FeRDNYC's profile

93 Messages


2.4K Points

Friday, January 5th, 2024 3:57 AM


Formatting of names with special characters in attributes

A recent episode of Marvel's What If...? included several credits for members of the Kanien'kehá:ka (aka Mohawk) nation, whose names may be causing the IMDb's formatting logic some difficulties due to their unusual (relative English-language text) use of punctuation.

One credit in particular, for Ránikonhrí:io Lazare, was displayed in the on-screen credits as "Ránikonhrí:io Lazare (Kade Lazare)", and so it was submitted (by some other user, I'm a latecomer to this) with an "(as...)" attribute, in addition to the "(voice)" attribute.

However, it's displaying in the Full Cast & Crew listing as "Ránikonhrí:io Lazare … Additional Voices (voice) (as Ránikonhrí)".

The shortening of the "(as...)" name seems to be caused by an extra space after the colon, in the actor's first name. That's visible in the Edit view, which shows the attribute field as "(voice) (as Ránikonhrí: io Lazare [Kade Lazare])".

I submitted an update to correct that (remove the space from "Ránikonhrí: io"), which was accepted, but the space is still present in the Edit view. Which makes me think that the IMDb systems are adding it automatically, possibly due to a bad assumption in the text processing/sanitization logic applied to attribute fields.

Meanwhile, on the actor's IMDb name listing, the credit is shown as "Additional Voices (voice, as Ránikonhrí: io Lazare [Kade Lazare])" — the full length of the name is displayed, but still with the incorrect space after the colon.

Accepted Solution



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

8 months ago


I have reported this to our team in charge, ticket number V1193202077.


93 Messages


2.4K Points

Great, thanks @Bethanny ! And it looks like this was already updated — the entry now reads,

Ránikonhrí:io Lazare ... Additional Voices (voice) (as Ránikonhrí:io Lazare [Kade Lazare]: io Lazare [Kade Lazare])

So the actor's full "(as...)" credit is shown (yay!) but there's a bit too much to it, now. 😄

I'm a little bit afraid to submit an update removing the spurious doubled ": io Lazare [Kade Lazare]" at the end, for fear of breaking the whole thing again.

(If the ticket says,) was this entry special-cased in the database, or were the correction rules changed to accept colons in names without forcibly inserting a space after them? Is it safe to try and correct this through the normal update process, now?



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@FeRDNYC​ Hi! The ticket is actually still in progress so for now please leave it as is. I will let you know when it's solved.

Cheers :)

93 Messages


2.4K Points

@Bethanny (or anyone), sorry to pester you, was just wondering if there's any update on this? It's been a couple of months, now, and the credit still appears unchanged from my previous comment.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@FeRDNYC​ Hi! It still being worked on, I will keep you posted.


Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 months ago


I can confirm that this issue has now been resolved.


93 Messages


2.4K Points

Indeed it has, in both the title and name views. Thanks!

Out of curiosity, is this something that was fixed for just this one credit, as a special case? Or is it fixed in the submission tools, so that in the future credits like this will show up as entered right from the start?




1.6K Messages


16.5K Points


Apologies for the delayed response, but I can confirm that an internal system fix was deployed to prevent this formatting error from occurring in these circumstances further.

I hope this helps!