4 Messages


102 Points

Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 7:16 PM


Gender options

Find it really great that when attempting to change somebodies gender, it only comes up with male and female and no option to insert another gender. Very inclusive, well done. I was looking at somebodies page and realised it had used she/her pronouns when they openly go by they/them pronouns and identify as non-binary but there is no option to change that, the only two options that come up are male and female. The actor I was looking at was Morgan Turner from Jumanji, it is extremely disrespectful to use the incorrect pronouns for them. This needs to be changed.



14.2K Messages


328K Points

4 years ago

If you wish, you can submit a Biography which doesn't use gendered pronouns through their page.

However, the word actress would still be used in the profile as long as the female gender is selected.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Contributions of that kind can take up to two weeks to go online, but indeed such a process is vastly quicker than any sort of implementation of any kind of new feature request or policy amendment.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

4 years ago


10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

This submission was declined by the way for being badly formatted. The explanation used to justify the creation of the item has conveniently been blanked out in the submission receipt.

12 Messages


192 Points

4 years ago

Regardless of the politically correct usage you advocate, he/she, her/him, etc. are the CORRECT pronouns no matter what the actor or actress uses.

4 Messages


102 Points

you, wayne, do not pass the vibe check

124 Messages


2K Points

4 years ago

As @Karen_P has explained, there are 72 possibilities. Right now. Those 72 are far too many from a programming standpoint, a practical standpoint, every kind of standpoint for a site like this. What if five years from now there are 172 possibilities? Is it realistic to expect IMDb to include all of them? I don't think so.

However, I feel very strongly that they need to add one more choice: other. Is it perfect? No. Is it ideal? No. Does it explicitly include every single one of the 72 choices? No. But it would simply, easily solve the problem from a realistic standpoint. It would allow people who do not identify as the black-and-white two genders currently offered to show they don't include them. Then, in their biographies and other info on their pages, they can be referred to using their preferred terms.

As for the terms actor and actress: when a person chooses the other gender, the term actor should be used.  Side note: I always refer to females in the acting field as actors--just like I refer to female physicians as doctors--and I'm hearing that more and more often as time goes by. If I had my way, IMDb would do away with this archaic, sexist distinction! But I digress...

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Awkward, seeing as how the words "they", "them", "their" and "theirs" imply plurality.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

So true, Ravi Nathan, but thankfully the word "irregardless" doesn't collide with the namespace of any existing words and can be still be regarded as improper, since common usage shows that the word means the same thing as "regardless" rather than the inversion of it, unlike the relationship between "regular" and "irregular", "responsible" and "irresponsible", "reconcilable" and "irreconcilable", etc.

About pronouns again, I do find it interesting that the word "her" is used as the feminine third-person object pronoun or the feminine third-person pronoun adjective. Such a minuscule problem doesn't exist in the masculine third-person pronoun scheme within the same language. Thankfully unless a sentence is truncated (cut off from completion), we always know what an instance of the word "her" means simply by what comes after it in a sentence structure.

12 Messages


192 Points

This whole gender choice has gotten out of hand. First of all gender was originally used by grammarians for nouns, it was never meant to specify the sex of people. For example, English has two genders, masculine and feminine, while German has three, masculine feminine, and neuter. Second, there are exactly TWO sexes, male and female, you are either one or the other. No amount of twisted logic supports this whole crazy idea that gender is different from sex, and is chosen by the person.

Men are actors, and women are actresses. I know that is shocking to all you left wingers who are trying to avoid admitting that that there are differences between men and women. Like it or not, there are, and they have been researched. But, as your (not mine) new President said, "I accept truth over facts", meaning he has his version of truth and it does not matter what the facts prove. That is the general mind set of you leftists, you just know the truth and no amount of facts will convince you otherwise. That is why people who have researched the differences between the TWO sexes have been ridiculed with their research being dismissed as sexist.

What really gets me is the hypocrisy of all of you. You claim you believe in science when it supports your world view, but watch out when it contradicts that view, you ridicule and ignore it, because you accept truth (your version of it) over facts (the real truth). I have seen so many left wing commentators who have said I don't believe the data, when presented with incontrovertible proof that they are wrong. They just dismiss it with "I don't believe it", and move on as is that is God's own truth and there is no need for further discussion.

As far as pronouns are concerned, if you want to avoid using singular gender specific pronouns, make your sentences plural. For instance, rather than say "have the student submit their paper", say, "have the students submit their papers."

I refuse to be dictated to by left wing fascists, who want to control my speech, actions, and beliefs. They CLAIM they believe in tolerance, diversity and inclusion, but what they mean is they believe in tolerance as long as the other side agrees with them, diversity when it is the diverse groups they deem acceptable, and inclusion as long as it is the groups the are willing to accept. In truth, the leftists are the most intolerant, least diverse, and most non-inclusive group. Just look at the list of -ists and -phobes they have, racist, sexist, homophobia, islamophobia, and on and on, al designed to shame the other side into believing what they believe, and shutting off all debate.

Webster's dictionaries used to be the gold standard for reference, but they have succumbed to political and social pressure and added words and definitions that are nonsensical, like irregardless. A word used by the ignorant who think that the prefix ir- has to be placed in front of a word to negate it.

12 Messages


192 Points


They don't imply plurality, they are plural pronouns, and any other use is incorrect.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Of politics, both the left wing and right wing are rather absurd and unreasonable. Some of the ideas and people who transcend both wings (or who manifestly belong to neither) can be ridiculous at times too, but maybe, just maybe, not as much.

By the way, as of the time of this posting, the tenure of the 45th individual to hold the office of President of the United States has not yet expired. The man lawfully elected to serve the next United States presidential term-of-office does not really deserve be referred to as "President" until he is such. May the transition of the United States executive power be as smooth and cooperative as can be.