keyword_expert's profile

2.7K Messages


47K Points

Saturday, October 29th, 2022 7:29 PM


No Action Needed

Duplicate Keywords - List #48 (marriage keywords) (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)

Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion.

IMDb has recently changed its display format for keyword search results. The changes will hamper my ability to post these lists in the familiar format as shown below. For the time being, I am still able to access the old version of the keyword search results by logging out of my IMDb account. In anticipation of losing the old version forever, I hope to post several lists this weekend. So as not to overwhelm anyone, I will double the standard 14-day comment period to 28 days, to allow the community sufficient time to review this list before it is finalized.

I am posting this list for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least 28 days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb staff to make the proposed changes.

The mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

adulterous-husband (447 titles)   -->  philandering-husband (17 titles)  -->  husband-commits-adultery [new keyword]

adulterous-wife (1010 titles)  -->  wife-commits-adultery [new keyword]

announcing-engagement (30 titles)  -->  marriage-engagement-announced (6 titles)  -->  engagement-announcement (49 titles) 

bad-marriage (12 titles)  -->  troubled-marriage (211 titles)  -->   dysfunctional-marriage (1320 titles)

broken-marriage (41 titles)  -->  dead-marriage (9 titles)  -->  doomed-marriage (1 title)  -->   failed-marriage (53 titles)

controlling-husband (36 titles) -->  overbearing-husband (2 titles)  -->  dominant-husband (2 titles)  -->   domineering-husband (76 titles)

controlling-wife (3 titles)  -->  overbearing-wife (32 titles)  -->  dominant-wife (11 titles)  -->  dominating-wife (2 titles)  -->   domineering-wife (210 titles)

elope (58 titles)  -->  eloping (30 titles)  -->   elopement (448 titles)

extramarital-sex (68 titles) --> adulterous-spouse (7 titles)  -->  cheating-spouse (15 titles)  -->   adultery (7117 titles)

husband-cheating-on-wife (20 titles)  -->  husband-cheats-on-wife (40 titles)  -->   husband-cheats-on-his-wife (5 titles)

marital-conflict (15 titles)  -->  marital-strain (5 titles) -->  strained-marriage (10 titles)  -->  marriage-drama (5 titles)  -->   marital-discord (110 titles) 

marital-trouble (55 titles)  -->  marital-difficulty (2 titles)  -->  marriage-struggle (6 titles)  -->  marital-problem (983 titles)

marriage-as-hell (64 titles) -->  miserable-marriage (21 titles)

marital-quarrel (29 titles)  -->  quarrel-between-spouses (8 titles)  -->   marital-strife (83 titles)

married (66 titles)  -->  marital-relations (17 titles)  -->  marriage (9393 titles)

marry (28 titles)  -->  marrying (9 titles)  -->  getting-married (77 titles)

posing-as-married-couple (29 titles)  -->   posing-as-a-married-couple (20 titles)

proposing-marriage-on-bended-knee (75 titles)  -->  proposing-marriage-on-bended-knees (2 titles)  -->  kneeling-to-propose-marriage (230 titles)

shotgun-marriage (12 titles)  -->  quickie-marriage (13 titles)  -->  quicky-marriage (2 titles)  -->   hasty-marriage (13 titles)

unfaithful (43 titles)  -->  unfaithfulness (1719 titles) --> infidelity (9289 titles)

unfaithful-husband (720 titles)  -->  cheating-husband (1480 titles) -->  cheating-husbands (5 titles)  -->  infidelity-by-husband (2 titles)  -->  husband's-infidelity (1 title)  -->  husband-cheats-on-spouse [new keyword]

unfaithful-wife (1102 titles)  -->  unfaithfull-wife (2 titles)  -->  cheating-wife (2711 titles)  -->  wife's-infidelity (8 titles)  -->  wife-cheats-on-spouse [new keyword]

wedding-engagement (30 titles)  -->  engagement (1236 titles) -->  engage (5 titles) -->  engaged (45 titles)  -->  engaged-to-be-married (49 titles)  -->  marital-engagement (5 titles)  --> marriage-engagement (414 titles)

weddings (34 titles) -->   wedding (6627 titles)

wife-cheating-on-husband (10 titles)  -->  wife-cheats-on-husband (31 titles)  -->  wife-cheats-on-her-husband (17 titles)



7.5K Messages


277K Points

2 years ago

keyword_expert: I have thoughts on a few of these entries.

Generally, if there is a keyword already in common use for a concept, and sometimes more than one keyword for that same concept, I would prefer not to create a completely new keyword for that concept, especially not a keyword that communicates the same idea but uses more words to do so.

Looking at the following concepts:

adulterous-husband (447 titles)   -->   husband-commits-adultery [new keyword]

adulterous-wife (1010 titles)  -->  wife-commits-adultery [new keyword]

unfaithful-husband (720 titles)  -->  cheating-husband (1480 titles) -->  cheating-husbands (5 titles)  -->  husband-cheats-on-spouse [new keyword]

unfaithful-wife (1102 titles)  -->  unfaithfull-wife (2 titles)  -->  cheating-wife (2711 titles)  -->  wife-cheats-on-spouse [new keyword]

Isn't "adulterous-husband" the same as an "unfaithful-husband" or "cheating-husband"? And similarly for "adulterous-wife", "unfaithful-wife", and "cheating-wife"?

