the History genre is not for films simply set in the past but is specifically for historically truthful representations of it only. I know people on this board realize the distinction but the average user may not immediately grasp this.

Re: Justifying the Historical genreimage for user Lavani by Lavani
» Fri Dec 10 2010 05:56:38 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2006
Post Edited: Thu Mar 10 2011 10:19:05

I wholeheartedly agree with all you've written, this above all:

||Period-Film is probably better as a name as it is less likely to be confused with History. At the same time it would actually benefit the latter in that it makes it even more clear to everyone that the History genre is not for films simply set in the past but is specifically for historically truthful representations of it only.

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED 26/7- Batch 1 Results)image for user scgary66 by scgary66
» Tue Apr 12 2011 11:07:39 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2002

The term Historical fiction is commonly used to include works which are set against a backdrop of real historical events, but feature primarily fictitious characters and plotlines; I think that would be preferable to simply Historical, though I also would prefer it as a keyword than as a genre. Obviously there would be the issue of whether films merely set in the past, with no true historical events involved, would qualify.

Gary Krause

Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED 26/7- Batch 1 Results)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Wed Apr 13 2011 05:00:52 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Yeah I was thinking more along the lines of fictional stories set in the past being the defining criteria. Things as diverse as Victorian melodramas, Gothic films, movies set in colonial times, etc.

But, it seems this new genre project has been put on hold by IMDb for 'technical reasons'. Very little information from their staff as to what's going on, which is disapointing.


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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED 26/7- Batch 1 Results)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jul 29 2010 05:19:24 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002


It has been mentioned above as a potential genre so I thought I might have a go at defining it. This wasn’t my suggestion so I am not stealing it!

I think if this genre was to be implemented then it should not have to be based on a comic-book as this would rule out films directly inspired by the format like Darkman that were made directly for screen. On the other hand I don’t think that including films from comic-books like Ghost World or A History of Violence is a good idea either, as films like these display no definable characteristics of this genre and merely share the fact that their source is a comic. I think the genre needs to be a little more specific than that to be cohesive. Additionally, I think that the genre should include films like Sin City despite there being no superhero, fantasy or science fiction elements; a film such as this should qualify as it is a completely invented world.

These are just my thoughts, some may disagree. Anyway, with all of this in mind here is my stab at a definition:

Definition : A film that is either based on comic-book characters or is directly inspired by the comic-book world. This not only includes superheroes but also science fiction, fantasy, horror and invented worlds based on comic-books. Should not include films based on comic-books but set in contemporary settings.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: IMDb FEEDBACK REQUEST: New Genres (UPDATED 26/7- Batch 1 Results)image for user Red-Barracuda by Red-Barracuda
» Thu Jul 29 2010 08:34:51 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since February 2002

Thanks CG. I actually really hope that this genre is created now, as I think that it'll help tidy up the Fantasy genre where a lot of these titles currently sit. The Fantasy genre is one of the messiest, most haphazardly populated IMDb genres because it is used as a net for many films that can't otherwise be well categorized. This Comic-Book genre would, needless to say, go some way to sorting this out.

Aww just like Sister Ray said...

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Re: new board requestsimage for user sienel by sienel
» Thu Oct 7 2010 06:37:57 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since December 2001

Board requests can be posted in this thread:

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Genre, Subgenre, the Movie Terminology Glossary and Keywordsimage for user FieCrier by FieCrier
» Tue Nov 23 2010 13:01:22 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since June 2001

Somewhat surprisingly, there is no definition of "genre" or "subgenre" in the Movie Terminology Glossary (hereafter MTG)

Just as defining specific genres can be challenging, I think defining genre itself is challenging, and distinguishing between genres and subgenres can be as well.

The MTG does define some genres and subgenres and provides links to the keyword. Anime is a style of animated movie. Camp is identified as a form of comedic parody. Cyberpunk is defined as a subgenre. Sword and sorcery is defined as a genre. Sword and sandal is identified as a type of epic. There's also entries for some of the genres IMDb has recognized as genres, though the word isn't used in their definitions: Film Noir, Science Fiction (no definition at all given, oddly), Western. Other Genres like Action, Comedy, Horror, Thriller, etc. aren't in the MTG. And there's many subgenres for which there are keywords but which aren't defined in the MTG.

If the Glossary Editor is someone other than the Genre editor, it might be good to get some input from them.

"Ba-chomp, ba-chewy-chomp."

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Re: Genre suggestion: 'Grand Guignol'image for user FieCrier by FieCrier
» Thu Dec 9 2010 12:09:01 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since June 2001

I'm not sure that's a widely recognized film genre.

I have already begun the process of expanding the use of the keyword "grand guignol" to the applicable films listed at IMDb

I'm not sure that's a good idea, as I'm not sure how many people would understand the application of it the same way you intend to use it.

"Ba-chomp, ba-chewy-chomp."



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

Re: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user CassandraSparkles by CassandraSparkles
» Thu Dec 9 2010 01:20:40 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since June 2010

Jaime-K, you've lost me. You give elaborate instructions, then you write, "If you try to carry out that command, I *will* draw my weapon. What's with the * around the word "will"? Also, if you say to your reader, "If you try to carry out that command, I *will* draw my weapon," is that a Leone/Tarantino quote? Or is it like saying, "I'm a liar", so you never know if someone is telling you the truth because they admitted they are a liar. Are they being truthful about that?

