7 Messages


160 Points

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 7:31 AM


Declined merge

No idea again why the merge of Melanie Locher and Melanie McClaire was declined: 241121-144201-309000

There is a solid explanation there, and even pictures from the period where each name was used and it's the same woman.



17.6K Messages


314.7K Points

2 months ago

Hi @Cantillon -

Upon reviewing your submission I can confirm that one of the supporting evidence links was displaying an error, so we were unable to verify that the two individuals are the same person.

Can you check the links and then re-submit, our staff can then take another look.

7 Messages


160 Points

Hi @Michelle 

I just had another look as well and both links seem to work for me?

Is it the archived link or the live one that does not work for you?



1.9K Messages


20.3K Points

@Cantillon​ Hi- 

The archive link works, however, the rest of the links that were provided are the ones that display an error. 

If you could provide other supporting links and re-submit, we'll take another look for you.


7 Messages


160 Points

Hmm, it has been approved now, but the name that was supposed to be the primary one, Melanie Quest Locher, seems completely gone.




5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@Cantillon​ Hi! You can submit any remaining correction through our online form, we usually keep the page with the most credits.