It looks like the most popular keyword choice for each concept is "cheating-husband" and "cheating-wife", but if there was a consensus in favor of either "unfaithful-husband"/"unfaithful-wife" or "adulterous-husband"/"adulterous-wife", either of those could be acceptable. 

But I don't see the benefit of adopting "husband-commits-adultery"/"wife-commits-adultery" or "husband-cheats-on-spouse"/"wife-cheats-on-spouse" over any of the existing (and shorter) keywords.

announcing-engagement (30 titles)  -->  marriage-engagement-announced (6 titles)  -->  engagement-announcement (49 titles) -->  announcement-of-a-marriage-engagement [new keyword]

None of these keywords are used much, but I don't understand why we would want to replace them with a longer keyword that is not currently used at all. IMDb users who see the "engagement-announcement" keywords are probably expecting that it pertains to couples announcing that they are going to be married. I don't think they are expecting to see movies about a president announcing that troops have been sent into a military engagement, or any other meaning of the word "engagement". So I don't think we need to disambiguate "engagement" to make it "announcement-of-a-marriage engagement".

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@gromit82​ Thanks for your comments. I had anticipated these questions, so I am happy to respond to them.

First, the "adultery" keywords involve sex. The dictionary definition of "adultery" is "voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse."  

In contrast, the "cheating" and "unfaithful" keywords are broader, because there are more ways to cheat or be unfaithful to one's spouse than involving sex. For example, a spouse could create an online dating profile and even engage in phone sex or sexual online chatting. All of that would qualify as "cheating" but not "adultery." A spouse could maintain a secret romantic love affair with someone else and even plan a future with that other person without actually having sex with them. That would qualify as being "unfaithful" but not as adultery. These days, there is even such a concept as "micro-cheating" (e.g., "small, seemingly innocuous behaviors that straddle the line between faithfulness and cheating"). 

17 Little Heartbreaking Ways People Cheat without Actually Having Sex

How Partners Can Cheat Without Cheating

Emotional Affairs: Cheating Without Sex -

Why you don't have to have sex to cheat

The bottom line is that "adultery" involves sex, while there are many other types of cheating or being unfaithful short of adultery, and whether it is defined as cheating or unfaithfulness depends on the specific marriage and the people involved. I tried to respect those distinctions in this list.

As for my proposal to prefer keywords like "husband-cheats-on-spouse" and "husband-commits-adultery" over "cheating-husband" and "adulterous-husband," there are a couple principles at play here. First, my thinking is to align the formatting of these keywords with other existing keywords like "husband-cheats-on-his-wife" and "wife-cheats-on-her-husband." Yes, these keywords are longer, but they are more accurate and once the auto-conversions are put in place, people can type the shorter keywords and they will be automatically replaced with the merged keywords.

Second, I view keywords like "cheating-husband" and "adulterous-husband" as bad keywords for a couple of reasons. "Cheating-husband" does not even identify the cheating. Obviously it means cheating on one's spouse as opposed to cheating at cards, but it can't hurt to be more specific about that within the keyword.

Also, the keywords "cheating-husband" and "adulterous-husband," by using adjectives and by focusing on the character, have the effect of labeling that character as forever in that state. Consider a movie that covers a fifty-year marriage, where the husband commits adultery a single time early in the marriage, immediately realizes it was a mistake, and spends the ensuing decades completely faithful to his wife. In that circumstance, is "adulterous-husband" more appropriate, or "husband-commits-adultery?" I think the latter keyword is much more appropriate and accurate.

In short, these types of keywords should identify the act rather than permanently associate the act with the character. 

And while it's true that the keywords I am recommending don't currently exist, that might have been because of manual editing over the years by one or more contributors. Sometimes contributors have completely eliminated keywords through manual editing, creating the false illusion that their preferred keywords are more popular than they actually are. I'm not saying that is what has happened here, but it is a possibility. 

As for the "engagement" keywords, I had not even considered the possibility of these keywords being confused for a political leader announcing a military engagement. I think you're right that none of these keywords have that meaning or could be confused for it.

You are probably right that "engagement-announcement" will suffice as the appropriate keyword to merge into.

My thinking was to retain the "marriage-engagement" language within the merged keyword in order to distinguish it from the keyword wedding-announcement (28 titles).  I view the "marriage-engagement" keywords as announcing that a couple is engaged, and the "wedding-announcement" keyword as announcing a specific date for a wedding. But perhaps that distinction is lost on most other contributors, even with retaining the "marriage-engagement" language within the former set of keywords. Also, including "marriage" within that set of keywords might only add to the confusion and result in mixing up this keyword with "wedding-announcement." 

Accordingly, I will adjust the list to merge the "marriage-engagement" keywords into "engagement-announcement." 

Thanks again for your comments.




