48 Messages
710 Points
Credit needs to be moved from cast to producer on over 150 episodes
Hello, Production has requested to move a credit from Cast to Producer for a cast member who appears in over 150 episodes. Is there a way to bulk remove this credit from the Cast section and reassign it to Producer? Thank you!
7.6K Messages
277.7K Points
6 months ago
presskits: I don't understand the situation. You say this person is a "cast member who appears in over 150 episodes". If they appear in over 150 episodes (or any episodes, for that matter), they should be kept in the Cast section. If the person was also a producer, they should be added to the Producer section but not removed from the Cast. That said, it may be possible to get the person's Producer credit added to the appropriate episodes in an efficient way (that is, without having to make 150 separate submissions). To enable the contributors here to explain it, can you please tell us ... What series is it? (Please provide the link to the series' IMDb page.) Who is the person? What producer job did the person have on this series? (Examples: producer, executive producer, co-producer, associate producer, etc.) Did the person have the same producer job on every episode where they were a producer? Was the person credited on screen as a producer? For which episodes was the person a producer? (If it is a range, you can indicate that, for example, by saying "Episodes 2.1 through 7.5", or whatever the appropriate range was.)