pratyatosa_das's profile

47 Messages


762 Points

Sunday, June 25th, 2017 1:02 AM


"Expedition Unknown" cast member credit

Parijata Devi Dasi, playing herself, has a significant role in the documentary TV episode, "Expedition Unknown" (2015) {India's Atlantis (#3.22)}. Please refer to a 3 1/2 minute clip from that particular episode here: <>. As you can see, she is given a prominent onscreen credit at 0:45. Please give her the credit she deserves by adding this TV episode as her first cast member credit (as I have repeatedly requested to do, including today).

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: IMDB DOES NOT CREDIT CAST MEMBERS.

This conversation is no longer open for comments or replies and is no longer visible to community members.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

Pratayatosa: Please post your last full data submission here on this message board. You can copy it out of the receipt you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending it in. Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get it included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 170123-123456-789000.)

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

IMDb update receipt #170624-232547-521000

Contribution Details

    "Expedition Unknown" (2015) {India's Atlantis (#3.22)}
        Cast - Add

            Name: Dasi, Parijata Devi
            Character: Herself



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

Pratyatosa: Submission #170624-232547-521000 would be a very recent submission, probably from just a few hours ago. What is your oldest submission number for the same credit?

At you can see that Filmography - Cast data submissions are backlogged to June 20, so if you first submitted this credit on or after that date, it might not have been processed yet. On the other hand, if you first submitted this credit well before then, there may be a problem that needs to be resolved.

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

IMDb update receipt #170619-030014-226000

Contribution Details

    "Expedition Unknown" (2015) {India's Atlantis (#3.22)}
        Cast - Add

            Name: Dasi, Parijata Devi
            Character: Herself



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

Pratayatosa: In that case, I will try to call the IMDb staff's attention to this thread, and hopefully with the link you provided in your original post (, they will be able to process this credit. It may be a couple of days before they respond, though.

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

Thank you.

BTW, here's another addition that was erroneously rejected. Why? The onscreen credit said "Dr. Sundaresh." I did a Google search and couldn't find a single instance wherein he used more than "Sundaresh" or "Dr. Sundaresh." Why should using only one name be a disqualification?

IMDb update receipt #170618-200206-161000

Contribution Details

    "Expedition Unknown" (2015) {India's Atlantis (#3.22)}
        Cast - Add

            Name: Sundaresh
            Character: Himself



1.2K Messages


36.3K Points

7 years ago

Hi Pratyatosa,

Thanks for your post and Youtube link, I've submitted both of the credits for 'India's Atlantis' now - these should be live within around 48 hours.



47 Messages


762 Points

Dear Joel, what gives? It's been 4 days and Parijata Devi Dasi is still not listed on <>! I also tried your Help Desk, but, as you can see from the expert witnesses' comments below, the Help Desk doesn't seem to even know what's own policies are! Either that or they are simply being truculent or maybe just plain lazy!

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

Thank you, Joel.

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

I find it a little strange that "Sundaresh" has already been added, but not "Parijata Devi Dasi." What's the hold-up? I've been adding actors/actresses for years, and it seems that certain adds/updates are permanently blacklisted. Is this true?

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

At first I submitted "Parijata Devi Dasi" as a "Hare Krishna" who was uncredited, and she was immediately added. Then I noticed the onscreen credit. Therefore, I tried to delete the "uncredited." I also tried to change "Hare Krishna" to "Herself" in order to be consistent with the other onscreen credits. The result was that she was deleted and apparently blacklisted! I say "blacklisted" because all subsequent efforts to add her were rejected! This is not the first time that this type of thing has happened to me. It seems that making a mistake is punished by certain IMDb staff members!

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago


Re: "Expedition Unknown - India's Atlantis" cast member credit by - IMDb Help Desk (28 Jun 2017 11:48:25 AM) Thank you for your message.

The credit you submitted for Parijata Devi Dasi was accepted and is listed as an 'uncredited' credit on the site, however, because she has no credited listings the 'uncredited' entry is suppressed on her page.  Once she has an on-screen credit listed, any 'uncredited' lsitings will then display.

Please be aware that since Ms. Dasi was not credited within the on-screen end credits of the show, her credit is listed correctly as 'uncredited'.

We hope this information is helpful; please let us know if we can offer further assistance.

The IMDb Help Desk
Re: "Expedition Unknown - India's Atlantis" cast member credit by - Pratyatosa Das (28 Jun 2017 12:00:07 PM) Please refer to <>. There are 6 credits listed there. Only one of the those 6 is listed in the end credits. The other 5 all have the same kind of onscreen credit as Ms. Dasi. Therefore, what you are saying makes no sense. Please either remove the 5 credits which are identical in every way to the credit that Ms. Dasi is given, or add Ms. Dasi. Are you prejudiced against women or what?

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

YOUR "HELP DESK" CONTINUES TO BE LESS THAN HELPFUL. (Where does it say that onscreen credits are only valid if they are at the end of the movie? What about older movies where they at the beginning of the movie? It seems like Molly just makes up silly rules as she goes along.)

Re: "Expedition Unknown - India's Atlantis" cast member credit by - IMDb Help Desk (29 Jun 2017 05:28:54 AM) Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.

Our aim is to be the most complete and reliable source of movie, TV and entertainment information on the web. If you believe you've identified inaccurate information on this title page, please submit a correction via the "Edit page" function on our site.

Thank you for your understanding.


The IMDb Help Desk

Re: "Expedition Unknown - India's Atlantis" cast member credit by - Pratyatosa Das (29 Jun 2017 06:06:37 AM)

Here it is. Please make sure it goes through this time:

IMDb update receipt #170629-130429-845000

Contribution Details

   "Expedition Unknown" (2015) {India's Atlantis (#3.22)}
       Cast - Add

           Name: Dasi, Parijata Devi
           Character: Herself



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

7 years ago

Just to support what Pratyatosa is saying, the Submission Guide: Cast has a guideline that says:
For documentaries or talk shows where the people appearing on camera are generally not in a separate cast list, their first onscreen appearance where they are identified either by a caption or spoken name is used to determine the order.
It is very common in nonfiction programming for people to be identified in captions as they appear throughout the episode, and I have submitted numerous examples of such people to cast lists of various television shows. The idea that such a person is "uncredited" appears to be a misunderstanding of the IMDb policy for credits in documentaries and similar programs.

2.5K Messages


69.1K Points

7 years ago

Gromit is absolutely right (as always). If some person is identified either by a caption (e.g. documentary) or by a spoken name (e.g. talk show) it would be wrong to add "(uncredited)" attribute. So some misunderstanding probably occurred.

47 Messages


762 Points

7 years ago

Even assuming that the IMDb staff doesn't understand what Gromit is saying, their actions still don't make any sense!

Please let me explain:

They approved 5 male additions to the cast that I submitted, but rejected 1 female addition, even though her onscreen credit is identical in every way to her male counterparts!

Like I said in my original comment, Parijata Devi Dasi's onscreen credit is proven by a link to a YouTube video: <>. (The 5 male cast members were added by the IMDB staff after simply taking my word for it!)

Why such obvious discrimination? I don't understand! What am I doing wrong?