2 Messages


80 Points

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 1:02 PM


declined contribution

Hello, I have a problem uploading reviews to a site (threads). At first he accepted them, but now he started refusing them and I can't figure out why. Can you guide me as to why they are not uploading? I am attaching what it says to me:

Reason Unable to verify.

Your contribution has been declined. We have been unable to verify your contribution.

Unfortunately, we were unable to accept your submission as we were unable to verify the information provided.

If your submission was placed via the IMDb.com Desktop title or name page submission form, you now have an option to provide evidence with your additions, as well as corrections or deletions. Please go to your Contribution History, re-load the submission reference and tick the box “provide an explanation to assist in processing this submission” and “check these updates”. The field will become available in the submission form. Please include evidence, or provide a URL which contains supporting evidence within this field.

For all other submissions, please see our Help Site for further information or details on how to contact us.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

3 months ago

Hi @infierno -

Can we have your 18-digit submission reference?


2 Messages


80 Points

@Bethanny​ Hello 

i give you few for example  240624-210802-764000, 240624-210540-851000 or 240614-200304-258000. 



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@infierno​ Hi!

I can see 2 issues with the submissions above. The links don't open, please confirm you are providing them correctly. Also, formatting for the description should be:

WebsiteName [ReviewerName] (Language if not English)

After correcting this 2 errors you should have no further issues.
