jerry_vasilatos's profile

105 Messages


2.3K Points

Sunday, March 31st, 2019 7:04 AM


Credits for Restored Editions of Films

It's 2019. There are hundred of newly restored editions of older films being re-released, including the work of craftspeople and artisans helping clean films up for high definition 2K and 4K presentation. That IMDB refuses, literally kicking and screaming "the attribute 'restoration/restored' is ineligible" is a mindset that must be retired. 

There's is NO reason IMDB programmers cannot add fields to include the contributions of post production personnel including colorists, music departments, and sound engineers that have contributed their professional talents in restoring a film for their rightfully earned credits to be displayed.

Even if it's a "RESTORED EDITION" field, it's easy, and it's doable. That IMDB refuses to explore this after so many topics fielded here on the subject shows a very sad contempt for the work of so many professionals in this evolving area of film preservation and restoration.

I see so many incorrect credits and listing for other movies here on IMDB, that editors refuse to explore properly applying LEGITIMATE credits is a disservice to so many professionals.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

5 years ago

Dubbing actor/voices could as easily be added to the database as well.
Plot summaries, reviews, trivias, etc. could be entered in any (major) language, and translated by an AI
And these propositions would have a much bigger impact on the worldwide use of IMDb...

But anyway, I fully support the registration for restoration stakeholders.

105 Messages


2.3K Points

5 years ago

We need to keep hammering IMDB on this until we "Get Satisfaction".

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

Unfortunately, there scores of ideas, each with tens of votes which look unattended yet...

105 Messages


2.3K Points

5 years ago

Time to bump this subject again since IMDB is ignoring the importance of this topic.

105 Messages


2.3K Points

5 years ago

Let's examine how this works.

IMDB won't add new contributions to a restored film, but when a 2018 Edition, newly COPYRIGHTED with a 2018 release date to accommodate new material, is making the rounds of the festival circuit, winning awards as a new version of the film with newly added material and new score and new producers that helped pay for the new edition and new craftspeople and artisans who contributed their talents:

IMDB won't add the new edition that is the only version that now exists of the film.

So NO, IMDB is NOT fulfilling their claims that they are the repository of all credits of a film because they won't add people to original listings NOR recognize a newly copyrighted and released work even with Library of Congress attribution as a newly copyrighted work.

Screen grabs showing the full crew and 2018 copyright.

And this is what we get after submitting it as a newly screened edition with new copyright:

Just what does a blanket "Badly Formatted" mean after all the work submitting and updating and including every member of the cast and crew (including new contributors to this newly copyrighted edition?) 

Nothing was "badly formatted" when we're following an IMDB submission template that green lights everything once entered before submitted.