[ Re: Introducing New Genres : IMDb v. Wikipedia ]image for user ACT_l by ACT_l
» Tue May 3 2011 05:00:01 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since April 2000

Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)
by jaimie-k
Thu Jun 24 2010 02:45:48
Hi all,
Over the last few years, there have been repeated requests on various threads
for the addition of new genres.
What I'd like to do here is use this thread to come up with a definitive list of new genres
you would like to see introduced. (Previous related threads can also be compiled here).
- - -
GenresLove Westerns? Comedies? Film noir?
Click on the genre links below to go to the biggest and best collection of films sorted by their type.
Action   Adventure  Animation    Biography Comedy   Crime      Documentary  Drama Family   Fantasy    Film-Noir    Game-Show History  Horror     Music        Musical Mystery  News       Reality-TV   Romance Sci-Fi   Sport      Talk-Show    Thriller War      Western
I was looking up some lists at WikiWiki to post in messages here
Wiki has a better way of making lists about films than IMDb al_arts events and_the_United_States

There are any more lists of lists there



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Re: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Wed Oct 22 2014 20:26:21 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm bumping this thread because the discussion is of historical interest.

Re: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Sat Jun 20 2015 21:30:56 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

And I'm bumping it again to help protect it from expiration. In fact, this is probably the thread on Contributors Help which most needs to be protected.

Re: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user plur62 by plur62
» Sun Jun 21 2015 12:29:18 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2010
Post Edited: Sun Jun 21 2015 12:30:55

What about a new Title Type - Theatre?


National Theatre Live: Frankenstein (2011)

RiffTrax Live: The Room (2015)

The Crucible (2014)

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011)

Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary (2010)

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Re: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user motley_moth by motley_moth
» Sun Jun 21 2015 17:19:56 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2005


You bumped this on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. I never noticed before, but a manager edited the byline just three days later, on Saturday, October 25, 2014, adding RESOLVED.

I had thought for several years that the shift back in 2011 to using the Amazon cloud-based internet hosting system was what was holding up the implementation of the new genres that were developed by contributors back in late 2010. But I'm sure that RESOLVED means just that. I don't think the IMDb has any intention of ever using those genres.

I did not participate, because I did not agree on a lateral expansion of the number of genres. I was hoping the IMDb could implement a multitiered system utilizing sub-genres. For example, to me, "Soap Opera" is a sub-genre of "Drama", "Karate" (which someone proposed) is a sub-genre of "Action", and "Hard Core" and "Soft Core" are sub-genres of "Erotica".

But, it looks like those of you who participated in developing the new genres got screwed. Sorry about that...

Re: RESOLVED: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user BulmaPunkRocker by BulmaPunkRocker
» Sun Jun 21 2015 16:20:17 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2011


I would like to suggest:

Now that IMDb is accepting entries of very low-budget short films, fan-films and other things uploaded on YouTube or WebSeries that had their own Official Page, it would be greatly appreciated to make the difference between the real TV Series (broadcasted on TV Channels) to Web Series, that can only be found on internet, being YouTube, an official website, or even the web-series spin-off from main TV Series (like The Walking Dead: Webisodes (2011)).

Thank you.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language

Re: RESOLVED: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Tue Apr 19 2016 21:48:58 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm bumping this thread again to help ensure that it is maintained on the board at least until the new genres are implemented.

Re: RESOLVED: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user k_luifje by k_luifje
» Sun Apr 24 2016 11:39:07 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since September 2000

Thanks for bumping all these Genre threads Gromit. They're really important and interesting, especially since the genres haven't been added yet.


Re: RESOLVED: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user Col Needham by Col Needham
» Wed May 18 2016 05:44:06 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb Staff Member

Unresolved old thread -- bumping for staff attention.

Re: RESOLVED: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user gromit82 by gromit82
» Mon Jul 25 2016 19:45:32 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm bumping this again because July 25, 2016 marks the sixth anniversary of the announcement of the five new genres, which have still not been implemented.

Re: RESOLVED: Introducing New Genres (JULY 2010)image for user Col Needham by Col Needham
» Sun Jul 31 2016 11:21:19 Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb Staff Member

I'm bumping this again because July 25, 2016 marks the sixth anniversary of the announcement of the five new genres, which have still not been implemented.
Unfortunately, we are likely to make it to the seventh anniversary on this and beyond without any action. From the end-of-year letter
The future: We can't say too much, but it's safe to say that continuing to drive down processing and publishing times is going to feature heavily in 2016. As is continuing to build on the features available on IMDb Contributor and taking advantage of the new submission interface platform.
We have made some remarkable progress on processing times so far this year and there are plenty of contributor-centric features in the pipeline right now (in addition to the successful launch of customer image uploads which has exceeded our wildest dreams in terms of volume).

The consistent most frequent feature requests we receive are: faster processing; more consistent policies; feedback on when/why items are rejected; and easier submissions interfaces. We are making progress on all of them, but this comes at the expense of things like new genres, sorry. It is not like this information cannot be found since plot keywords are a good substitute for the most part, although with reduced visibility.




3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

7 years ago

Hi gromit82,

I think that is all of it! Again please let me know if any pages didn't copy over.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

Thanks, Will. It looks like everything in the thread that could be transferred made it over here. 



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Hi gromit82,

That's good news, I just manually copied and pasted it which seemed to do the trick. There were these threads linked to new genres as well - do you want to transfer these to this thread or have these already been covered above?



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

Will: Thanks for looking into this. I think it would be helpful to have the additional genre threads you mentioned copied over here as well.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Hi gromit82,

Would you mind doing this? It's just that I'm trying to catch up on the other threads that need to be actioned before the cut-off so my time is limited. I just copied and pasted each page one at a time. If you encounter any difficulties could you let me know?