14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

As for my proposal to prefer keywords like "husband-cheats-on-spouse" and "husband-commits-adultery" over "cheating-husband" and "adulterous-husband," there are a couple principles at play here. First, my thinking is to align the formatting of these keywords with other existing keywords like "husband-cheats-on-his-wife" and "wife-cheats-on-her-husband." Yes, these keywords are longer, but they are more accurate and once the auto-conversions are put in place, people can type the shorter keywords and they will be automatically replaced with the merged keywords.

A disadvantage of something like "husband-cheats-on-his-wife" is that it ranks low in a keyword search if you search for single words like "cheats" or "cheating".


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Peter_pbn​ This is true, but simply adding single words to the search like "husband" will rank the results much higher. Plus, if my proposed mergers are adopted, the higher numbers in the resulting keywords should rank those keywords higher. The IMDb keyword search results pages seem to be based on a balancing of how close the language is in each keyword to the search term, the number of titles per keyword, and the length of the keyword.

2.7K Messages


47K Points


Just to provide some more context regarding the "cheating-wife" and "cheating-husband" keywords, as well as the "crying-" keywords currently pending in this other thread, I previously made similar recommendations for pretty similar keywords, and those mergers were just made by staff in this thread:


arguing-couple (15 titles)  -->  couple's-argument (2 titles)  -->  argument-between-couple (75 titles)  -->   couple-argues (27 titles)

bickering-couple (95 titles)  -->  couple-bickers (1 title)

quarrel-between-couple (22 titles)  -->  couple-quarrels [new keyword]

In general with these kind of keywords expressing actions, I feel that it is best to express the keyword in a present-tense keyword that focuses on the action itself.

In other words, keywords like "couple-bickers," "woman-screams," "man-cries," and "husband-cheats-on-his-spouse" should be preferred over "bickering-couple," "screaming-woman," "crying-man," and "cheating-husband." 

My goal is to treat keywords like this with consistency across the entire set of keywords, even if that means in some cases creating brand new keywords to achieve that consistency. 

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

I have added the keyword philandering-husband to the list. This keyword, like adulterous-husband, denotes actual sex (as opposed to other forms of cheating on or being unfaithful to one's spouse). 



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

2 years ago


unfaithfulness (1719 titles) --> infidelity (9289 titles)

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Peter_pbn​ I will add that to the list. Thank you! 



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

You can make it one line since you already had

unfaithful (43 titles)  -->  unfaithfulness (1719 titles)

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Whoops. Thank you.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

IMDb staff:

Now that the comment period on this list of keywords has passed, the list is ready for action. I will copy and paste the list below with the numbers of titles removed to facilitate the mergers and auto-conversions.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

adulterous-husband   -->  philandering-husband   -->  husband-commits-adultery 

adulterous-wife  -->  wife-commits-adultery

announcing-engagement -->  marriage-engagement-announced   -->  engagement-announcement 

bad-marriage   -->  troubled-marriage  -->   dysfunctional-marriage 

broken-marriage   -->  dead-marriage  -->  doomed-marriage   -->   failed-marriage 

controlling-husband  -->  overbearing-husband   -->  dominant-husband   -->   domineering-husband 

controlling-wife  -->  overbearing-wife   -->  dominant-wife   -->  dominating-wife    -->   domineering-wife 

elope   -->  eloping  -->   elopement 

extramarital-sex   --> adulterous-spouse   -->  cheating-spouse   -->   adultery 

husband-cheating-on-wife  -->  husband-cheats-on-wife   -->   husband-cheats-on-his-wife 

marital-conflict  -->  marital-strain  -->  strained-marriage  -->  marriage-drama   -->   marital-discord 

marital-trouble   -->  marital-difficulty   -->  marriage-struggle   -->  marital-problem 

marriage-as-hell  -->  miserable-marriage 

marital-quarrel   -->  quarrel-between-spouses   -->   marital-strife 

married   -->  marital-relations  -->  marriage 

marry   -->  marrying   -->  getting-married 

posing-as-married-couple   -->   posing-as-a-married-couple 

proposing-marriage-on-bended-knee   -->  proposing-marriage-on-bended-knees  -->  kneeling-to-propose-marriage 

shotgun-marriage  -->  quickie-marriage   -->  quicky-marriage   -->   hasty-marriage 

unfaithful   -->  unfaithfulness  --> infidelity 

unfaithful-husband   -->  cheating-husband  -->  cheating-husbands   -->  infidelity-by-husband   -->  husband's-infidelity  -->  husband-cheats-on-spouse 

unfaithful-wife  -->  unfaithfull-wife  -->  cheating-wife   -->  wife's-infidelity  -->  wife-cheats-on-spouse

wedding-engagement  -->  engagement  -->  engage  -->  engaged   -->  engaged-to-be-married   -->  marital-engagement   --> marriage-engagement 

weddings  -->   wedding 

wife-cheating-on-husband  -->  wife-cheats-on-husband  -->  wife-cheats-on-her-husband 



17.6K Messages


314.8K Points

2 years ago

Hi @keyword_expert -

We sincerely apologize for the delayed response in circling back to this older keyword proposal request.

We regret that we are unable to take the requested keyword actions raised in this thread and will be marking this as Closed. For more information please review our recent and more detailed response on this previous thread. Again, while we truly appreciate the requests, we are sorry we cannot assist further.