149 Messages


1.9K Points

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 7:02 AM


Factual credits removal



5.4K Messages


56.8K Points

20 days ago

Hi @ugnieska -

We will need evidence (preferably screenshots from the credits) that way they will not be deleted again, user deleting them sent evidence reason why it was accepted (of course it could be wrong). Let me know once you resubmitted with evidence, I will make sure to lock them too.


149 Messages


1.9K Points

@Bethanny​ there is really no problem to do that, i never do something randomly
all episodes has the same credits, mostly
so will show from one
season 2 episode 4
this screenshot is from official streaming service where this show airs
here all creative producers that were deleted
line producer
i'm doing this enough time to know that not all credits are shown on the opening credits, all credits are in the end
never rely on the opening credits, because it's just a preview
it sucks when you spend time scrolling through the credits
and them someone comes who relys only on the opening credits and deletes everything, because they were too lazy to check credits after




5.4K Messages


56.8K Points

@ugnieska​ Thanks! We can only see the screenshots you uploaded on the submission itself, just submit it with the screenshot and I'll approve and lock.


149 Messages


1.9K Points

please also lock not deleted ones yet, because for sure they will try delete them too later

149 Messages


1.9K Points

Yeah this person keeps deleting it...
Just now deleted factual credits again...
I'm tired of readding it
How dumb you must be to do that, i don't understand
When i even don't know from official credits that credits are real, i never delete them, before i recheck all possible sources
But here, yeah whatever it's factual, but who cares, let's delete it
There really should be an option to contact people who edits the same title
I need to write to this person, what the hell are you doing
If you really don't understand what are you doing, then just don't do it


149 Messages


1.9K Points

i'm readding it again, because it's awesome to do same things all over again
really biggest pain for the contributors that you need to fix stuff that was done by people who don't understand what they are doing
i understand that everyone can do contributions, but sometimes it's too much
i don't mind when someone fix my mistakes, which i still do sometimes of course
but when someone don't understand what they are doing and deletes something factual that you spent time adding it
it really pisses me off
there really should be some kinda a protection for top contributors or imdb pro contributors that their contributions change should be reviewed normally not deleted randomly with no evidance




1.7K Messages


17.3K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Firstly, please be aware that information in IMDb comes from various sources. Most of it is either researched by our staff or submitted by our users. For more information, please visit this guide. Even if we could track down who sent a specific piece of data, it is our policy not to disclose contact details or any other information about our users and contributors.

Regarding your problem report, I can confirm only a small number of certain credits on certain episodes were removed, with evidence provided to verify their removal. Hence why some of your contributed credits were removed. We understand your frustration, but it seems as though you're adding the same evidence for every episode which may not be factually accurate. Meaning certain episodes might have different end-credits. If this is the case, we recommend providing distinct evidence in the future to support your contributions (i.e. different screenshots), especially when there's a possibility the credits for any given episode could vary from one to the next on a series.

Please do let us know if you experience any further related issues, and we can provide further support.


149 Messages


1.9K Points

@Ozzy​ All episodes has the same credits, appart of the writers sometimes, which change every episode on some shows, but it also can be that entire series was written by same people so it doesn't change and entire series has the same credits
Also cast, but most of the time all cast of the entire series are credited
It's not american style that every episode is made by different people
All series are made by the same people
If writers and cast doesn't change, so really there's is no point to show 20 episodes identical credits
i can bet that i can prove that persons "valid information" is not valid at all
and it's just random screenshots


149 Messages


1.9K Points

@Ozzy for the same example, this year aired show with 60 episodes
identical credits
cast and writers didn't change
so 60 times i need to provide same credits screenshot?
also how you would know from what episode it is, if it's identical?
you will think i send you same screenshot all time
but i literally send you the screenshot of the episode i do credits for
so what's the point of that?
i'm doing this since 2020
i did almost every new show that aired since that, which is hundreds
i know almost all streaming services, production companies and tv channels credits style
there is really no point for me to add something that doesn't exist
also i can easily provide screenshots that all contributions i do is factual
because i do them from official sources


149 Messages


1.9K Points

@Ozzy​ also you said that person who deleted it, provided "valid information" to delete it, how you know it's real? if it doesn't exist in that screenshot, how you know that it doesn't exist in the later credits?
or that person provived literal video of all credits which are almost 2 minutes?
i did provide screenshots where it clearly show that credits are factual
i also can do random screenshot of some credits and say see that other credits doesn't exist and i'm valid to delete it
i really don't understand how it can prove anything
you really need to prove that it really doesn't exist, not vice versa
it really looks like that person who deleted something factual was right
added random "proof" of something and was right to delete something factual
and me who provided proof that credits were factual, need to complain here
i literally complaining about this since that 2020
but nobody cares as i see
to remove something factual is super easy
but when you need to fix it, it's super hard
which i always tought shoud be vice versa
and it always makes me laugh when mods say, that imdb wants to be most accurate site of movies
this is never happening
because still to this day i need to do this
i also wonder why for american shows or uk shows to change something is super hard
but for other countries shows
yeah whatever do whatever you want
easily delete factual staff, add random stuff
who cares
i understand that those shows get more attention
but same rules should apply to every title, doesn't matter from what country it is




1.7K Messages


17.3K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

The deletion request came with a link to the show's end credits, and I would reiterate that this example given was for only but a few credits. If you are experiencing this with all of your credit additions to titles from different locales, we would like to look into that for you. As the same policies and guidelines do in fact apply to every title.