7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

PENDING: New Genresimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Fri Jun 3 2011 05:27:40Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002
Post Edited: Sat May 28 2016 02:20:07

I know a few people have asked this question already but IMDb staff what's the situation with the creation of the new genres? Namely: 

Award Show 
Soap Opera

At the risk of sounding narky but this is dragging out beyond anything I feared. I know there was talk of there being technical issues but that is somewhat vague. Is there no way of letting us know a little more in terms of how long this is going to take? Surely it can't be long now?! 

There was talk about further genres being at least discussed, these ones: 

Comic Book 
Martial Arts 
Period Film 

(there may have been others) 

But obviously we haven't even implemented the first batch so discussions on others is a bit pointless I suppose but thought I should list them in any case to try and keep the general issue alive. 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Tue Jul 26 2011 02:53:36Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

It seems like a forlorn bounce but I will bump this thread anyway. 

Any news on this please staff? 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user hueymcby hueymc
 » Tue Jul 26 2011 06:21:24Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since October 2008


The Genres manager is currently on leave after an accident, but I'll forward this to him so he can look at it on his return. 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Tue Jul 26 2011 06:44:03Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

Hope they're OK. Thanks for forwarding. 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user darkshyneby darkshyne
 » Sun Oct 16 2011 12:28:59Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since May 2005

Bumping this. 

Please give an update. No progress in years.

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Thu Oct 27 2011 23:56:41Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002


Yes, it would seem that this has been put on hold for a long time. 

Staff, when are these going live? 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » Tue Nov 1 2011 11:55:42Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004


"Dream not of today"

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user karmakittyby karmakitty
 » Tue Nov 1 2011 12:44:07Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since January 2009

Some others: 


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Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user karmakittyby karmakitty
 » Wed Nov 9 2011 17:06:34Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since January 2009

Not necessarily.

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user darkshyneby darkshyne
 » Thu Nov 3 2011 12:07:48Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since May 2005

Don't forget Martial Arts, that was in the list of the other five.

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user motley_mothby motley_moth
 » Thu Nov 3 2011 14:44:59Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2005

Don't forget Martial Arts, that was in the list of the other five.
No, it wasn't. Martial Arts was proposed, but never approved. 

As the OP pointed out, the five new genres are: 
Awards Show
Lifestyle, and 
Soup Opera

These were approved, their definitions proposed, discussed, and finalized, and they are listed in the IMDb Genre Guide:
However, they cannot actually be used, yet, as they do not appear as update options, so there is still no way to assign them to any titles. That's what the OP was asking about.

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user darkshyneby darkshyne
 » Sat Nov 5 2011 11:00:42Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since May 2005

Yes it was, see jaimie-k's post: 

I never said it was approved, IMDb apparently haven't had the time to look into that in the last 16 months.

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Steve Crookby Steve Crook
 » Sat Nov 5 2011 14:08:18Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since January 2000

As the OP pointed out, the five new genres are: 
Awards Show, 
Lifestyle, and 
Soup Opera.

I like the sound of a Soup Opera. Much tastier than a Soap Opera  


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user arorashadow_2003by arorashadow_2003
 » Sun Nov 6 2011 00:28:57Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since June 2004

I personally think there's no need for Anime as a genre because in the strictest and simplest of definitions anime is simply a short hand term for animation in Japan. And of course we have Animation as a genre, so I think it functions just fine as a keyword.

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Sun Nov 6 2011 00:41:03Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

Arora: Regardless of how many of us believe that Anime should or should not be listed as a separate genre by IMDb, I personally don't think it is likely to be implemented as a genre by IMDb until the year 2013 or so. If the last group of approved genres was approved more than 15 months ago and has not yet been implemented, it seems unlikely that the next group of genres, which has not even been approved yet, will be implemented until more than 15 months from now. 

In fact, the next group of approved genres could take even longer than the current group, since there is no longer an active process for defining new genres. 

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » Sun Nov 6 2011 10:38:36Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004

Anyone know who the genre manager is these days now that Jaimie's left. Maybe they'd respond to a PM. 

"Dream not of today"

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user hueymcby hueymc
 » Mon Nov 7 2011 03:07:06Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since October 2008


We are still waiting on these new genres to be added, and will let everyone know (via this board) when the fix is live. 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » Mon Nov 7 2011 06:29:50Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004

Thanks Huey, but given that there is already a genre system in place and we are just adding 5 more are you able to elaborate on what the problem is? 

"Dream not of today"

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Tue Nov 22 2011 01:53:40Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

Hi Huey 

Is it possible to get a rough idea of when this will be? Even a general ball-park idea? 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Wed Nov 30 2011 17:03:56Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002


I see all five 'new' genres have now been removed from the 'Submission Guide: Genre' page : 

This seems like a bad sign. Can you give a reason for this? Are they no longer going to go live? 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user k_luifjeby k_luifje
 » Sat Dec 3 2011 04:49:45Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since September 2000

Mondo Giallo, 

Thanks for pointing out this very bad news. Hopefully, a staffer will respond. Of course, it should have been an IMDb staffer who pointed this out and who should've also informed us as to why these new genres have been removed from the guide. Unfortunately, 2011 has been a terrible year when it comes to IMDb and communicating with the people who've created this enormous database. It's a shame really... 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Sat Dec 3 2011 16:44:59Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

Yes Marco this does not seem like an encouraging development at all. A number of us contributers went to a fair bit of trouble working through the definitions for these genres and debated the validity of them in the first place. All with the active encouragement of IMDb staff, who said that they were keen on addressing the issues highlighted that would be rectified by these new genres. And then...nothing. Barely a word. At the moment I do feel that they have let us down. And what is it about the lack of communication? I don't get that at all. I sometimes really wonder why we bother to tell you the truth. 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Sat Dec 3 2011 21:17:13Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

I would also like to know the explanation for this. 

