jr_7431670's profile

6 Messages


202 Points

Monday, April 23rd, 2018 6:41 AM


Crediting in "Miscellaneous Crew" & "Known For" Sections


Issues, both regarding the "Miscellaneous Crew" and "Known For" sections need to 
be addressed. 

While I appreciate the many improvements made to this site, over the years and 
recently, there remains a glaring issue that needs to be addressed. 

Currently the "Known For" and "Miscellaneous Crew" sections list ADR (voiceover) 
in those categories. This has been the case since I can remember and it's long 
past time to finally correct it. 

To be clear, on any union/studio/independent/network film/tv project, ADR or 
voiceover work is performed by UNION ACTORS UNDER A SAG-AFTRA CONTRACT, THE SAME 
CONTRACT AS THE ACTORS ON-SCREEN. They are "crew" in only the most general sense. 

In order to address this, I propose the following solutions: 

1) "Miscellaneous Crew" 

Instead of placing ADR/voiceover work under "Miscellaneous Crew," simply place 
it under the Actors section under "Voiceover" or "Voice only." Since the phrase 
"ADR" is never explained to the casual readers of the site, it is a category 
which sheds no light on the actual work performed and is confusing to the 
non-industry users of the site. 

2) "Known For" 

This section is currently inconsistent. If a credit is listed under the "Actor" 
section, the character's "name" is listed under the credit. However, if the 
credit is listed under the "Miscellaneous Crew" section, no further information 
is given. That is both inconsistent and illogical. If someone was a makeup 
artist or grip, it should clearly say that, not the generic "Miscellaneous 
Crew." If it can say it under the "Miscellaneous Crew" section - which it does - 
it can list it in the "Known For" section. 

Just as an ACTOR doing ADR/Voicework shouldn't be listed under "Miscellaneous 
Crew" either, but should be listed as either: "ADR voice," "ADR/Voiceover" 
"Voice only" or "Voiceover. work. 

These are two very necessary and very easy fixes, which would significantly 
improve your site's function and utility for both industry professionals and 
casual users as well. 

Please take whatever steps are necessary to implement them. 

Many thanks! 

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

6 years ago

With ”ADR”, do you mean (from Wiki):

”...also known as "additional dialogue replacement", ”automated dialogue recording", and "looping", in which the original actors re-record and synchronize audio segments.” ?

I mean normal dubbing and voice over work (like animations, narration, CGI characters, voice on the speakers or on the phone, etc) are listed to ”Acting” section with the ”(voice)” attribute.

6 Messages


202 Points

Yes, "ADR" means "automated dialogue replacement." That work is listed under "Miscellaneous Crew" on IMDB - not under the "Acting" section. There are different kinds of ADR: like replacing a specific character on screen, voice matching a character, or even general background conversations. But they should all be under the "Acting" section as the work is performed by union actors on a union contract (provided it's a studio/network/independent project. But currently they're not. So yes, you have hit the nail on the head with exactly the point I'm trying to make about why that needs to be fixed. So thanks!



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Adding to what JR says "Additional Voices" is sometimes listed in primary cast credits, but depending on the placing most ADR artists are placed in Misellaneous Crew. It is indeed a big problem. 

6 Messages


202 Points

Nikolay, when I've seen "Additional Voices" listed in cast credits, it's usually an older listing. Now, those credits are directed to "Miscellaneous Crew." So you're absolutely correct, it really is a big problem. Thanks for your comment and support.