2.7K Messages
47K Points
Duplicate Keywords - List #21 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)
Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion.
I am posting this for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least seven days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb staff to make the proposed changes.
The mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows.
Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion
2010's (265 titles) --> 2010s (18186 titles)
april-fools-day (25 titles) --> april-fool's-day (89 titles) --> april-fools'-day (3 titles)
argue (15 titles) --> arguing (98 titles) --> arguments (4 titles) --> argument (2338 titles)
awakened-by-alarm-clock (49 titles) --> awakened-by-an-alarm-clock (43 titles)
awakened-by-phone (39 titles) --> awakened-by-a-phone (27 titles) --> awaken-by-phone-call (29 titles) --> woken-by-a-telephone-call (47 titles) --> awakened-by-a-telephone-call (2 titles)
bats (50 titles) --> bat (696 titles)
bed-wetting (81 titles) --> wetting-the-bed (19 titles) --> wetting-bed (14 titles) --> wet-the-bed (2 titles) --> bedwetting (20 titles)
broken-hearts (2 titles) --> broken-hearted (1 title) --> brokenhearted (3 titles) --> heart-broken (72 titles) --> heartbroken (18 titles) --> broken-heart (321 titles)
child-smoking-cigarette (63 titles) --> child-smoking-a-cigarette (6 titles) --> child-smokes-a-cigarette (44 titles)
dreams (221 titles) --> dream (6331 titles)
ethical-dilemma (57 titles) --> moral-dillema (2 titles) --> moral-dilemma (694 titles)
health-care (135 titles) --> healthcare (272 titles)
home-sickness (4 titles) --> homesick (66 titles) --> homesickness (140 titles)
interviewing (50 titles) --> interview (19457 titles)
job-loss (33 titles) --> loss-of-job (382 titles) --> loss-of-a-job (6 titles) --> loosing-a-job (2 titles) --> losing-a-job (65 titles)
lies (271 titles) --> lie (4340 titles)
lonely (63 titles) --> lonelines (2 titles) --> loneliness (3200 titles)
lp-record (76 titles) --> lp-record-album (31 titles) --> lp-recording (12 titles) --> record-album (94 titles)
meth (68 titles) --> methamphetamine (169 titles)
mysterious-phone-call (50 titles) --> mysterious-telephone-call (49 titles)
news-reader (60 titles) --> newsreader (5190 titles)
olympics (528 titles) --> olympic (47 titles) --> olympic-sport (12 titles) --> olympic-games (284 titles)
pact-with-the-devil (65 titles) --> pact-with-devil (9 titles) --> deal-with-the-devil (325 titles)
persevere (1 title) --> perserverance (6 titles) --> never-give-up (64 titles) --> not-giving-up (2 titles) --> perseverance (133 titles)
politic (3514 titles) --> political (328 titles) --> politica (2 titles) --> politically (2 titles) --> politics (6898 titles)
quitting-job (140 titles) --> quit-job (63 titles) --> quitting-a-job (520 titles)
resign-from-job (6 titles) --> job-resignation (94 titles) --> resigning-from-a-job (40 titles)
safe-cracking (40 titles) --> safecracking (121 titles)
safe-cracker (58 titles) --> safe-crackers (1 title) --> safecracker (267 titles
search-for-missing-person (95 titles) --> missing-person-search (5 titles) --> search-for-missing-people (248 titles) --> search-for-a-missing-person (10 titles)
smart-phone (83 titles) --> smartphone (410 titles)
snow-storm (79 titles) --> snowstorm (353 titles)
soul-mate (120 titles) --> soul-mates (16 titles) --> soulmates (7 titles) --> soulmate (40 titles)
teenage-smoking (50 titles) --> teenagers-smoking (5 titles) --> teen-smoking (73 titles)
trashcan (191 titles) --> trash-can (87 titles) --> trash-bin (57 titles) --> rubbish-bin (14 titles) --> garbage-bin (62 titles) --> garbage-can (287 titles)
videogame (54 titles) --> videogames (37 titles) --> video-games (160 titles) --> vidoe-game (3 titles) --> video-game (132 titles)
wet (196 titles) --> wetness (116 titles)
woman-smoking-cigarette (79 titles) --> woman-smoking-cigarete (3 titles) --> woman-smoking-a-cigarette (15 titles) --> woman-smokes-a-cigarette (3 titles)
I have removed the "covid-19" keywords from this list and started a new post here.