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user darkshyneby darkshyne
 » Mon Jan 23 2012 14:35:57Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since May 2005
Post Edited: Mon Jan 23 2012 14:42:04

Bumping this. 

Please implement these genres immediately: 
Award Show 
Soap Opera 

And then start the discussion on these genres: 
Martial Arts 

Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user hueymcby hueymc
 » Tue Jan 24 2012 02:19:59Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since October 2008


Sadly, we've run into some technical difficulties with regards to adding new genres to the database, so it's been put on hold for the time being. 

However, it's certainly something we'll revisit once the project to migrate all our data into new tools is complete. 


Re: Staff : New Genresimage for user darkshyneby darkshyne
 » Wed Jan 25 2012 12:29:40Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since May 2005

Any guess how long that will take? 

Also, on an unrelated note, since I didn't get an answer from IMDb to this: 
Could you readjust the numbers of the various toplists (Top 50 Documentaries et cetera)? Some of them don't make much sense. 

Quoting myself here ( <-dead URL): 

Will the minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 50 for various genres be changed? A while ago you changed the number for comedies from 1000 to 5000 which resulted in a list that you could "complete" (except for Hababam sinifi sinifta kaldi, which isn't released anywhere with subtitles). Some of those numbers seem strange. There are more dramas than comedies, but the number for dramas is 1000 (that means a bunch of movies that you "can't watch unless you're Turkish" are in there). This seems inconsistent. Especially bad is the low number for documentaries (200) which means a lot of movies are in there that shouldn't be (200 votes are easily cheated, have a look at some shorts that get in the Top 50 and drop immediately out).

The amount of votes don't have to depend on the number of titles, but they're most definitely proportional (why should one genre get more voted than another). I don't believe that the average comedy gets five times the number of votes a drama gets. And even if, for example, the 200 votes for a documentary would be "meaningful", it would still be much too low because too many titles that don't deserve it creep in. I'm not talking about taste here, but about the fact that 200 votes are not representative.

Independent also has only 200 votes which is kinda strange, since the least voted movie on the list has 2,444 votes (, so in this case it seems to work most of the time.

Re: Unrelated noteimage for user MayorDefactoby MayorDefacto
 » Wed Jan 25 2012 13:14:33Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since September 2004

The issues raised in your unrelated note about genre top lists are display issues, rather than data issues, and should be broached as suggestions to the Help Desk, The data managers that monitor this board don't usually concern themselves with how the data is displayed unless that display is affected by the data (see AKA title attribute — imdb display title). 

Re: Unrelated noteimage for user darkshyneby darkshyne
 » Fri Jan 27 2012 19:24:48Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since May 2005

Yeah, I know, I just brought it up because helpdesk comments get ignored :-).

Re: Unrelated noteimage for user waynixby waynix
 » Fri Jun 8 2012 18:39:02Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since September 2005

Why is this taking so long.

Re: Unrelated noteimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Fri Jun 8 2012 21:32:08Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

Staffer ThomasPorter addressed this question last week in the thread at Basically, it's taking so long because other projects have been made a higher priority; don't look for the new genres to be created until 2013.

Re: Unrelated noteimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Thu May 16 2013 08:07:26Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

I think 2013 might have been optimistic gromit... 


Re: Unrelated noteimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Thu May 16 2013 08:59:30Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002
Post Edited: Thu May 16 2013 09:04:19

I probably should have said not to look for the new genres to be created "before 2013" instead of "until 2013". 

I am still wondering why this is taking so long. Adding new genres doesn't involve creating a new field of data -- it just involves adding new possible values to an existing field. 

Suppose that Scotland or Quebec or Catalonia or Flanders became independent. Presumably they would all produce television shows and films which would be submitted to the database. Would it be a major effort to add those new countries to the "Country" field, which would take years to be accomplished? It seems unlikely to me. But if it's not difficult to add new values to the "Country" field, why is it difficult to add new values to the "Genre" field?

Re: Unrelated noteimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Thu May 16 2013 09:36:00Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

I fear there is more to it than the IMDb staff have been telling us. A reluctance to implement the new fields for some reason. A shame. 


Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » Mon Jan 25 2016 07:48:33Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004

It has now been almost exactly 5 years since we finished working on the last of the 5 genre definitions. 

How high up the priority list is their implementation these days? 

"Dream not of today"

Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user k_luifjeby k_luifje
 » Wed Feb 24 2016 07:57:13Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since September 2000

I think this question deserves an answer. 


Post deletedThis message has been deleted by an administrator

Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Wed Feb 24 2016 17:47:29Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

My guess would be that either (a) nobody is currently assigned to implement the new genres, or (b) whoever is assigned to the project has it with an extremely low priority.

Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user k_luifjeby k_luifje
 » Thu Feb 25 2016 03:33:35Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since September 2000

My guess would be that either (a) nobody is currently assigned to implement the new genres, or (b) whoever is assigned to the project has it with an extremely low priority.
My money is on option (b). I think some work has been done internally, but they don't consider it important enough to actually finish this project. Anyway, that's just what I think. 


Post deletedThis message has been deleted by the poster

Post deletedThis message has been deleted by the poster

Post deletedThis message has been deleted by the poster

Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user Col Needhamby Col Needham
 » Wed May 18 2016 06:09:51Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb Staff Member

Unresolved old thread -- bumping for staff attention.

Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » 11 hours ago (Thu Feb 9 2017 09:50:27)Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004

In case the new genres are ever implemented have the genre definitions been archived? 

"Dream not of today"

Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user pbnby pbn
 » 11 hours ago (Thu Feb 9 2017 10:31:30)Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2000

Gromit has had one of the old threads (so far) copied to GS: 


Re: Staff : New Genres - PENDINGimage for user k_luifjeby k_luifje
 » Thu Feb 25 2016 03:30:24Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since September 2000

Along with many, many others that have been posted over the years.
Well, the ones on threads that haven't been deleted can always be bumped if you want... 




7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

PENDING: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user jaimie-kby jaimie-k
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 05:27:44Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2008
Post Edited: Sun Apr 24 2016 06:34:57

Hi all, 

A few months ago, 5 new Genres were agreed upon by both Staff and contributors. They were: 

Soap Opera 

Since then, we've decided to review *all* genre definitions, and that process will begin early in the new year. For now, we need your continued help to formulate definitions for the 5 new genres above. 

The definition for LIFESTYLE was discussed by the CDPG last week, and is being considered by the Staff DPG right this minute. 

This week, the goal is to come up with a working definition for the SOAP OPERA genre. To get things started: J.Spurlin came up with the following definition during the 'new Genres' discussion thread : 

Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are identical to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only. 

TIMEFRAME: This discussion will end at: 

4pm: Friday 17th December (PST) 

This week's CDPG Rep: horn-5. 

"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user horn-5by horn-5
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 06:06:40Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 1999


TIMEFRAME: This discussion will end at: 

4pm: Friday 17th November (PST) 

Drat! I missed the recap deadline. 


Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user jaimie-kby jaimie-k
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 06:15:20Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2008

Haha. Sorry about that. Fixed :-) 


"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user horn-5by horn-5
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 07:14:32Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 1999

Okay, that better reflects the dates I don't have crossed off on my 2010 State Farm freebie calendar. And relieved that I didn't sharpen three No.2 pencils and buy a columned Big Chief tablet for naught. 

Justin offers: 

Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are identical to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only. 

Jump on in. 


Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user bradleykent1by bradleykent1
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 07:26:50Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2007
Post Edited: Tue Dec 14 2010 07:27:48

Justin's definition is great except for the word "identical." Replace that with "similar," and you have a winner. "Identical" would seem to imply that prime-time shows would usually need to be videotape or kinescope or (in many cases, especially with early soaps) live broadcasts, and, at least in early soaps, mainly studio-bound. 

Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are similar to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only. 

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user FieCrierby FieCrier
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 08:05:54Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since June 2001

Some of my general thoughts about genre definitions I voiced in the Lifestyle thread apply here too, which I suppose I could repost. 

By way of comments specific to Soap Opera: 

Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are identical to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only.

This definition is slightly problematic in that it doesn't identify what the style and content of a daytime serial is. 

Should it be "TV series only"? Are there possibly any soap opera TV miniseries? What about TV movies connected to TV series like Dallas: J.R. Returns (1996) (TV) or theatrical releases like House of Dark Shadows (1970) ? A videogame spun off from a TV series like Dallas Quest? 

What TV series might people dispute about being a soap opera or not? 

Are there certain keywords that should be recommended for things like SoapTalk or the annual televised Soap Opera Awards? 

"Ba-chomp, ba-chewy-chomp."

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user TrekkerScoutby TrekkerScout
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 09:31:40Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

This definition is slightly problematic in that it doesn't identify what the style and content of a daytime serial is.
The style and content is simply "melodrama" which is typically characterized as being overly emotional stereotypical characters in an interweaving plot of personal conflicts.
Should it be "TV series only"?
In my opinion: Yes.
Are there possibly any soap opera TV miniseries?
Since a TV miniseries is simply a subset type of TV series controlled by a keyword, there is no real distinction here.
What about TV movies connected to TV series like Dallas: J.R. Returns (1996) (TV) or theatrical releases like House of Dark Shadows (1970) ? A videogame spun off from a TV series like Dallas Quest?
While those would be based on a soap opera, they are not soap operas themselves. For titles such as these, a "based-on-soap-opera" keyword should probably be added.
Are there certain keywords that should be recommended for things like SoapTalk or the annual televised Soap Opera Awards?
Those types of titles would also fall outside the genre definition. I'm sure that suitable keywords could be created for shows that are about soap operas but are not soap operas themselves. 

Gort, Klaatu barada nikto

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user bradleykent1by bradleykent1
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 10:28:03Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2007

And the Soap Opera Awards would also be categorized under the new Awards Show genre, as would Daytime Emmys.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user FieCrierby FieCrier
 » Thu Dec 16 2010 17:30:01Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since June 2001

The style and content is simply "melodrama" which is typically characterized as being overly emotional stereotypical characters in an interweaving plot of personal conflicts.

Then this would be more concise: 

"Soap Operas are serial melodramas that run more than once a week. TV series only." 

Which is fine if there are no serial melodrama TV series that aren't soap operas, I guess. And if all soap operas run more than once a week (Dallas and Melrose Place, among others, didn't). I'm not very familiar with American soap operas and even less so with foreign ones. 

Perhaps just: 

"Soap Operas are serial melodramas. TV series only." 

The main thing keeping The Perils of Pauline from being a soap opera is that it wasn't a TV series? 

Since a TV miniseries is simply a subset type of TV series controlled by a keyword, there is no real distinction here.

