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Saturday, May 28th, 2022 9:00 PM

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Duplicate Keywords - List #25 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion) (mental health keywords)

Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion.

I am posting this for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least seven days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb staff to make the proposed changes.

This list is in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month 2022, which is about to come to an end in the United States in a few days.

Finally, for this list I am breaking my normal rule of only posting keywords or sets of keywords that are currently assigned to at least 50 titles. When it comes to permanent changes on a mass scale, I feel it's important to have uniformity and consistency across a set of related keywords as a whole, so I have included a few keywords with less than 50 titles as an exception to my normal rule.

The mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

committed-to-asylum (23 titles) -->  committed-to-an-asylum (15 titles)

craziness (263 titles) --> crazy-bonkers (2 titles) -->  deranged (60 titles)  -->  derangement (14 titles) -->  mentally-deranged (27 titles)  -->  mentally-insane (17 titles)  -->  madness (1162 titles)  --> lunacy (26 titles) -->  insane (86 titles)  --> insanity (2429 titles)

crazy-man (39 titles) -->  crazy-men (1 title)  --> deranged-man (43 titles)  -->  madman (634 titles) -->  insane-man (59 titles)

crazy-person (25 titles) -->  deranged-person (2 titles)  -->  lunatic (230 titles)  -->  lunatics (1 title) -->  insane-person [new keyword]

crazy-woman (79 titles) --> deranged-woman (58 titles)  -->  madwoman (9 titles)  -->  insane-woman (79 titles)

descent-into-madness (33 titles)  -->  falling-into-madness (2 titles)  -->  losing-one's-mind (27 titles)  -->  going-crazy (60 titles) -->  going-mad (2 titles)  --> going-insane (33 titles)

escape-from-mental-institution (40 titles)  -->  escape-from-a-mental-institution (31 titles)  -->  escape-from-psychiatric-hospital (5 titles)  -->  escape-from-a-psychiatric-hospital (6 titles)

escaped-mental-patient (225 titles)  -->  mental-asylum-escapee (16 titles)  -->  nervous-place-escapee (2 titles)  -->   escaped-psychiatric-patient (2 titles)  

fake-madness (14 titles) -->  faked-madness (3 titles) -->  faking-insanity (2 titles) -->  feigning-insanity (4 titles) -->  pretending-to-be-insane (3 titles)  -->  pretending-to-be-crazy (4 titles)  -->  faked-insanity (32 titles) -->  feigned-insanity [new keyword]

faked-mental-illness (5 titles) -->  pretending-to-be-mentally-ill (6 titles) -->  feigned-mental-illness (7 titles)

female-mental-patient (44 titles)  -->  female-asylum-patient (2 titles)  -->  female-psychiatric-patient (9 titles)

former-mental-patient (20 titles)  -->  ex-mental-patient (15 titles)  -->  former-psychiatric-patient (3 titles)

lunatic-asylum (17 titles)  --> mental-asylum (220 titles)  --> insane-asylum (348 titles)

mental-health-disorder (45 titles)  -->   mental-disorder (149 titles)

mental-health-issues (82 titles) -->  mentalhealth (4 titles)  --> mental-health (1095 titles)

mental-hospital (712 titles) -->  mental-institution (731 titles)  -->  mental-institute (11 titles) --> mental-health-facility (10 titles) -->  behavioral-health-facility (1 title) --> psychiatric-facility (12 titles)  -->  psychiatric-institution (28 titles)  --> psychiatric-institute (3 titles) --> psychiatric-hospital (335 titles)

mental-patient (553 titles) -->  mental-hospital-patient (5 titles)  -->  asylum-patient (16 titles)  --> psychiatric-patient (110 titles)

mental-ward (28 titles) -->  psych-ward (26 titles)  --> psycho-ward (8 titles) --> psychopathic-ward (4 titles) -->  psychological-ward (1 title) --> psychiatric-ward (137 titles)

mentally-disabled (59 titles) -->  mentally-handicapped (75 titles) -->  mental-handicap (4 titles) -->  mental-disability (27 titles)

mentally-disturbed-person (41 titles)  -->  mentally-ill-person (5 titles)

mentally-handicapped-child (6 titles)  -->  mentally-disabled-child (7 titles)  -->  child-with-a-mental-disability  [new keyword]

mentally-handicapped-man (14 titles) -->  mentally-disabled-man (4 titles)  -->  man-with-a-mental-disability  [new keyword]

