332 Messages
7.4K Points
Error with adding subgenre keyword "kids-family"
One of the official subgenre keywords recently added is "kids-family", for family movies specifically aimed at kids. However, when trying to add this keyword to a title, a strange error occurs. The keyword is automatically rejected as "not valid" due to being "too subjective". To check and see if I was the only one having this problem, I used the advanced title search. Sure enough, not one single title has been given this subgenre-keyword.
Follow this link to see for yourself: https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?keywords=kids-family
Screenshot of edit attempt:
14.5K Messages
331.5K Points
2 years ago
Apparently the keyword was first blocked by request and then added to the list of suggested keywords shortly after.
17.6K Messages
314.9K Points
2 years ago
Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1 -
Thanks for reporting. I filed a ticket for the appropriate team to investigate and resolve the prior blocker. As soon as I have an update I will relay that information here.
332 Messages
7.4K Points
2 years ago
This is an unrelated point, but I just noticed also that on the help page for subgenres the subgenre "farce comedy" is missing both the examples and the description.
332 Messages
7.4K Points
2 years ago
Another unrelated error: Period-drama is on the list twice, once in the drama, and once in the romance section. I assume the second instance is supposed to say "period-romance".
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
For the past couple years, whenever IMDb staff block keywords, they always list the reason in the alert message that pops up when you subsequently try to add the keyword as "too subjective."
But there are many other reasons why a keyword might be blocked. For example, a keyword might be blocked because it is a genre, because it is too vague, because it contains inappropriate language, because it is poorly formatted, etc.
These alert messages used to give other reasons for blocked keywords, like "too vague," for instance, but no blocks created the past couple years have given any reason other than "too subjective."
I wonder why staff started limiting all keyword blocks to the message "too subjective." I'm guessing this has just been a simple oversight.
7.5K Messages
277K Points
2 years ago
If we need a keyword for expressing the idea that a title is directed toward or appropriate for young children, I don't think that "kids-family" is a particularly good way to phrase that.
1.4K Messages
23.7K Points
2 years ago
Oh! I forgot Category, which seems to sometimes exist between Subgenre and Keyword, although not always!
Much of this problem seems to emanate from IMDb’s creation of its own subgenres, many of which are extremely subjective. The choices in this “organizational tree” are IMDb’s, not objective observations of what traditionally exist in the arts.
Curiously, melodrama, the traditional narrative genre that would probably have millions of titles, IS NOT EVEN an IMDb subgenre, but must be categorized as “Other”!
5.6K Messages
58.9K Points
2 years ago
Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1 -
Keyword kids-family can now be added.