2.7K Messages
47K Points
Duplicate Keywords List #3 - Formal Proposal for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion
I have done some further mapping of keywords on IMDb and at this time would like to formally propose the following keywords for permanent merging and auto-conversion.
These keywords have all been vetted by the IMDb community; I posted them a week ago and there were no comments in opposition (see this thread). That thread also shows the numbers for each keyword.
Many of these would merge the keywords to the American spellings, per IMDb policy. However, I do recommend keeping the British spelling for "british-humour," which is, after all, a British-specific keyword.
Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion
aeroplane ---> airplane
black-&-white-to-color ---> black-and-white-segues-into-color ---> black-and-white-to-color
british-humor ---> british-humour
business-tycoon ---> tycoon
cab-driver ---> taxicab-driver ---> taxi-cab-driver ---> taxi-driver
harbour ---> harbor
humour ---> humor
long-distance-call ---> long-distance-telephone-call
mini-van ---> minivan
neighbour ---> neighbours ---> neighbors ---> neighbor
newlyweds ---> newly-weds ---> newly-wed-couple ---> newlywed-couple
photoshoot ---> photo-shoot
race-track ---> racetrack
toy-maker ---> toymaker
trap-door ---> trapdoor
trucker ---> truck-driver
villian ---> villains ---> villain
woman-in-shower ---> woman-in-the-shower ---> woman-in-a-shower
world-trade-center ---> world-trade-center-new-york ---> world-trade-center-manhattan-new-york-city
Accepted Solution
17.6K Messages
314.8K Points
3 years ago
Hi keyword_expert -
I reviewed these requests, aside from the listing british-humor/british-humour (which I reversed the request), these Keyword requests have now been updated, the changes should be live on the site shortly.
1.4K Messages
23.7K Points
3 years ago
"black-and-white-segues-into-color" and "black-and-white-to-color" (or vice versa) are two different things. The first, " black-and-white-seques-into-color," is a "fade," while the second, "black-and-white-to-color," is a "cut." And, of course, there might also need to be "color-segues-into-black-and-white" and/or "color-to-black-and-white." These represent two different editing techniques.