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Saturday, November 19th, 2022 6:16 AM

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Duplicate Keywords - List #65 (multiple characters keywords) (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)

Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion.

I am posting this list for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least 28 days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb staff to make the proposed changes.

The mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

actor-playing-multiple-roles (1136 titles) -->  actor-plays-multiple-roles (114 titles)  -->  actor-plays-nultiple-roles (4 titles)  -->  actor-plays-multiple-characters (28 titles)  -->  actor-playing-multiple-characters (52 titles)

multiple-characters-voiced-by-same-person (22 titles)  -->  actor-voices-multiple-characters (1470 titles)  -->  actor-voicing-multiple-characters (829 titles)

actress-playing-multiple-roles (380 titles)  -->  actress-plays-multiple-roles (59 titles)  -->  actress-plays-multiple-characters (10 titles)  -->  actress-playing-multiple-characters (17 titles)

actress-plays-dual-roles (32 titles)  -->  actress-playing-dual-role (87 titles)  -->  actress-plays-a-dual-role (41 titles)  -->   same-actress-plays-two-characters (10 titles) -->  same-actress-playing-two-characters (19 titles)  -->   actress-plays-two-characters (1 title)  -->  actress-playing-two-characters [new keyword]

actress-plays-triple-roles (1 title) -->  actress-plays-a-triple-role (3 titles) -->  actress-playing-triple-role (2 titles)  --> actress-plays-three-characters (5 titles)  -->  actress-playing-three-characters [new keyword]

actress-voices-multiple-characters (1016 titles)  -->  actress-voicing-multiple-characters (110 titles)

multiple-actors-playing-same-role (28 titles) -->  multiple-actors-play-the-same-role (7 titles)  -->  multiple-actors-for-one-character (77 titles)  -->  role-played-by-multiple-actors (28 titles)  -->  multiple-actors-playing-same-character [new keyword]

multiple-actresses-for-one-character (13 titles)  -->  multiple-actresses-playing-same-role (10 titles)  -->  multiple-actresses-playing-same-character [new keyword]

same-actor-playing-three-characters (1 title)  -->  same-actor-plays-three-roles (1 title)  -->  same-actor-playing-three-roles (12 titles)  -->  actor-plays-a-triple-role (6 titles)  -->  actor-playing-triple-role (1 title)   -->   actor-plays-three-characters (4 titles)  -->  actor-playing-three-characters [new keyword]

same-actor-playing-two-characters (126 titles)  --> same-actor-plays-two-characters (20 titles)   -->  same-actor-plays-two-roles (3 titles) -->  actor-playing-dual-role (151 titles)   -->  actor-plays-a-dual-role (80 titles)   -->  actor-plays-dual-roles (35 titles) -->  actor-plays-two-roles (18 titles)   -->  actor-playing-two-characters [new keyword]

same-actor-plays-two-characters-simultaneously-on-screen (13 titles)  -->  same-actor-playing-two-characters-simultaneously-on-screen (61 titles) 

same-actress-plays-two-characters-simultaneously-on-screen (2 titles) -->  same-actress-playing-two-characters-simultaneously-on-screen (6 titles) 


Related post:

Duplicate Keywords - List #66 (twin characters keywords) (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

I decided to change this list to merge into keywords containing "-ing" words ("playing" and "voicing") rather than "-s" words ("plays" and "voices").

I did this for two reasons. First, for these types of keywords, there was already a preference on IMDb for "playing" over "plays." (The same is true for Google searches, although that may be a function of these phrases being used within sentences.)

Second, by using "-ing" words here, that can help distinguish from plot keywords. In general, for keywords describing a person taking an action within a show or film as part of the plot, I have tried to merge into "-s" keywords (e.g., "woman-vomits" is favored over "woman-vomiting"). But what about keywords like this, that don't describe the plot, but rather the actors and actresses who are acting in the film or show itself? Using "-ing" words is one way to distinguish that set of keywords.

I suppose it's possible for there to be a show or film where an actor or actress plays multiple roles as part of the plot. (I would bet such a title exists although I haven't looked for any.) In that case, perhaps keywords like "actor-plays-multiple-characters" would be appropriate there, and those keywords could be designated as Plot Detail keywords. 

In general, it feels slightly better to use "-ing" words here to indicate the acting, as opposed to the plot. I have gone back and forth on this, but that is where I am currently. Any and all feedback is welcome.