mentally-handicapped-person (14 titles) --> mentally-disabled-person (10 titles)  -->  person-with-a-mental-disability [new keyword]

mentally-handicapped-woman (3 titles) -->   mentally-disabled-woman (4 titles)  -->  woman-with-a-mental-disability  [new keyword]

mentally-ill (41 titles)  -->  mental-ilness (6 titles) -->  mentally-unbalanced (7 titles) -->  mentally-unstable (119 titles)  -->  mental-illness-explored (9 titles)  -->   mental-illness (2061 titles)

mentally-impaired (36 titles)  -->  mental-impairment (3 titles)

mentally-unstable-boy (12 titles) -->  mentally-ill-boy (6 titles)

mentally-unstable-girl (22 titles) -->  mentally-unbalanced-girl (2 titles) -->  mentally-ill-girl (6 titles)

mentally-unstable-man (139 titles) -->  mentally-ill-man (57 titles)

mentally-unstable-mother (11 titles) -->  mentally-disturbed-mother (3 titles)  -->  mentally-ill-mother (22 titles)

mentally-unstable-protagonist (101 titles)  -->  mentally-unbalanced-protagonist (3 titles)  -->  mentally-ill-protagonist (27 titles)

mentally-unstable-wife (11 titles) -->  mentally-ill-wife (5 titles)

mentally-unstable-woman (180 titles)  --> mentally-unbalanced-woman (10 titles) -->  mentally-ill-woman (51 titles)

Accepted Solution



6.7K Messages


117.8K Points

2 years ago

You're merging mentally-unstable-man into   mentally-ill-boy.

You probably meant mentally-ill-man 

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Pencho15​ Thank you! I will make the appropriate corrections.

Accepted Solution



14.2K Messages


327.9K Points

2 years ago

Why would mental-illness-as-subject be needed in addition to mental-health or mental-illness?


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Peter_pbn​ I considered the same question as I prepared this list. I was on the fence about what to do with the keyword "mental-illness-explored." The obvious intent of whomever created this keyword is to apply it to films that focus on mental illness as a primary subject or theme.

I typically only use "-as-subject" keywords for plot points that are otherwise prohibited as keywords on IMDb or might be confusing as a standalone keyword, things like "movies-as-subject" and "tv-show-as-subject," plus words or terms that otherwise qualify as genres on IMDb, like "war-as-subject" and "crime-as-subject." 

Some contributors like to use "-as-subject" suffixes a little more broadly. For example, there are keywords like "media-as-subject," "science-as-subject," "women-as-subject," even "breathing-as-subject."

For "mental-illness-as-subject," I could go either way on this one. Since you brought it up, I will change the list to merge "mental-illness-explored" into "mental-illness."

After all, the more "as-subject" keywords are created, the more we move down a slippery slope. If there were "-as-subject" keywords for every topic that is "explored" or focused on in films and shows, that would result in a lot of additional keywords that are arguably unnecessary. 

The best counterargument is that there is no easy way to filter or sort keyword searches to look for keywords that are not just basic plot points, but rather themes or primary subject matter within the film or show. (The closest approximation I can think of to do this is a title search that uses a concept  in both the plot field and the keyword field.) 

But since the vast majority of contributors have not added "as-subject" keywords like this, I am fine with not doing so here. Again, I will change the list.


Accepted Solution



5.2K Messages


55.1K Points

2 years ago

Hi @keyword_expert -

All the words of this list have been auto-converted and merged.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Bethanny​ Nice work!!

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

@Michelle Now that the seven-day comment period has passed, I have changed this post to a "problem" post and it is ready for action by IMDb staff.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

committed-to-asylum -->  committed-to-an-asylum 

craziness  --> crazy-bonkers  -->  deranged   -->  derangement  -->  mentally-deranged   -->  mentally-insane   -->  madness  --> lunacy -->  insane   --> insanity 

crazy-man -->  crazy-men   --> deranged-man  -->  madman -->  insane-man 

crazy-person -->  deranged-person  -->  lunatic   -->  lunatics  -->  insane-person [new keyword]

crazy-woman --> deranged-woman  -->  madwoman   -->  insane-woman 

descent-into-madness  -->  falling-into-madness   -->  losing-one's-mind   -->  going-crazy  -->  going-mad   --> going-insane 

escape-from-mental-institution  -->  escape-from-a-mental-institution   -->  escape-from-psychiatric-hospital   -->  escape-from-a-psychiatric-hospital 

