edinajambo's profile

12 Messages


364 Points

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 5:49 PM


Duplicate IMDb entries for the UK TV series 'Police Interceptors'.

I am currently updating the IMDb page 'Police Interceptors (2008 - )'  series' with cast and crew [link=tt1397259], however I have found a similar page: 'Police Interceptors 2011-2013)' [link=tt5493126] which is clearly a duplication of the former and contains no episodes, but has just five cast and crew entries identical to the main Interceptors page.  Could I ask if a IMDb member could have a look and merge both into the original? - I would do this myself but I am wary of making an error which could prove difficult to separate.  Thank you.



2.7K Messages


27.3K Points

2 months ago

Hello edinajambo,

Feel free to submit the merge via the online Update Form, since it does not have episodes, you can merge the duplicate title page with the TV series with cast and data.

You can find the instructions in our Help Articles.

12 Messages


364 Points

Hello Fran and thank you for your assistance, however I was unable to merge the two titles becase an error message:

This correction has been rejected. You need to correct this correction before it will be accepted.

  • The year in the new title must match the year in the old title.
    If you need to change the year as included in the title, please submit a release date corresponding to the new year. If you do not know the exact date within the year, it is okay to omit the day and month in the release date. We will then update the year in the title accordingly if required.

    Please note that if you are correcting an existing release date by more than a year, you should also provide an explanation to assist in processing this change.


This correction also has warnings, you must acknowledge each one before this correction will be accepted.

  • There is a mismatch between the title type of the old and new titles.

Can you please mark this query as 'not resolved' (not solved) as I am having difficulty reconciling the merge due to the different title dates of 2008 and 2011.  Also I do not understand why there is an error warning 'There is a mismatch between the title type of the old and new titles' as the titles are identical i.e. 'Police Interceptors'.

Thank you.



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points


You need to enter this exact format (the technical format seen in the edit feature) to get the form to recognize that you want to merge:

"Police Interceptors" (2008)

12 Messages


364 Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thank you for your assistance.  Using your guidance the title merge correction went through without warnings!

Thank you.