241 Messages
6.5K Points
Duplicated photos to remove
I found some duplicated photos on IMDb and made contributions to remove the ones having a bad quality or being wrongly qualified. However, 7 of my contributions were rejected by IMDb, but I do not understand why. I indeed do not see the interest having several times the same picture, especially if some of them have a poor quality or have a wrong attribute (« Behind the scene » photos registered as « Still frame » photos for instance). Please find here after these 7 photos/contributions in order to make your opinion and I hope you will help me to delete them. I classified them per movie:
1- Juste la fin du monde (2016):
This photo is a « behind the scene » photo (taken while shooting and usually including the technical team):
We can see the director, Xavier Dolan, on it and he does not act in the movie. The photo is present twice on IMDb and 1 of them is qualified as a « Still frame » picture (which means that it is supposed to be part of the movie released), but it is wrong. I consequently asked to remove it:
2- Miss Stevens (2016):
This photo is present twice, but one is a bit too dark compared to the other:
I suggest to keep the other one, which was used in a New York Times article about the movie:
Here is my contribution:
3- Potiche (2010):
There are 5 pictures duplicated.
Two of them are « Behind the scene » photos, because we see the director, François Ozon, on them (1 behind his camera and the other talking with the actress Catherine Deneuve). But they are classified as « Still frame » (supposed to be part of the movie released), which is wrong. As there are other photos identical but correctly classified as « Behind the scene », I suggest to remove them. Here are the 2 photos to delete:
And also my 2 contributions associated:
The 3 other duplicated photos to remove are correctly qualified as « Still Frame » (they are indeed really part of the movie released), but they have a lower quality than 3 other identical photos available on this IMDb page. They are not representative of the movie, because of too garish colors, and they are darker than what is in the movie. So, I do not see the interest to keep them, as there are other photos identical but faithful to the movie. Here are the 3 photos to remove:
And also my 3 contributions associated:
Thanks for your help.
Accepted Solution
17.7K Messages
315.6K Points
4 years ago
Hi mompart -
Regarding the photo issues:
1) The duplicate image has now been removed, I have retained the official image and modified the correct image type to "behind-the-scenes".
2) Yes, this duplicate image appears to have since been removed as I am no longer seeing it duplicated on the site.
3) Regarding the two images you reported, I have now modified the images to the correct "behind-the-scenes" type, this change should be live on the site shortly.
Regarding the duplicate images, as forthehorde suspected above, these are official images that cannot be removed due to specific editorial restrictions. Therefore, the duplicate images will need to remain in this case. As your images are of better quality, we will allow them to remain listed on on the site.
241 Messages
6.5K Points
4 years ago
Hi Forthehorde,
Thanks for your comments. Here are my answers:
1- Juste la fin du monde:
What you suggest (delinking) is ok for me. The problem with that photo is that it is a « Behind the scene » photo wrongly qualified as a « Still Frame ». The other one is correctly qualified. So, delinking will avoid duplication and wrong attribute. I agree with you:-)
2- Miss Stevens:
I recheck with the movie I have home and you’re right. Let’s keep the other photo you prefer. It’s not me who registered any of the 2 photos, so I will have to make a new contribution to ask for the removal of the other one (the too bright one). But I consider it is out of this post now.
3- Potiche:
I do not agree with you for the quality of pictures. It’s me who added them and I also took them from a French official website, Unifrance, depending on the French Ministry of Culture and dedicated to the promotion of French films outside France (>>> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UniFrance <<<).
Please find evidence: >>> https://en.unifrance.org/movie/30941/potiche <<<
Moreover, I know this movie and the pictures I request for deletion/delinking have been modified, because the colors are not the ones of the movie. In order for you to have an idea, I took 3 pictures of the scenes close to the ones on IMDb (easy, cos I have the movie at home) and I post them here below without any change:
241 Messages
6.5K Points
4 years ago
Anyway, for any official photo, I am ok for delinking instead of removal
241 Messages
6.5K Points
4 years ago
Thank you Forthehorde for all your helpful and witty explanations. I agree that the original photos you found were perfect, but after upload on IMDb they were not good. I better understand now what happened. Let’s see what IMDb team (probably Michelle) will say about the handling of these 6 duplicated images, 1 for « Juste la fin du monde » and 5 for « Potiche ». I personally agree with you to just delink them.
As for « Miss Stevens », there is no duplicated photo anymore, as my contribution of removal for the too bright photo (we finally both agreed to erase) was accepted this morning: https://contribute.imdb.com/contribution/210704-223736-453202
NB: Dear Eric441, I know how to ask for the removal of a photo or a tag (delink), but my contributions were rejected. That is the reason why I came on this forum:-). Maybe I misunderstood your post, so what did you want to say/add?
241 Messages
6.5K Points
4 years ago
Ok, thank you Michelle.