bbbaginz's profile

5 Messages


170 Points

Monday, February 24th, 2020 8:25 PM


Expanded search options

I hate not being able to search for something simple like a specific year in a genre. I recently wanted to find a movie i saw 15 years ago and had to scroll through 120 years of movies to find that ONE of litterally tens of thousands. Plus one has to scroll through the genre but if interrupted has to start all over. I said it before, i hate this new version. Quit making things harder rather than easier.

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

5 years ago

You can use the Advanced Title Search feature.

There, you'll be able to set a specific date and genre(s) with many other options.

Feel free to look around. Good luck.

5 Messages


170 Points

Exactly how do i get there?

189 Messages


6K Points

Click on "All" next to the search entry field.  It brings up a list.
Click on "Advanced Search".
On the left side you'll see a link for "Advanced Title Search."

5 Messages


170 Points

Im not seeing it. I have the free version and nothing like that comes up. I go to search but outside the search entry space all i have is browse options

189 Messages


6K Points

It may be device dependent?  I'm using "free" on PC with Edge.  Maybe staff can help you.  Good luck.

5 Messages


170 Points

I found out whats wrong
Im in my phone and it does not allow advanced search options.
Therin lay my frustration as i like to browse from my phone.
Though the computer version is quite expansive the phone app versions stinks for searching