breindel_wood's profile

67 Messages


1.3K Points

Thursday, February 10th, 2022 5:49 AM


Deleting Release date from parent page

Hi, the release date for my project is now August 8, 2022. Somehow it has originally been put in the parent page as Feb 3. Feb 2 I added August 8 to the first episode and it was accepted. At the same time I submitted to delete the Feb 3 date but just put in the reason as "it's wrong" and it got declined. Today I resubmitted to delete Feb 3, with the reason being Release dates for multi-episode series should be added to the episodes and not the parent series. Please make sure this is accepted! The contribution number is #220209-234733-928000 . Thank you in advance

Accepted Solution



1.5K Messages


16.5K Points

3 years ago

Hi breindel_wood-

The parent series release date of February 3, 2022 has been removed. The change should be live on the site shortly. 


67 Messages


1.3K Points

@Maya​ Awesome! Bless you, thank you!