2.7K Messages


47K Points

Saturday, July 30th, 2022 6:50 PM



Duplicate Keywords - List #28 (nudity keywords pt. 2) (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)

Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion.  I am posting this for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least seven days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb staff to make the proposed changes. The mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows. Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion bare-butt (5290 titles)  -->  exposed-buttocks (2 titles) -->  nude-backside (1 title)  -->  rear-nudity (321 titles) dancing-naked (64 titles) --> naked-dancing (9 titles)  -->  nude-dance (142 titles)  --> nude-dancing (94 titles) dead-nude-female-body (40 titles)  -->   naked-female-corpse (57 titles)  -->  nude-female-corpse (7 titles)  female-bare-breast (4 titles)  -->  bare-breast (168 titles) -->  exposed-breast (76 titles)  -->  one-breast-exposed (59 titles) female-bare-butt (250 titles) -->  female-bare-buttocks (52 titles) -->  bare-butt-female (5 titles)  -->  nude-female-buttocks (42 titles)  -->  nude-female-backside (4 titles)  -->  female-full-rear-nudity (7152 titles) --> female-rear-nudity (16691 titles) male-bare-butt (612 titles) -->  male-bare-buttocks (62 titles) -->  bare-butt-male (25 titles) -->  butt-male (10 titles) -->  nude-male-butt (6 titles) -->  naked-male-butt (5 titles) -->  male-full-rear-nudity (5213 titles) -->  male-rear-nudity (13799 titles) naked-dead-body (101 titles)  -->  dead-nude-body (29 titles)  -->  nude-corpse (26 titles) naked-in-public (418 titles)  --> nude-in-public (19 titles)  -->  public-nudity (2610 titles) naked-swimming (87 titles)  -->  nude-swimming (579 titles)  -->  nude-swimmer (6 titles)  -->  skinnydipping (14 titles)  -->  skinny-dip (11 titles)  -->  skinny-dipping (2539 titles) nude-woman-dancing (23 titles)  --> naked-woman-dances (2 titles)  --> woman-dancing-naked (2 titles)  -->  woman-dances-naked (10 titles)  -->  nude-woman-dances (6 titles) shirtless-boy (72 titles)  -->  bare-chested-boy (511 titles) shirtless-male (174 titles)  -->  bare-chested-male (22061 titles) shirtless-man (132 titles)  -->  bare-chested-man (585 titles) topless-female-nudity (3781 titles)  -->  topless (1224 titles)  -->  toplessness (4 titles)  -->  bare-bosom (2 titles)  -->  bare-breasts (15953 titles)  -->  bare-breats (23 titles)  -->  exposed-breasts (13 titles)  -->  bare-breasted-female (3 titles)  -->  female-topless-nudity (4027 titles) ____ Related posts: Duplicate Keywords - List #22 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion) (nudity keywords pt. 1) Duplicate Keywords - List #57 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion) (nudity keywords pt. 3)

Accepted Solution

26 Messages


476 Points

3 years ago

As someone who frequently adds nudity related keywords, I second this proposal, especially the mergers into rear-nudity (321 titles), female-rear-nudity (16691 titles), skinny-dipping (2539 titles), and, more importantly, the merger into female-topless-nudity (4027 titles). There are way too many female nudity related keywords in the database, it's time to clean house.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

Thank you for the vote of confidence, @abdurahman.

Accepted Solution



7.1K Messages


122.4K Points

3 years ago

Why does shirtless male merges into shirtless boy? There is no way of knowing if the male in each title is a boy or a man is there? Maybe butt-ass-naked should also be merged into rear-nudity.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Pencho15​  Why does shirtless male merges into shirtless boy? That was a typo. Whoops! I will correct it. Maybe butt-ass-naked should also be merged into rear-nudity. I thought about that, but I'm pretty sure that "butt ass naked" is a common slang expression in the United States, and that is probably what was intended here for every instance of this keyword. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=butt%20ass%20naked

1.4K Messages


24.3K Points

"slang," the word itself, is a valid keyword, but the words that comprise the "slang" should not be keywords.  If so, there are thousands and thousands of titles with "slang" as a keyword that need to be revisited and  reviewed so that the specific words that comprise the specific slang can be (hopefully not) added.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@bradley_kent​ If you are suggesting that "butt-ass-naked" should not be its own keyword, I agree with you. I believe "butt-ass-naked" is effectively a synonym/duplicate of "nudity." 



7.1K Messages


122.4K Points

@keyword_expert​ I agree, the fact that the slang is used, doesn't change what the phrase means,  and adding the slang as a keyword is just a duplication.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Pencho15​  The keyword "butt-ass-naked" has been merged into the keyword "nudity." 

Accepted Solution



2.7K Messages


28.2K Points

2 years ago

Hello keyword_expert, All keyboards have been merged! Cheers!

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47K Points

@Fran​ Thank you!!

26 Messages


476 Points

@Fran​ Great news, thank you.

