6 Messages


140 Points

Saturday, August 27th, 2022 8:48 AM


Deleted reviews

In the past two days ten of my reviews were suddenly deleted. How and why did that happen? I’m assuming someone working for IMDb didn’t like my opinions… What is the point of allowing people to post reviews only to censor them? I’m assuming it’s to get people to watch crappy movies and shows. 

This post was created from this comment on different post



2.3K Messages


23.4K Points

2 years ago

Hello Supergeek1,

Can you help us posting the 18-digits submission reference numbers for the reviews? in order to help you taking a look! 

You can find it on your Contribution history page.

6 Messages


140 Points


I'm sorry but I can't find those numbers. When I go to the contributions history page it asks me for the 18 digit numbers. I don't know them or have them saved as they were  from 10 reviews that I posted over the past year. Suddenly someone deleted all of them. I watch everything and spend time writing honest reviews from my perspective. It really is wrong that suddenly 10 of my reviews can just disappear with no explanation. I've never threatened anyone or used any explitives in my reviews. Apparently someone didn't like my honest opinion. A sign of the times I guess... Anyway, thank you for taking your time to write back to me. 

6 Messages


140 Points


8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

@Supergeek1​ 😀

? ?

Your Update History: 
https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/history 18-digit ID

Your Contribution History: 




2.3K Messages


23.4K Points

Hello Supergeek1,

From what we can see on the screenshot, you have no previous contributions using this account or username. Have you used a different email before on IMDb? for the account the reviews were posted from. In this case, we need the submission reference numbers to be able to check on this for you.