If that's definitely how IMDb organizes it, I guess that's fine. 

What about TV movies connected to TV series like Dallas: J.R. Returns (1996) (TV) or theatrical releases like House of Dark Shadows (1970) ? A videogame spun off from a TV series like Dallas Quest?

While those would be based on a soap opera, they are not soap operas themselves. For titles such as these, a "based-on-soap-opera" keyword should probably be added.

I'm not sure why they're all necessarily not soap operas, if they have the same characters and form part of the story arc from the series. 

Are there certain keywords that should be recommended for things like SoapTalk or the annual televised Soap Opera Awards?

Those types of titles would also fall outside the genre definition. I'm sure that suitable keywords could be created for shows that are about soap operas but are not soap operas themselves.

I actually wasn't suggesting they should fall under the genre definition, though if it was treated as a miscellaneous "genre" category like Lifestyle or Music rather than a proper genre, it could. 

Some of the genre definitions indicate what keywords should be used for certain kinds of titles which are connected to a genre. I was wondering if perhaps that would be useful in this case. 

Still wondering about this too: What TV series might people dispute about being a soap opera or not?

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user horn-5by horn-5
 » Thu Dec 16 2010 19:17:49Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 1999
Post Edited: Thu Dec 16 2010 20:16:45


As the Rep who has to recap this one, I chose not to point out that "serial" in the definition might be troublesome and kept my fingers crossed that it wouldn't come up (vested and selfish interest on my part---I have to do the recap,) reference theatrical serials (of which only a minute few are soap oprish) and Soap Opera serials. Not quite the same species, albeit they do share similar styles: 

Theatrical Serial: Primarily an action melodrama shown weekly, in theatres, over a period of weeks, ranging from 10 to 15 weeks, containing cliffhanger endings to a plot that gets firmly resoved at the end of the last chapter/episode. 

Soap Opera Serials: A Melodrama with multiple plot lines ranging over a period of weeks, months, years and decades, many of which never get resolved, and a close-up shot of a character's face serves as the cliffhanger ending of each episode. 

Or, how about just a disclamer at the bottom stating: (The word 'serial', used here, has no connection to how used theatrically.) 

Good question. 

And a great thread down the page on the history of soap-operas. 


Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user FieCrierby FieCrier
 » Thu Dec 16 2010 20:16:26Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since June 2001

My guess as to the intended function of the word serial in the proposed definition would be a distinction from an anthology TV series where each episode is self-contained and has no story or characters running from one to the next, like Alfred Hitchcock Presents, though by some definitions that could be called a serial too. 

Perhaps there's nothing to worry about, but I fear defining a soap opera simply as a melodrama may be too vague. Probably all soap operas are melodramas, but certainly not all melodramas are soap operas. 24 was a melodrama, and while it had a number of soap operaish aspects to it, I don't think anybody would seriously say it was one. But why wasn't it? I think a definition should be getting at that kind of question. Likewise, going too specific can be a problem. Days of Our Lives, Dallas, and 90210 are all somewhat different things, but presumably must have things in common that they could all be called soaps, but some definitions could exclude one or two of them.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user horn-5by horn-5
 » Fri Dec 17 2010 14:23:34Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 1999
Post Edited: Fri Dec 17 2010 16:46:24

ISSUE: To come up with a working definition for the Soap Opera Genre: 
Starting Point - 

Justin Spurlin: Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are identical to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only. 

Bradley Kent: Replace the word 'identical' with the word 'similar' 
Fie Cryer asks.....This definition is slightly problematic in that it doesn't identify what the style and content of a daytime serial is. 

Should it be "TV series only"? Are there possibly any soap opera TV miniseries? What about TV movies connected to TV series like Dallas: J.R. Returns (1996) (TV) or theatrical releases like House of Dark Shadows (1970) ? A videogame spun off from a TV series like Dallas Quest? 

What TV series might people dispute about being a soap opera or not? 

Are there certain keywords that should be recommended for things like SoapTalk or the annual televised Soap Opera Awards? 

Trekkerscout answers Fie's questions and he and Bradley Kent both point out that Soap Opera Award shows are about the shows and are not part of the Soap Opera definition. 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Definitions offered to this point: 
Justin Spurlin: Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are identical to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only. 

Bradly Kent: Soap Operas are primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are "similar" to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only. 
FieCrier questions the use of serial melodrama in the defitions as there are TV serial melodramas that don't fall into the Soap Opera genre.... and the possibility that serial might be confused with theatrical serials and/or TV Anthology-shows; Moz79 (Andrew) offers, from the two definitions that,.......primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas.......covers the areas of concern. 

Andrew also later points out that the specific use of 'daytime' is misleading because some shows that fit the Soap Opera genre are nighttime shows in other countries. 

A 3rd, slightly-modifided definition would be:Soap Operas are daytime or nightime serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are "similar" to the typical daytime serial in style and content. TV series only. 

a 4th definition would be:Soap Operas are serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are "similar" to the typical serial in style and content. TV series only. 

It is now 2:39 PM(PST) so any corrections, additions or amendments to, or a rewrite of the three defintions offered or even a different one have an 80-minute window. 


Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » Fri Dec 17 2010 15:47:24Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004
Post Edited: Fri Dec 17 2010 15:51:36

Just to bring up the time of day aspect again, if they are on during the daytime and at night time what times of day are left? Best not to mention the time of day at all. 

