11 Messages


272 Points

Sunday, October 31st, 2021 7:09 AM

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Dubbed versions (animation)

When browsing throught non-american animated titles I often see actors/actresses credited from both original cast and US casts, which I think is the proper way. However, the distiction between the original and dubbed cast is rather mixed up. There is not a clear list of what is the dubbed cast and what is the original. 

Example from the movie Princess Mononoke: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119698/reference

People may argue that its not a big issue, since most of the time you can quickly notice the different cast by its foreign names, but you still have to cross-check on a different site.

My first suggesion: For the sake of having a clear and neat overview I feel it would improve the site a lot by solving this issue somehow. 
Perhaps having seperate lists of the cast organized into "tabs", so you can swith between orginial casts and dubbed casts easily. Besides its a lot easier to see what info is missing by seperating the list.

I believe over the years animated movies have become increasingly prominent and nuanced. People have often thought animated/cartoons were only ment for kids. Today this is far from the case.

My second suggestion: Since animated movies have become more important, the aspect of dubbed versions is equaly important. Some countries a dubbed version is a big deal. Its not just a way of replacing a original language to make it understandable for a local release, but its acting, on the same level as the original. Its a work of art. People are passionate about this when giving their a new voice to a characther. And in some way the movie is considered a whole new version, by having a complete new cast, with its own lines, conversations and jokes tailored to the country its released in. 

According to IMDb contribution rules, its my understanding that actors/actress for foreign dubbed version are not listed on US-english titles. 

Example: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2294629/reference

I understand this is the current rule, but be as it may. I believe its only fair to give a proper credit for actors/actresses for their work in all titles. So to expand the idea from the first suggestions. Have seperate lists with casts from dubbed language versions from any country.

I think its time for IMDb to acknowledge that these people who gave their voices are an important part of a movie release.

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