trey_yancy's profile

12 Messages


400 Points

Monday, May 27th, 2019 5:16 AM


Detect and flag lazy links

Some yahoos are too lazy to create links and they just type the name and year of a movie. IMDB needs someone to write a string that can flag a year set in parentheses - a characteristic of this kind of item - and prompt the commenter to use a proper link.

Also, there needs to be a way to autogenerate an email to people who keep doing this, to ask that they follow the rules. Every three strikes and they get an email.

I am tired of constantly having to clean up the messes made by these lazy, irresponsible morons. On average, I'm fixing two or three of these a day. 

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

5 years ago

The new guidelines are, what, an year old now? Many are probably older links. Or am I missing something?



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Eboy most of the links converted normally. Most of broken links we see are examples by people who either haven't noticed the new links so far or just never did in the first place. I've got to admit, I had little to no adjustment to current nm and tt links, they are much more convenient then typing the name plus '' (qv). 

75 Messages


3.9K Points

5 years ago

Hi Trey,

I see what you mean; however, this is the life of an IMDb contributor: among many other things, he detects inconsistencies, and he corrects factual errors.

This way—with the honest and voluntary work by an army of dedicated members—one can keep this vast database updated.

In the meantime, bringing such cases to the community’s attention, and providing substantiated evidence (including the title’s link and/or the ticket reference number) is a step in the right direction.

People learn from their mistakes.

Nick (An IMDb contributor).

12 Messages


400 Points

There is no need to provide instances. They are everywhere. (What was the record number? I think I found eleven of them for one movie.) I don't mind fixing one or two, but when I find myself stopping the movie half a dozen times to search IMDb for specific titles just so I can clean up after someone - that's too much to expect.

If a kid can't clean up their own room, it's one thing, but when they leave their socks, soft drink cans and candy wrappers all over the living room, that's another. 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Hi, Trey Yancy. Yes, there is a need to provide instances. Stating that "they are everywhere" is a copout.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

5 years ago

I agree many text items are added without any linking.

I am curious to know what proportion of trivia is added from apps, where linking may seem harder.

795 Messages


23.6K Points

in my experience difficulty level has little to do with laziness. but if it makes trey feel any better, I try and add links for any that I find that are missing.
imdb if it could program a warning like there are so many different kinds when submitting things that would prompt the user could help, but i go back to people are generally lazy. those that will do the link, will do it, while others simply won't, and a warning if imdb could create an algorithm that senses there should be a link would at least work on the last third.
I should add that the other thing I see, and fixed a boatload last night, are of people putting goofs in trivia and that's one of my peeves.

795 Messages


23.6K Points

5 years ago

Out of curiosity, or rather because maybe there is an easier way, is the only way to get the link= part of a title or name to get it from the address of my browser? Seems like there should be an easier way. I'd even say that it'd be nice if imdb had a place to click on a given title or name that could be copied with the exact format needed to put into a trivia, goof, bio, etc (ie [link=nm00000])

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I usually paste the URL and then use a bookmarklet to replace the whole URL string with only the part of the URL that contains the tconst or nconst preceded by the "link" tag bounded by brackets. It would be nice if the "textarea" input fields of the submission interface worked similar to posting interface of this forum, where you could just highlight and finagle the parts that needed to be hyperlinked.