34 Messages
774 Points
Follow-up to my earlier post regarding declined submissions
The post in question - https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/adding-credits-declined-multiple-times/621223e6116db439b711f9b2
I mentioned in a comment to the staff member that I would be posting a link to a video for further evidence that my submissions are in fact valid. I received no further communication so I am forced to make this post.
Again this is a link to the title in question - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18254170/
TLDR - Multiple submissions were rejected stating lack of evidence.
Submission number - #220220-110839-973000
Evidence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIqrrAHwc6M This is a link to a video of the end credits of the video game (the title in question).
PS - Multiple additions are pending as not all cast were added. I would be adding them one by one after the ones I added in have been approved.
Anyway, thanks in advance.
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