den_budanov's profile

133 Messages


2.9K Points

Thursday, November 9th, 2023 7:51 PM


Filmfestival Cottbus duplicate pages

I discovered that the FilmFestival Cottbus has two pages:

It seems to me that the duplicate page needs to be deleted (merged).

And it is also necessary to tidy up the official name of the festival. On the festival page the name is: FilmFestival Cottbus (FFC). In the German version the name also has a prefix - Festival des osteuropäischen Films (translated as Festival of East European Cinema; translation into English is available on the festival emblem-banner). I suggest adjusting the name on the main page (after eliminating the duplicate): FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival of East European Cinema.


- festival website (section about the festival)

- German Wikipedia page



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

10 months ago

Hi @den_budanov -

I have requested to merge the awards and fix the title. Reference number V1103463380.




5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

Hi @den_budanov -

Pages were merged and name was fixed.


252 Messages


5.7K Points

10 months ago

So there is still hope to do the same with the Busan International Film Festival one day, that festival has two pages, but with two different names "Pusan International Film Festival" ​​and "Busan International Film Festival" (same city, same festival), they just need to be merged. There was also a thread on the forum.

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133 Messages


2.9K Points

8 months ago


There is one more question regarding this festival. The fact is that as I understand the general rule, if at a festival a prize in the form of a statuette has a name, then it is necessary to add it.

At this festival, the official prize sculpture Lubina is awarded in 3 prize sections:

But this is the third time I have submitted a request to add this prize and each time this contribution is not accepted. My logic: first add one section so that the prize is displayed and then slowly edit the remaining sections. 240113-080247-396000



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@den_budanov​ Hi! I see it was a processing error, please resubmit and post your submission reference here so we can approve.


133 Messages


2.9K Points



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @den_budanov​ -

I can confirm that the award update has been approved and the data is live on the site.  Cheers!