DataOrganizer's profile

41 Messages


764 Points

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021 10:17 AM



Deleting Keyword-Suggestions of Keywords that are no longer used in IMDB Contribute (Editing Titles - Adding/Correcting Keywords)

I have noticed that in IMDB Contribute (Editing Title Informations - Adding/Correcting Keywords) there are sometimes many Keyword suggestions of keywords,

which have not been used for a long time. It means, that no titles can be found for these keywords.

This is unfavorable in that it is often difficult to decide on a suitable keyword because you do not know whether you are going to decide on one that is not used at all or one that may be used 100 or 1000 times - and this choice would make a lot more sense. 

I consider this to be an absolutely urgent change with the highest priority, which should be implemented quickly so that there are not always many similar new keywords that are hardly used at all, but the keywords that are already used several times and make sense for getting results in title and keyword searches.

I would like to ask to check this suggestion quickly for reasons of data consistency.

Thank you very much.

(Gold Badge IMDB Top Contributor)

(Edited: I have changed the category to "Problem" - because I think it is more likely to be recognized there)



14.2K Messages


328K Points

3 years ago

Perhaps the number of titles in which the keyword is currently used could be included in parentheses in the keyword suggestions (as it is in the regular keyword search).

Deleted keywords appearing in keyword suggestions has been reported at least once before, but I agree it's still an issue.

Dead keywords don't disappear from suggestions




3K Messages


72.5K Points

3 years ago

I keep a separate window open on the main IMDb page and search keywords when I'm in doubt of which one to use.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

So do I, but most users will not go to that trouble, and some are unaware they can even search for keywords. The suggestions in this post would go a long way to help avoid extraneous and duplicated keywords, and in particular would help avoid the resurrection of keywords that have been "retired."


41 Messages


764 Points


Thank you for your comment.

I think it may could help some contributors sometimes - but most users are fully unaware of these problems and will mostly choose keywords that are not or hardly used at all.

It is also an enormous amount of time to check keywords everytime, that I could only spend very rarely. For me it would not be a solution.



3K Messages


72.5K Points


I wish more contributors would actually read the boards. It would help with the quality of contributions. Keywords are not a priority for IMDb so don't expect a fix. I reported this problem 3 years ago and nothing has been done. Working around it is your only option other than not to contribute keywords. 



3K Messages


72.5K Points


I reported this problem over 3 years ago. At this point, I don't expect it to change. I do try and clean up when I see zombie keywords or inconsistent keyword usage but until it becomes a priority for IMDb.

41 Messages


764 Points

I see @adrian 

Maybe IMDb will pay attention to it the more and more often it is mentioned.

Thank you for your comment.



17.2K Messages


310.1K Points

3 years ago

Hi DataOrganizer and all -

Thanks for your reports and additional comments on this Keyword issue.  I have filed a ticket for the appropriate team to review and consider the requested changes within the Contribution form.

I have also followed-up on the older ticket/known bug for The Keyword issue referenced on Adrian's initial report, to request a status.

Once I have any updates I will relay the information here.

Thanks again!

41 Messages


764 Points


That would be a really good improvement and making clean-up work much easier in future.

Regardless of this, contributors can still invent as many new keywords as they want if they like and need them. Adding Keywords would be more precise for most contributors, too - and they can choose between many relevant keywords, without being distracted by the unused ones.

Thank you very much for filing a ticket!



17.2K Messages


310.1K Points

3 years ago

Hi All -

I wanted to post a quick update that the Keyword Search issue of dead/empty keywords displaying as suggestions within the Keyword Search has now been resolved.

Regarding the additional issue of removing dead/empty keywords from the Contribution form is still in-progress and is on the upcoming roadmap for a fix.  As soon as I have an update on the completion I will confirm so here.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Michelle​ Do you have any updates regarding the idea of displaying the number of titles for each preexisting keyword in the "do you mean?" suggestions when trying to create a new keyword? This would be a very welcome improvement to the system for adding keywords because it would help steer contributors to the more popular preexisting keywords.