"Dream not of today"

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Fri Dec 17 2010 16:34:13Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

I agree with Andrew. Since soap operas in some countries air during the daytime, in other countries at night, and in other countries both, I don't think we need to mention time of day in the genre definition.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » Tue Dec 14 2010 12:46:04Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004

primarily, but not exclusively, daytime serial melodramas

I don't see why we need to mention what time of day they are on. I'm not sure what it's like in other countries, but in the UK most soaps are on in the evening. 

"Dream not of today"

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user grantchby grantch
 » Thu Dec 16 2010 04:14:36Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since November 1999

The term "soap opera" was derived from American radio programs which ran Monday through Friday, sponsored by soap and drug manufacturers, normally aimed at housewives. They were 15 minutes in length and dominated daytime radio as in the 1930's, 1940's, and early '50's they could be heard from 10 am until 6 pm. Normally they featured the trials and tribulations of a "pure" heroine or married couple struggling to live successfully despite romantic complications or false accusations of criminal plotting or murderous attempts. A couple of radio soaps (Lorenzo Jones or The Couple Next Door) dropped the melodrama and were comedic in attempt. Murder trials were very popular on radio soaps. 

I still feel a soap should be aired 5 days a week, but do know that abroad it's common for the local shows to be shown in the early early evening, perhaps two or three times a week. 

When soaps started on TV, the radio format of 15-minute exaggerated melodrama was embraced (Love of Life, Search for Tomorrow). One of the most successful radio writers of soaps, Irna Phillips had the brilliant (?) idea of a 30-minute soap -- which in 1956 gave birth to As the World Turns (family relationships) and The Edge of Night (suspenseful crime melodrama). Eventually the 15-minute format ended and by mid-'60's all daytime serials became 30 minutes long. And then in the '70's they began the transformation to hour long shows. (Another World insanely attempted a 90-minute show from which viewers fled! LOL) 

(Puzzling that a radio audience would daily in succession hear Life Can Be Beautiful, Pepper Young's Family, The Road of Life, The Right to Happiness, Backstage Wife, and Stella Dallas without flinching but on TV ignore ONE 90-minute soap!) I recommend the following definition. Note I omit the sentence dealing with weekly series which in reality are soapy faux mini-series. ROF 

Soap Operas are usually daytime or evening serial melodramas of human relationships that run more than once a week featuring storylines which normally have a cycle of several weeks or months or, dealing with family and character traits, never conclude.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user luvstoresearchby luvstoresearch
 » Fri Dec 17 2010 16:47:29Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since June 2004
Post Edited: Fri Dec 17 2010 17:20:33

Puzzling that a radio audience would daily in succession hear Life Can Be Beautiful, Pepper Young's Family, The Road of Life, The Right to Happiness, Backstage Wife, and Stella Dallas without flinching but on TV ignore ONE 90-minute soap!)
I don't think it is puzzling at all. I recall my grandmother watching "Search For Tomorrow", "The Guiding Light", and even Johnny Carson's "Who Do You Trust", all of which were 15 minutes long when first aired on TV. She could sit down, have a cup of coffee, or tea, and maybe a cigarette and watch "her show" and then get right back to the household chores. With radio shows, there was no reason to sit down at all, you could listen and work. 

When the half-hour shows debuted, she justified her 'breaks" and got up during the commercial breaks and ran around like crazy. She didn't want to miss "her shows" but with them going to half-hour length, it made it difficult. Imagine what she thought when some of the shows went to an hour. 

Most of the people I knew who followed the soaps back then ended each day wondering "what was Penny going to do about Jeff", or some such thing. It was one thing to wait to see a half-hour show, but to wait to see 90 minutes of one show, one hour of some, and 1/2 hour of others...well, there wasn't much of the day left to do the ironing, dishes (without a dishwasher), laundry (line-drying), etc, etc. 

OK....I'm off my nostalgia box. 

Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERAimage for user jaimie-kby jaimie-k
 » Mon Jan 10 2011 03:53:24Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2008

Hi there, 

The Soap Opera definition has been approved by the Staff DPG :-) 

Soap Operas are serial melodramas that run more than once a week. Exceptions will be made for certain weekly, prime-time shows, but only if they are similar to the typical serial in style and content. TV series only.

All 5 new genres are in the process of being created. As soon as I have more info I'll let you know. 


"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERA *CLOSED*image for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Wed Oct 22 2014 20:24:17Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm bumping this thread because the discussion is of historical interest.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERA *CLOSED*image for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Sat Jun 20 2015 21:36:56Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

And I'm bumping it again to help protect it from expiration.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERA *CLOSED*image for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Tue Apr 19 2016 21:51:41Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm bumping this thread again to help ensure that it is maintained on the board at least until the new genres are implemented.

Re: CDPG 6: Genre Definition - SOAP OPERA *CLOSED*image for user Col Needhamby Col Needham
 » Wed May 18 2016 05:43:53Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb Staff Member

Unresolved old thread -- bumping for staff attention.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

PENDING: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user jaimie-kby jaimie-k
 » Mon Jan 17 2011 09:46:28Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2008
Post Edited: Sun Apr 24 2016 06:36:50

Hi all, 

A few months ago, 5 new Genres were agreed upon by both Staff and contributors. They were: 

Soap Opera 

The definitions for LIFESTYLE, SOAP OPERA, AWARDS SHOW and EROTICA have already been formulated by the CDPG, and 3 have been approved by the Staff DPG (Erotica is still pending). 

This week, the goal is to come up with a working definition for the EXPERIMENTAL genre. To get things started: Mondo Giallo came up with the following definition during the 'new Genres' discussion thread : 

A film that explores the possibilities of the medium as an art form. One that experiments with non-traditional form and content; often, but not always, discarding conventional narrative. Subjective. 

