lamegabyte's profile

15 Messages


446 Points

Monday, November 15th, 2021 8:07 PM

Do the IMDB moderator is illiterate ?


I submit an image for a music video and more precisely i select the type POSTER

The poster is designed by the artist: the content is clear as crystal and looks like a still frame from the actual video so you see the band ...

At the bottom the title of the song is written in big letters...

But my contribution is rejected with the Reason: Unable to verify !!!!!



If not, paste my pic on google image search and you will find the exact music video i say it's is ...

In this context in which an image that portrays the artist and has the name of the song is rejected for being unclear,

PLEASE let me know the kind of images you approve?

Describe it clearly because there it's impossible to get something more precise than my submission....

in fact, i don't really wait for an answer but want to warn all the others contributors...

Your validation is totally arbitrary and you do what you want

In my world, it's called CENSORSHIP and that's the reason why i stop writing reviews here years ago...

my contribution: #211111-082803-112702

Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi lamegabyte -

The image has now been approved and should be live on the title page shortly.


15 Messages


446 Points


Thanks you - my case is closed and i'm sorry to have such a impolite defense

Please just understand that your contributors are always good minded without malice

and it's a huge discouragement to be welcomed with UNABLE TO VERIFY

that's indeed your job to verify and it's just impossible to skip your task

in my opinion you should retire this reason, all the more with all digital tools we had today that help you to verify...

have a nice day!


2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

3 years ago

”Poster” in IMDb usually means the official poster for the film, mainly by the studios/distributors or production companies. If that is the case (in your case), you probably should explain it to IMDb (there should be explanation field when you submit the image). ”Fan made” posters are (probably) not accepted.

If it’s some kind of other image (for example, Blu-ray/DVD cover or still from the video), you should probably choose one of the other options.