Accepted Solution
7.1K Messages
122.1K Points
3 years ago
On lp record, the following keywords may also be merged:
Vinyl record
Vinyl records
Vinyl recording
7.6K Messages
277.5K Points
3 years ago
KE: I believe some of these ought to be merged in a different direction than the one you suggest.
april-fools-day (25 titles) --> april-fool's-day (89 titles) --> april-fools'-day (3 titles)
I would prefer not to merge to the least common version of the phrase.
awakened-by-phone (39 titles) --> awakened-by-a-phone (27 titles) --> awaken-by-phone-call (29 titles) --> woken-by-a-telephone-call (47 titles) --> awakened-by-a-telephone-call (2 titles)
Again, this would be a merge to the least common version, which is also the longest version (although sometimes a longer keyword is better, I would rather not make keywords longer than necessary). Besides, nowadays many of us are awakened by our phones but not by a telephone call, since smartphones have alarm functions.
job-loss (33 titles) --> loss-of-job (382 titles) --> loss-of-a-job (6 titles) --> loosing-a-job (2 titles) --> losing-a-job (65 titles)
Since "loss-of-job" is by far the most common version of these, I think we should use it.
olympics (528 titles) --> olympic (47 titles) --> olympic-sport (12 titles) --> olympic-games (284 titles)
Since "olympics" is unambiguous and the most common version, I think we should use it.
pipe-smoking (1175 titles) --> smoking-pipe (35 titles) --> smoking-a-pipe (34 titles)
Let's use "pipe-smoking", by far the most common version.
7.1K Messages
122.1K Points
3 years ago
On bedwetting, you may also include urinating on a bed
Is there a difference between quitting and resigning from a job? Maybe both of them can go together
I'm not sure on merging lp record with album recording. LP is a particular format, while an album may come as a cassette, a cd or even digital.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
3 years ago
Now that the seven-day comment period has passed, I have converted this post to a "problem" post, and the list is ready for IMDb staff to complete the requested mass mergers and set up auto-conversions for these duplicate keywords.
Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion
2010's --> 2010s
april-fools-day --> april-fool's-day --> april-fools'-day
argue --> arguing --> arguments --> argument
awakened-by-alarm-clock --> awakened-by-an-alarm-clock
awakened-by-phone --> awakened-by-a-phone --> awaken-by-phone-call --> woken-by-a-telephone-call --> awakened-by-a-telephone-call
bats --> bat
bed-wetting --> wetting-the-bed --> wetting-bed --> wet-the-bed --> bedwetting
broken-hearts --> broken-hearted --> brokenhearted --> heart-broken --> heartbroken --> broken-heart
child-smoking-cigarette --> child-smoking-a-cigarette --> child-smokes-a-cigarette
dreams --> dream
ethical-dilemma --> moral-dillema --> moral-dilemma
health-care --> healthcare
home-sickness --> homesick --> homesickness
interviewing --> interview
job-loss --> loss-of-job --> loss-of-a-job --> loosing-a-job --> losing-a-job
lies --> lie
lonely --> lonelines --> loneliness
lp-record --> lp-record-album --> lp-recording --> record-album
meth --> methamphetamine
mysterious-phone-call --> mysterious-telephone-call
news-reader --> newsreader
olympics --> olympic --> olympic-sport --> olympic-games
pact-with-the-devil --> pact-with-devil --> deal-with-the-devil
persevere --> perserverance --> never-give-up --> not-giving-up --> perseverance
politic --> political --> politica --> politically --> politics
quitting-job --> quit-job --> quitting-a-job
resign-from-job --> job-resignation --> resigning-from-a-job
safe-cracking --> safecracking
safe-cracker --> safe-crackers --> safecracker
search-for-missing-person --> missing-person-search --> search-for-missing-people --> search-for-a-missing-person
smart-phone --> smartphone
snow-storm --> snowstorm
soul-mate --> soul-mates --> soulmates --> soulmate
teenage-smoking --> teenagers-smoking --> teen-smoking
trashcan --> trash-can --> trash-bin --> rubbish-bin --> garbage-bin --> garbage-can
videogame --> videogames --> video-games --> vidoe-game --> video-game
wet --> wetness
woman-smoking-cigarette --> woman-smoking-cigarete --> woman-smoking-a-cigarette --> woman-smokes-a-cigarette
I have removed the "covid-19" keywords from this list and started a new post here.