To assist with the discussion, Gromit82 found the following article by Fred Camper, which seems relevant to this: 

TIMEFRAME: This discussion will end at 10am: Friday 21 January (PST) 

This week's CDPG Rep: luvstoresearch 

"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user bradleykent1by bradleykent1
 » Mon Jan 17 2011 16:06:05Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2007
Post Edited: Mon Jan 17 2011 16:13:26

A title that explores the possibilities of film and video as art by "experimenting" with non-mainstream form and content. It often discards conventional techniques in favor of a non-linear, non-narrative structure; utilizes abstract as opposed to the generally accepted production practices; and explores content from an unexpected, non-traditional, alternative point-of-view. Almost always an independent or low-budget film or video, it includes, but is not limited to, those titles also categorized as an underground-film or as avant-garde. Subjective. 

Have at it! 

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Mon Jan 17 2011 16:34:15Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

That's a pretty good definition Bradley. 


Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user TrekkerScoutby TrekkerScout
 » Mon Jan 17 2011 17:43:46Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

You have my early vote for your definition. 

Gort, Klaatu barada nikto

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user scgary66by scgary66
 » Tue Jan 18 2011 13:16:09Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2002

I'm fine with this, although it tends to focus on narrative structure rather than visual approach; I suppose you could put in wording about use of non-representative imagery or something along that line, although that may getting a bit complex. 

Gary Krause 

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user bradleykent1by bradleykent1
 » Tue Jan 18 2011 14:27:42Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2007
Post Edited: Tue Jan 18 2011 14:33:27

How's this? 

A title that explores the possibilities of film and video as art by "experimenting" with non-mainstream form and content. It often discards conventional techniques in favor of a non-linear, non-narrative structure; utilizes abstract, non-representative imagery and photographic techniques as opposed to the generally accepted production practices; and explores content from an unexpected, non-traditional, alternative point-of-view. Almost always an independent or low-budget film or video, it includes, but is not limited to, those titles also categorized as an underground-film or as avant-garde. Subjective. 

Is it getting too long and wordy? 

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Wed Jan 19 2011 01:33:02Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

Is it getting too long and wordy?

I don't think it is Bradley. It's really useful for the definition to cover as many aspects of the genre as possible. The reason that we have had so many problems with definitions for existing genres is down to the fact that the definitions are too concise. It's worthwhile adding another couple of lines if it means that the genre is better defined. Hopefully in the future via the CDPG we can work on upgrading the existing genre definitions by expanding them if neccessary. 


Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user jaimie-kby jaimie-k
 » Wed Jan 19 2011 07:50:00Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2008

Hi Mondo, 

Hopefully in the future via the CDPG we can work on upgrading the existing genre definitions by expanding them if neccessary.

That's exactly the plan :-) When the definitions for the new genres have been formulated, the CDPG will move on to reformulating (where necessary), existing genre definitions, including the infamous horror genre (!) 


"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user Red-Barracudaby Red-Barracuda
 » Wed Jan 19 2011 07:59:55Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since February 2002

That's very encouraging Jamie, very sensible too. I think via this forum we will make some worthwhile upgrades. 


Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user bradleykent1by bradleykent1
 » Wed Jan 19 2011 08:32:08Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2007

Good suggestion, gromit82: 

A title that explores the possibilities of film and video as art by "experimenting" with non-mainstream form and content. It often discards conventional techniques in favor of a non-linear, non-narrative structure; utilizes abstract, non-representational imagery and photographic techniques as opposed to the generally accepted production practices; and explores content from an unexpected, non-traditional, alternative point-of-view. Almost always an independent or low-budget film or video, it includes, but is not limited to, those titles also categorized as an underground-film or as avant-garde. Subjective.

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user scgary66by scgary66
 » Wed Jan 19 2011 14:29:36Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2002

I'll endorse this; it seems excellent to me. 

Gary Krause 

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user Moz79by Moz79
 » Wed Jan 19 2011 14:45:13Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since April 2004

When the definitions for the new genres have been formulated, the CDPG will move on to reformulating (where necessary), existing genre definitions

With there currently being 28 genres does this mean that there won't be any decisions made about Batch 2 until August then, or will they be in and amongst? 

"Dream not of today"

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user jaimie-kby jaimie-k
 » Thu Jan 20 2011 01:42:05Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since July 2008

Hi Moz, 

Batch two will be discussed by the Staff DPG within the next few weeks. Definitions for any new genres approved through that process will be formulated by the CDPG. It definitely won't take until August. 


"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon".

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Wed Jan 19 2011 07:57:14Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

Bradley: I tend to support this definition. However, I would recommend using "non-representational imagery" instead of "non-representative imagery."

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user luvstoresearchby luvstoresearch
 » Fri Jan 21 2011 19:05:19Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since June 2004


I think that everyone pretty much agrees that bradleykent's definition, here: 54 is good and should be sent to the staff for approval. 

Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Wed Oct 22 2014 20:22:22Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm bumping this thread because the discussion is of historical interest.

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Sat Jun 20 2015 21:31:29Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

And I'm bumping it again to help protect it from expiration.

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user gromit82by gromit82
 » Tue Apr 19 2016 21:49:30Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb member since August 2002

I'm bumping this thread again to help ensure that it is maintained on the board at least until the new genres are implemented.

Re: CDPG 12: Genre Definition - EXPERIMENTALimage for user Col Needhamby Col Needham
 » Wed May 18 2016 05:43:36Flag ▼ | Reply |  

IMDb Staff Member

Unresolved old thread -- bumping for staff attention.