3 Messages


90 Points

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 11:00 AM


Denial of IMDB c credit despite evidence provision


In 2019 I was a cast member of the Game of Thrones Pilot that wasn't ultimately commissioned:


This production went by the code name Blood Moon at the time, for secrecy's sake. This is no longer an unknown fact - it is listed on the IMDB page as an "alternative title".

I recently submitted to get this added to my IMDB page. It was denied. I provided the front page of the official PACT agreement (UK contract). It was again denied. I then provided the Casting Advice note that went between the Production Company and my agency. Again it has been denied. 

The only issue I can see it that the title of the production is listed as "Blood Moon" not "Game of Thrones Unaired Pilot" - however, as I say this is a fact already known to IMDB.

How can I get them to recognise (or communicate with me on) this issue?





1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

4 months ago

Hi @ewbrght,

Thank you for your problem report.

Please can you provide us with the 18-digit submission reference for your most recent declined contribution? We can then look into this for you.


3 Messages


90 Points

Much appreciated:

IMDb update receipt #240530-075553-566000



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @ewbrght,

Thank you!

We have investigated this issue for you and have determined your credit addition attempts were declined due to processing errors. I have now re-submitted this credit on your behalf and approved it. This update shall appear live on your page across all IMDb platforms shortly.

I hope this helps!

3 Messages


90 Points

Hey Ozzy. 

I really appreciate that! It's been quite frustrating.

Thank you 🙂