122 Messages


2.3K Points

Thursday, March 14th, 2024 5:27 PM

In Progress

French certificates (rating) abbreviation

Hi everyone, I noticed that the French ratings are not reported with any abbreviation, unlike the ratings of other countries. Would it be possible to change the French ratings to their abbreviated forms? Indeed, the current French ratings are really too long. Below are the current French ratings and their abbreviated forms: *"Tous publics" should be "TP" *"Tous publics avec avertissement" should be "TPA" *"10 avec avertissement" should be "10A" (to be honest, I don't know that this rating exists) *"12 avec avertissement" should be "12A" *"16 avec avertissement" should be "16A" Below are the sources for the abbreviations: * https://www.vie-publique.fr/files/rapport/pdf/194000487_0.pdf (page 21) * https://books.google.it/books?id=nAkHEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA10&lpg=PA10&dq=%22tpa+tous+publics%22&source=bl&ots=841I0AfY9A&sig=ACfU3U2jPVhKDKCnxLh-yPxFPKGNmlkieQ&hl=it&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4voqkmvSEAxUkcfEDHekdBqkQ6AF6BAgIEAM#v=onepage&q=%22tpa%20tous%20publics%22&f=false (page 10) Thanks!



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

1 year ago

Hi @aquilatonante - Suggestion has been sent to our team in charge. Cheers!

122 Messages


2.3K Points

Hi @Bethanny Thanks so much, let me know if there are any updates!

122 Messages


2.3K Points

Hi @Bethanny ! Do you have any updates regarding this proposal?

122 Messages


2.3K Points

1 month ago

Hi everyone, I reiterate my request as the previous one fell on deaf ears. I noticed that the French ratings are not reported with any abbreviation, unlike the ratings of other countries. Would it be possible to change the French ratings to their abbreviated forms? Indeed, the current French ratings are really too long. Below are the current French ratings and their abbreviated forms: *"Tous publics" should be "TP" *"Tous publics avec avertissement" should be "TPA" *"12 avec avertissement" should be "12A" *"16 avec avertissement" should be "16A" Moreover, the rating "10 avec avertissement" should be removed, since it does not exist. Below are the sources for the abbreviations: * https://www.vie-publique.fr/files/rapport/pdf/194000487_0.pdf (page 21) * https://books.google.it/books?id=nAkHEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA10&lpg=PA10&dq=%22tpa+tous+publics%22&source=bl&ots=841I0AfY9A&sig=ACfU3U2jPVhKDKCnxLh-yPxFPKGNmlkieQ&hl=it&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4voqkmvSEAxUkcfEDHekdBqkQ6AF6BAgIEAM#v=onepage&q=%22tpa%20tous%20publics%22&f=false (page 10) Thanks for your cooperation! Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled French ratings



2.3K Messages


24.9K Points

@aquilatonante​ Hi- We have merged this same post onto this already In-Progress thread. We are still tracking your request but we will provide any update once there is further information.  Cheers!