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47K Points

@Fran​ Over the past few weeks, you and @Bethanny have made an amazing amount of progress in working through my posted lists of duplicate keywords. Thank you! At this point there are only two outstanding lists requiring attention by IMDb staff: Duplicate Keywords - List #44 (intellectual disability keywords) (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)  Duplicate Keywords - List #45 (gun & knife keywords) (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)  With that said, just a heads up that quite a few new lists are just around the corner. Starting next weekend and continuing into next month, I will be converting more than 20 lists from "idea" posts to "problem" posts. I realize that things will likely slow down around the holidays and that keywords are always a relatively lower priority, but just wanted to give you a heads up that these new lists are on the horizon. 

2.7K Messages


47K Points

3 years ago

IMDb Staff (@Michelle and @Bethanny): Now that the seven-day comment period has passed, I have converted this post to a "problem" post, and it is ready for action by IMDb staff. I will paste the list below with the numbers of titles removed. As always, the mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows. Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion bare-butt -->  exposed-buttocks -->  nude-backside   -->  rear-nudity  dancing-naked  --> naked-dancing  -->  nude-dance   --> nude-dancing  dead-nude-female-body   -->   naked-female-corpse  -->  nude-female-corpse  female-bare-breast  -->  bare-breast  -->  exposed-breast   -->  one-breast-exposed  female-bare-butt  -->  female-bare-buttocks  -->  bare-butt-female  -->  nude-female-buttocks  -->  nude-female-backside   -->  female-full-rear-nudity --> female-rear-nudity  male-bare-butt  -->  male-bare-buttocks  -->  bare-butt-male  -->  butt-male  -->  nude-male-butt -->  naked-male-butt  -->  male-full-rear-nudity  -->  male-rear-nudity  naked-dead-body   -->  dead-nude-body  -->  nude-corpse  naked-in-public  --> nude-in-public   -->  public-nudity  naked-swimming  -->  nude-swimming  -->  nude-swimmer  -->  skinnydipping  -->  skinny-dip  -->  skinny-dipping  nude-woman-dancing   --> naked-woman-dances  --> woman-dancing-naked  -->  woman-dances-naked   -->  nude-woman-dances  shirtless-boy   -->  bare-chested-boy  shirtless-male  -->  bare-chested-male  shirtless-man   -->  bare-chested-man  topless-female-nudity  -->  topless  -->  toplessness  -->  bare-bosom  -->  bare-breasts   -->  bare-breats  -->  exposed-breasts   -->  bare-breasted-female   -->  female-topless-nudity 


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Bethanny  Bump

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47K Points

3 years ago

List edited today to add the keyword "toplessness."

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47K Points

3 years ago

I just made another slight edit to this pending list: I removed the keyword "naked-body" from the list after I realized that most of the 13 instances of this keyword were probably intended to be "naked-dead-body" (aka "nude-corpse"), rather than "nudity." Rather than merge "naked-body" into one of these other keywords, I think it should be handled separately via some "auditing" and eventually the keyword should be blocked rather than merged. The same probably goes for "nude-body," which I had not included on the list for the same reason: it wasn't immediately clear to me whether all (or just most) of the instances of "nude-body" were intended to mean "nude-dead-body" aka "nude-corpse." The "nude-body" keyword should be audited as well.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Update: I have removed "butt-ass-naked" and "butt-naked" from this list, now that these keywords have been merged into "nudity" in response to this post by @nick_burfle: Suggested keyword deletion

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Update: one more keyword added to the list: bare-bosom (2 titles)

1.4K Messages


24.3K Points

2 years ago

I would wager that 95-99% of the "bare-chersted'male" keywords refer to a "bare-chested-man."  Again, a title-by-tile audit is needed. IF it is a bpy or male teenager, then "bare-chested-boy" and "bare-chested-teenage-boy" should be used, Also, shouldn't "man" and "woman" be used as nouns while "male" and "female" are used as adjecives. Otherwise, these are good mergers.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@bradley_kent​  Also, shouldn't "man" and "woman" be used as nouns while "male" and "female" are used as adjecives. Which keywords on the list are you referring to?

1.4K Messages


24.3K Points

As a general guideline. Almost ALL "bare-chested-male"  keywords should probably be "bare-chested-man."  Unless, of course, "bare-chested-male" is intended as a "general" keyword to include ALL men, teenage-boys, boys, and baby-boys.  If so, then "bare-chested-male" would need to be audited so titles include, when specified, " bare-chested-man," "bare-chested-teenage-boy," bare-chested-boy," "bare-chested-baby-boy." There are many keywords affected by this general guideline, like "female-doctor" preferred over "woman-doctor," etc., etc., etc.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@bradley_kent​ That's all correct, but those changes would need to be done through manual merges rather than a mass merge, since as you point out, "bare-chested-male" and "bare-chested-man" are not true duplicates.

1.4K Messages


24.3K Points

I always try to correct these manually, but it is a HUGE undertaking, and needs the continuing contributions of many to make such corrections and/or extensions. The incorrect precedents were set many years ago, and, yes, will probably take many years to correct.  There's no "easy fix" here.