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70 Points

Saturday, March 18th, 2023 6:33 PM



Editing profiles etc. on IMDB

Hi. My sons are actors and are listed on IMDB. I assume these listings are just IMDB pages created by the studios etc. of projects they worked on because I didn't create them? I am trying to update their info, photos etc. through a parent-supervised account and don't know how to do that exactly. I created an IMDB Pro account for me thinking I could edit my sons info but it looks like this is not the way to do it. Do I need to create a new IMDB Pro account for each of them, then merge with the existing pages that exist for each of my sons? Do I "claim" the pages that exist? Sorry, lots of questions but I need help for this. Thanks in advance. 

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

1 year ago

Hi, Vivienne. Your questions might best be answered by a member of the IMDb staff, but I'll try to give it a shot, based upon available public information on the matters. For clarification, no merging shall be involved. In summary, you would be seeking to create a unique IMDb member account, as well as (I do believe) a unique Amazon customer account, for each of your clients, the sons of yours who are actors; and each would involve a distinct IMDbPro subscription along with distinct email addresses but whereby the email address for each IMDb membership is the same as the email address for the corresponding Amazon customer membership (linked or to be linked). To my understanding, the distinct Amazon customer accounts involved here may all share the exact same payment way and information, i.e. everything is billed to you, but this only matters in regards to the standard IMDbPro subscription rather than the one that is free of charge. The instructions for linking an Amazon customer account to an IMDb member account can be found at https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/your-account/linking-imdb-and-amazon-accounts/GPWEHGB7ZVZ39RW5#. You would repeat this process for each of your clients. The instructions for claiming an IMDb name page can be found at https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/claim-your-page/GXWAJBBV8EVPF3PE#. Just like with the previous guide, you would repeat this process for each of your clients, and of course, it would involve logging in and out, between managing each account. That's it. I hope this helps. Explained simply, the bottom line is that the same process is repeated for each client, but a unique email address is used and a unique IMDb name page is claimed. When each client is old enough, the idea would be to hand over the login credentials to him.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

1 year ago

One more thing, just to note, IMDbPro is only needed for certain purposes and, for example, it isn't needed to update somebody's biography, trivia, filmography, "other works" items or external sites items as they appear on IMDb. Whereas claiming the page (which requires IMDbPro) is needed to customize the featured images, the resume and the "known for" section, among other things like representative/client linking data and occupation within an organization that has a "co" (company) page on IMDb.



2.1K Messages


21.8K Points

1 year ago

Hello Vivienne,

As jeorj_euler mentioned, you can claim the pages for your sons, a IMDbPro subscription will be needed for each of the individualsy in order to have them claimed. You can correct. You can correct/modify data on the page without an IMDbPro subscription, to get to more details you can check this guideline. Also you can take a look at our Claiming a page help guide for more detailed instructions about it.