escaped-mental-patient   -->  mental-asylum-escapee   -->  nervous-place-escapee  -->   escaped-psychiatric-patient 

fake-madness  -->  faked-madness  -->  faking-insanity -->  feigning-insanity  -->  pretending-to-be-insane   -->  pretending-to-be-crazy  -->  faked-insanity  -->  feigned-insanity [new keyword]

faked-mental-illness -->  pretending-to-be-mentally-ill -->  feigned-mental-illness 

female-mental-patient   -->  female-asylum-patient  -->  female-psychiatric-patient

former-mental-patient  -->  ex-mental-patient   -->  former-psychiatric-patient 

lunatic-asylum   --> mental-asylum   --> insane-asylum 

mental-health-disorder -->   mental-disorder 

mental-health-issues -->  mentalhealth   --> mental-health 

mental-hospital  -->  mental-institution  -->  mental-institute  --> mental-health-facility  -->  behavioral-health-facility  --> psychiatric-facility  -->  psychiatric-institution   --> psychiatric-institute  --> psychiatric-hospital

mental-patient -->  mental-hospital-patient  -->  asylum-patient   --> psychiatric-patient 

mental-ward -->  psych-ward  --> psycho-ward  --> psychopathic-ward  -->  psychological-ward --> psychiatric-ward 

mentally-disabled -->  mentally-handicapped  -->  mental-handicap  -->  mental-disability 

mentally-disturbed-person  --> mentally-ill-person 

mentally-handicapped-child  -->   mentally-disabled-child  -->  child-with-a-mental-disability  [new keyword]

mentally-handicapped-man  -->  mentally-disabled-man  -->  man-with-a-mental-disability [new keyword]

mentally-handicapped-person  --> mentally-disabled-person  -->  person-with-a-mental-disability  [new keyword]

mentally-handicapped-woman  -->   mentally-disabled-woman  -->  woman-with-a-mental-disability [new keyword]

mentally-ill   -->  mental-ilness  -->  mentally-unbalanced  -->  mentally-unstable  -->  mental-illness-explored   -->   mental-illness 

mentally-impaired  -->  mental-impairment

mentally-unstable-boy -->  mentally-ill-boy

mentally-unstable-girl -->  mentally-unbalanced-girl -->  mentally-ill-girl 

mentally-unstable-man -->  mentally-ill-man 

mentally-unstable-mother  -->   mentally-disturbed-mother  -->  mentally-ill-mother 

mentally-unstable-protagonist  -->  mentally-unbalanced-protagonist  -->  mentally-ill-protagonist 

mentally-unstable-wife -->  mentally-ill-wife 

mentally-unstable-woman  --> mentally-unbalanced-woman  -->  mentally-ill-woman 


2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Looks like IMDb staff have already made a lot of progress merging the keywords on this list. Thank you!

I just added one more minor keyword to the list:

mentally-disturbed-mother (3 titles)

Edit: also, it looks like this keyword may have been skipped (so far):

pretending-to-be-insane (3 titles)


2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Just to summarize where things apparently stand with this list, here is a list of keywords that have yet to be merged. (Looks like the other keywords that have been merged have not yet been set up for auto-conversion.)

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

pretending-to-be-insane   --> feigned-insanity 

pretending-to-be-mentally-ill -->  feigned-mental-illness 

former-mental-patient  -->  former-psychiatric-patient 

mental-asylum   --> insane-asylum 

mentally-handicapped-man  -->  mentally-disabled-man  -->  man-with-a-mental-disability [new keyword]

mentally-handicapped-person  --> mentally-disabled-person  -->   person-with-a-mental-disability

mentally-handicapped-woman  -->   mentally-disabled-woman  -->  woman-with-a-mental-disability [new keyword]

mentally-ill   -->  mental-ilness  -->  mentally-unbalanced  -->  mentally-unstable  -->  mental-illness-explored   -->   mental-illness 

mentally-impaired  -->  mental-impairment

mentally-unstable-boy -->  mentally-ill-boy

mentally-unstable-girl -->  mentally-unbalanced-girl -->  mentally-ill-girl 

mentally-unstable-man -->  mentally-ill-man 

mentally-unstable-mother  -->   mentally-disturbed-mother  -->  mentally-ill-mother 

mentally-unstable-protagonist  -->  mentally-unbalanced-protagonist  -->  mentally-ill-protagonist 

mentally-unstable-wife -->  mentally-ill-wife 

mentally-unstable-woman  --> mentally-unbalanced-woman  -->  mentally-ill-woman 
